Shocking Shopping Secrets!
What Large Retailers
Don't Want You to Know
That's Very Different than LAST YEAR!
PLUS Quality Gifts that are Still Availible
With Savings Up to 80% OFF and Special FREE Gift Offers
Horrific historic economic times (two full years of economic recession) may have just caught up with retailers -- and nextshocking unsuspecting holiday shoppers.
As you and all Americans prepare to give thanks this week in honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday, you may be like many others preparing game-plans for which shops to hit on Black Friday.
Black Friday is historically the busiest shopping day of the season, and with the economy far from perfect it is expected that most retailers will have geared up to offer some unheard of deals.
How is a Sold-Out retail
market crash possible?
We are seeing in "Sold Out" notices already which appear to be the symptoms... what is the cause?
What can you do about it before effected... that result in simply empty gift boxes of good intentions?
However, the SHOCK might be the LACK of STOCK!
There already seems to be a significant LACK of STOCK from what our qualitative research in stores has preliminarily identified.
Both a lack of Top Quality and Low-end Stocking Stuffers
Examples being: coloring books which our team members have bought in past years for only a few dollars at Walmart, have been replaced it seems with twice to three times the cost coloring books and no super low end version coloring book stuffers that made it possible to buy larger quantities for the children of out of work families... (which there are many more this year than last year in need.
We were shocked to find that Toys-R-Us had as good or better prices although still not as low as Walmart did last year based on our experience.
Have you heard of ZhuZhu Pets. Artificial rodents toy hamsters that are harder to get than the Swine Flu Vaccine? The few that come in to stores sell out in hours.
If you have a child who you know will want one we recommend searching now online. Amazon may still have them.
Will the fake hamster at full retail price or sold by some stores at a premium save Christmas? In fact some people are already paying premium prices to get the ZhuZhu which was listed to sell at $10 is selling for $50.00 or more. Buy the time you add all that goes with one plus other ZhuZhu rodent mates and companions you can be paying upwards of several hundred dollars... if you can find where they are available!
Higher-end Gift items have been Highly Discounted for months... and Now Many Good Quality Gifts are Sold-Out:
Many of the top quality are not available for the next several months even per the statements from honest manufacturers... already Sold-Out!
For example some health and wellness products are totally sold-out with manufacturers saying it will be Feb., March or April before they get replenished stock due to the long lead times. This they say is due to the unexpected last minute demand from retailers who typically have to order several months in advance!
Is there coming a Holiday collapse in the supply chain? Is it possible that even before Black Friday many of the best gifts had been sold out? Many are now predicting massive inflation. Might this be the tip of the iceberg as for manufacturers and retailers cutting back simply due to their uncertainty even though demand is still there?
Or is this related to the slogan President Bill Clinton used to get elected to his first term when he said during the campaign: "It's the Economy Stupid"
Example: Wellness Water Filters are already Sold-Out (being what we have recommended and identified to be the Top Kitchen and Shower Water Filters).
Click below to see these two examples:
This Year, You'd Better Buy Your Gifts Early!
Those who think twice, could be the victims of those naughty, not nice resellers who are already buying up the high quality or low cost high demand products to offer them at premium higher prices (so you will have to pay two to three times the costs on ebay, etc. ... "getting scrooged" as history repeats itself)
There are dramatic 2009 economic factors that are either to your advantage (if you shop now and take advantage early this year) OR to your disadvantage. Those who wait will become what are called "Last Minute Laggards" (anyone who waits past Thanksgiving week to buy their holiday gifts this year could be challenged to find a quality valued gift)!
We all know about the past two years continuing HISTORIC economic crash! While retail sales are reportedly above last year's November sales, the fact remains that most retailers are promoting major discounted sales earlier than ever before.
WHY are such major discounts being offered so early by nearly every retailer that can help you shop wiser?
FACT: BANKS have NOT loaned the needed funds many manufacturers and retailers sought and needed to support their prior needs and even reduced volume projections.
FACT: MANUFACTURERS and RETAILERS have NOT maintained the same STOCK LEVELS as in past years.
FACT: The US Government TAXES Manufacturers and Retailers on all inventories that are not sold by the year-end at the same level as CASH PROFITS.
FACT: MOTIVATION of all Manufacturers and Retailers are motivated to sell out of most if not all inventory by year end to NOT be taxed on remaining inventory (at same level as PROFITS)!
FACT: FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT is driving both local store retailers and Internet sellers to DROP PRICES and SELL-OUT of all they can well in advance of the holidays (in fear of getting stuck with inventory they can't afford to be taxed on without the means of getting loans from banks to carry them through the coming year 2010)!
