An “Essential” Health Tip
“If” You Plan to Get the Swine Flu Vaccine
… Or “If” it Becomes Mandatory!
What to Do: NOW! In Advance, and After Being Vaccinated!
Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine are now available in the United States. 250,000,000 doses by December 2009. As we have reviewed in past articles the vaccine has been on a fast track to be made available to the public so soon, which means “skipping all but the most preliminary clinical tests of vaccine safety and effectiveness,” according to WebMD.

If you have to take a swine flu vaccine, or choose to, you should take steps to minimize any harmful effects, including those from the heavy metals aluminum and mercury that the swine flu vaccine may contain.
In other words, the vaccine has had very little safety testing, and no one will know for certain whether it works, when it’s given to the public.
So there have been many concerns expressed over the potential safety of the H1N1 vaccine, including the fact that it will contain the mercury preservative thimerosal that has been associated with brain and immune system dysfunction, including autism.
Further, even though the World Health Organization has raised the swine flu alert to a phase 6 pandemic level, it continues to state that the overall severity of the pandemic is moderate. As reported on their site, the moderate assessment reflects that:
Most people recover from infection without the need for hospitalization or medical care.
Overall, national levels of severe illness from influenza A(H1N1) appear similar to levels seen during local seasonal influenza periods, although high levels of disease have occurred in some local areas and institutions.
Overall, hospitals and health care systems in most countries have been able to cope with the numbers of people seeking care, although some facilities and systems have been stressed in some localities.
For now the swine flu vaccination is still voluntary, however there is talk that it could become mandatory for the general public. Already, the shot has become a requirement for all health care workers in New York State!
You Could be Forced to Get a Swine Flu Vaccine
Since swine flu has been dubbed a “public health emergency” you and your family are subject to federal and state public health laws that contain, according to NVIC, “provisions for isolation, quarantine and vaccination of citizens, [which] may or may not be enforced by government officials during a declared public health emergency involving outbreaks of communicable infectious diseases.”
So depending on whether these laws are enforced or not, you could be quarantined or isolated against your will for choosing NOT to get the swine flu vaccine.
Vaccine makers, meanwhile, will not be held liable for any deaths or illnesses that their experimental swine flu vaccine causes, because Congress took away liability for experimental drugs and vaccines that are released for public use under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
This becomes even more concerning when you look to history as an example.
In 1976, you may remember, there was a major push to get Americans vaccinated against a swine flu outbreak, and many did get vaccinated -- despite the fact that the swine flu epidemic never materialized.

Cleanse Your Body of Heavy Metals Using "Heavy Metals Detox" ("HMD")

Detox Using HMD “In Advance” and “After” Having the Swine Flu Vaccine!
If you have to take a swine flu vaccine, or you choose to, you should take steps to minimize any harmful effects, including those from the heavy metals aluminum and mercury that the swine flu vaccine may contain.
Many research studies in the U.S. and Europe have linked heavy metal toxicity with a wide range of illnesses including cancers, neurological degeneration, autism, attention deficit disorders, Alzheimer's disease, joint problems and even obesity. And because heavy metal toxicity is cumulative, meaning it builds up in your body over time, you could already have a dangerous level in your system.
The heavy metals from the swine flu vaccine will enter your body along with any others you’ve already accumulated from silver dental fillings, contaminated seafood and other foods, cosmetics, pollution, contaminated water and other sources, creating a potentially dangerous scenario.
This is why, if you take the swine flu vaccine for any reason, you should take steps to detoxify your body.
HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox)
is a natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body, without any side effects.
What are the ingredients of Heavy Metal Detox (HMD™)?
HMD™ is a unique, synergistic compound comprising of:
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), a steam distillation extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Homaccord of Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
Why use HMD™ instead of other toxic metal chelators (for heavy metal detoxing)?
There are a number of reasons why HMD™ stands out against the competition:
It’s the only natural metal detoxifier that has undergone scientific research over a 3-year period with 350 people using urine and feces samples, measured by ICP-MS spectrometers.
It truly works in detoxifying and eliminating nasty heavy metals such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and uranium from your body.
It is NATURAL and non-chemical with no toxic side effects.
It can be used by all age groups from infants to centenarians