FACT: WHAT WILL BE SOLD OUT and LOST OPPORTUNITIES (for those who wait or don't believe they can afford to take advantage of offers early)?
The HIGHEST DEMAND and BEST Products are GETTING SOLD Out Early!
This is likely "not" a surprise to you given the FACTS stated above.
Based on what we have shown you above as to some of the TOP Quality Products already Sold Out... we will share insights on what you can do to get the top quality gifts for your loved ones who you know need and will appreciate them!
You may recall years ago how hard it was for parents to find dolls like Elmo or Xavier Roberts signed Cabbage Patch Kid Dolls, video games in recent years, etc. All were sold out due to GREATER DEMAND THAN AVAILABLE STOCK SUPPLY.
The same is obviously "now" reoccurring only at mega massive levels for top sought after HEALTH RELATED and VALUED PRODUCTS of which many are needed and many people are seeking and want as gifts!
"What will soon be left", if NOT bought early? "Crap" (excuse our French)!
For the last-minute buyers ... we believe it will be better to buy high-quality 100% refundable gift certificates ... for the best products ... with known value and appreciation for our loved ones ... rather than simply buying a substandard gift for the sake of traditional gift giving!
We have seen so much demand for high quality health and wellness products like the Wellness Filters that we requested that they offer fully refundable special offer Gift-Certificates with special reduced prices PLUS one or more FREE GIFTS (some of which they still have in stock and can be shipped immediately).
As of the date of this writing Wellness Filter has not responded (other than to take our recommendation into consideration and promised to get back to us soon).
However to find out now if they have just listed such offers click this link (as they might have recently made such offers).
In many cases we believe buying high quality product gift certificates is better than settling for inferior products: See product comparison chart... which is an indicator of why they are Sold OUT already to the early buyers.
How to TAKE Advantage of MAJOR DISCOUNTS NOW (before they do run out)!
What we have DONE FOR YOU (if you are seeking high-quality gifts) ...
We have convinced the very best manufacturers of health and well-being VALUED GIFT products to offer you special discounts despite the fact that most are nearly sold out!
We have made arrangements with a few select manufacturers (who have already sold out of the TOP PRODUCTS to offer you special back-order gift certificates that you can buy NOW and get to the front of the line for immediate delivery once their products are back in stock.
The fact is that as the prices continued to drop ... the falling supply and stock is being quickly depleted especially for all the highest quality products.
The Coming 2009 "Sold-OUT Scenarios" We Fear You and Many Others Will Face Shortly (Visualized):
We See this as Our Turn and Time To Give Thanks to YOU!
By your continued readership and loyalty to you are the nucleous center and one of our valued family members.
Despite these troubled times everyone speaks of we see this Holiday Season as glass half full (not half empty) at the very least and we want to help you take advantage before these unique times and circumstances have passed and sold-out.
Now is the time for you to take advantage of some of the best deals of all... you can get great deals BEFORE the rush buys out, by avoiding long lines and crowded parking lots and you can even do it in your pajamas ... because it's all done from the comfort of your own home.
Before we share our insights on some phenomenal deals, we want to share our appreciation and give thanks to you for your loved one's continued loyalty.
We Want to Show You Our Appreciation!
We truly appreciate your continued loyalty to the SixWise Newsletter and we most appreciate your generous sharing of SixWise articles with your cherished friends and loved ones throughout this year.
Incredibly, thanks to YOU we have more than doubled our subscribers and readership in the past 30 days with over 380,000 newsletters opened and read this October (up from 120,000 in October 2008).
We hope you will please continue passing along our articles recommending to your friends and loved ones to sign up for FREE SixWise Newsletters. You can even sign them up yourself and then just let them know to watch for SixWise weekly newsletters – full of loving insights for their better health and living. FYI: that's perfectly acceptable and almost everyone appreciates it when they see a personal email plus the value that we hope you have continued to enjoy!
We Love Serving You!
Your Epiphanies and Empowerment is what makes all our efforts worthwhile. Passing SixWise articles along only increases the benefits for many more people who will gain equally empowering epiphanies.
So we wanted to show you our appreciation and Give You Thanks this Thanksgiving Week and Weekend! Pre-Black Friday and Pre-Cyber Monday!
These past weeks we have placed incredible effort on not only finding the BEST PRODUCTS but also on negotiating INCREDIBLE SAVINGS for YOU!
We put the same effort forward in getting major savings for you as we do weekly to research and develop articles.
We want you to have what you need -- and what you want to give your loved ones -- at reasonable, even bargain basement, prices.
We have negotiated directly with manufacturers (on your behalf) to get highly valued, high quality of life and health products for you and your loved ones at prices that are hard to beat.
As you prepare for buying holiday gifts, we wanted to pass along the incredible deals and savings to you.
Up To 80% Savings On Gifts and Special FREE Gift Offers
(until Limited Quantities run out)
of All ORDERS OVER $50
These amazing products are at the lowest prices of the year with special FREE GIFTS ... but these SAVINGS WILL NOT LAST as quantities will run out!
Due to limited quantities available it is very possible many offers will sell out before the end of the day on Tuesday December 1, if NOT SOONER!
If your order goes through we will guarantee your order will be delivered for the price listed.
As items sell out the offers will be discontinued.
The Best Healthy Gifts That Will Make for a Merry and Happy Holiday!
Remember, a gift's value is in the eye of the beholder, so to get an idea of what gifts will make your friends and loved ones happiest first do like Santa and make a list.
Tip: Make a List that "defines" the benefit for whom you are buying.
List any "Noticeable Needs" (this can be good basis for starting your list). Then, determine what will have ongoing benefits throughout year and meet each loved ones' needs.
LIST what you've heard each person say they want and/or need.
What have they said they "have the least of"?
What do they need or "want more of"?
What are their "biggest challenge(s)" that your gift could help solve?
No time to make a list? We've taken the work out for you and created some profiles for you to compare your loved ones to, followed by our TOP deals on TOP products your family and friends will adore.
"They want to Eat Healthier" -- but need info on what's healthy & quick?
$8.95 ($14.95) Book: Good Raw Food Recipes in "Alive in 5" Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes (Over 45% Savings) (free shipping w/ $50 order)
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
$34.99 ($49.95) MiniMate for keeping Veggies Fresh MUCH Longer (Over 30% savings plus free shipping w/ $50 order)
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
$7.95 ($12.95) Wash Dem Veggies Veggie Wash (40% savings plus free shipping w/ $50 order)
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They have said they are concerned about catching the flu” and they have work with a lot of people daily!
70% Savings -- Only $18.50 (was $71.00) for 10 Pack of Antimicrobial Hand Wipes as sold to and used primarily in in Hospitals
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They often have nasal congestion or stuffy sinuses"
As Dr Oz recommends Ancient Secrets Neti Pot and Special Nasal Salt Package (return if not 100% satisfied)!
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
Major Savings on High-End Commercial Waterhog Grand Premier Doormats -- Stops mold and mildew that can cause nasal congestion and allergy/asthma problems.
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
“They want to exercise to get healthier” but “no time” and “without” the major $$ (thousands) for the Health Club Fees

$59 Incredible Packaged Program will get and keep them engaged! Up to 35% Savings offers an amazing progressive program perfect for any age with self-adjusting level sets used to train people from their 20s to seniors, guys to gals, professional athletes to finicky movie stars who have loved the program.
It is like no other we have ever seen as each nearly one hour workout is a new blend of the-best-of-the-best from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Gyro-Kinesis, Dance and MORE -- guiding you through unique sequences of movements that strengthen, sculpt, build core and increase flexibility!
This is as close as you can imagine to having a personal trainer in your home with the three-pack DVD series plus incredible two CDs of original music).
100% satisfaction guaranteed -- get your money back if you're not satisfied -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They would Love a Spa Treatment but Will Never go "for whatever reason(s)"
Home Spa of all natural non-toxic Soaps, Hair-Body Wash, Aromatherapy Personal Spray Misters
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They have complained about digestive problems"
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They have expressed concern about being vaccinated and/or want to detox from pollution and Heavy Metals"
$118.35 Gets you the ULTIMATE NATURAL HEAVY METALS DETOX PACKAGE for those in the know and those seeking to know....
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They love the newest, coolest, plus healthiest new wave stuff that’s been proven"
$20 Wellness Wand
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They drink bottled water, which costs a fortune and has unhealthy BPA toxins"
$29. Portable Filter Wellness H2.0 Water Bottle 40% Savings Was $49.95 Now ONLY $29.95
Eliminating BPA Toxins from your water while on the go. One Portable Filter replaces over 1,100 plastic bottles of water. Up to or more than $1,000 savings plus quality water filtered from tap water.
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift and / or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
"They’re worried (or should be worried) about toxins and chlorine in their drinking water and shower"
Price? The #1 Rated Wellness Kitchen Water Filter for Pure Water Right from Your Own Tap AND the Wellness Shower Filter!
Currently “SOLD OUT” -- but upon our request, the manufacturer is developing an unbeatable one-time Gift Certificate offer! Click here to see if they have set up their offer in their store for SixWise subscribers:
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
Looking for a Package Deal?
Right now you can take advantage of these incredible packages of combined products!
PerfectCLEAN HomePure Pack: Was $167.41 Now Only $111.00 (2) All Purpose Terry Cloths, (2) Super Silk Cloths, (2) Scrub & Clean Reversible Gloves; (1) Flexible Duster with (2) Duster Covers; (1) EasyGrip 16" wide Flat Mop System w/Ergonomic Handle & (2) Flat Mop Heads; how to use in the home
PerfectCLEAN Home & Office 20 PurePack Antimicrobial Wipers: 80% SAVINGS… Was $143.80… Now ONLY $33.95 Antimicrobial (20 PerfectCLEAN Wipers): 10 Terry Cloths and 10 Super Silks
Pionair Clean Air at Home and Office (with FREE MiniMate refrigerator veggie fresh unit… your added gift) Over 40% Savings Was $389.95 Now ONLY $299.95
Your FREE Minimate ADDED GIFT with purchase: MiniMate keeps vagies and produce in frig longer as it even helps neutralize pesticides and chemicals on your produce, leaving no residue except clean, fresh oxygen.
Featured by the Food Network’s Paula Deen as a "Hot Pick" and was given the National Health and Wellness Seal of Approval, the MiniMate will revolutionize the way you store your produce.
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift: Complete Workout DVD/CD Set -- Increased Savings by its sales just reduced 35% to 45% OFF
Gift Package of the top rated combination of the-best-of-the-best from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Gyro-Kinesis, Dance and MORE -- guiding you through unique sequences of movements that strengthen, sculpt, build core and increase flexibility!
Order 1 @ $59.00 (vs $95.95 = Over 35% Savings) + S&H
Order 2 @ $55.00 (vs $95.95 = Over 40% Savings) + S&H
Order 3 @ $52.00 (vs $95.95 = Over 45% Savings) + S&H
100% satisfaction guaranteed -- get your money back if you’re not satisfied -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
READ these articles and then print out one or more and wrap them up along with your gift or e-mail them the article(s) the week after they open the gift:
More Tips to Help You Buy At or Below Your Budget: SLASH YOUR COSTS While INCREASING Fun / Relaxation!
#1. Make a LIST and Stick to It!
Those who don't make lists spend 50% more and are more stressed!
#2. Don't Impulse Buy at Mass Merchandisers
Do more research online before you buy, and do your shopping online too! Buying online keeps you organized and reduces impulse purchases (not to mention keeps you out of the crowded parking lots and department stores).
#3: Bring only the amount you have budgeted to spend when shopping. Don’t carry credit cards or spare change … limit cash to truly only what you have listed and budgeted to spend.
When all is said and done, consumers go over their holiday spending budgets by an average of 15 percent to 30 percent, according to the International Mass Retail Association. If you don't bring extra cash (or credit cards) with you, you can't overspend.
#4: Waste NOT Want Not: Go to fewer stores including going to the grocery store less often
The average person goes to the grocery store three times a week and throws away over 20 percent of foods. The less shopping you do, the less unplanned purchases you will make -- and the less waste you'll create.
#5: Do "More" at Home: Research at Home, Entertain Family and Loved Ones at Home More Often
At-home versions of movie night, family meals, game night and more cost significantly less than their "out on the town" versions. Make plans to stay home more often, and get your family involved in planning affordable activities you'll all enjoy.
NOW is the Time to Take Unfair Advantage of Today's Hottest, Healthiest, Holiday Deals ...
Even PRE-Black Friday...
PRE-CYBER Monday...
...Before Sold-Out!
Take the Best Hottest Prices and Even Hotter than Last Year's Black Friday ... For The Full Week of Thanksgiving... before sold-out!
Even before, or while, the turkey is in the oven.
With the incredible permeating smells throughout your home ... imagine how relaxed you will be if you have already bought all your loved ones appreciative gifts reflecting what they have brought to your life ...
Taking a few minutes now can make your holiday celebrations much more joyful, focused, and relaxed -- a real time for reflection without this added stress.
Recommended Reading
What are You Thankful for This Thanksgiving?
Have You Heard "The Thanksgiving Song"?
Your Play-by-Play on the Nutritional Values (or Lack Thereof) of Every Item on a Typical Thanksgiving Table
Sources Wall Street Journal Black Friday Becomes Black November
Dimensions and Perspectives of Gratitude, Robert A. Emmons, University of California, Davis and Michael E. McCullough, University of Miami Wall Street Journal Smarter Shoppers vs. Smarter Sellers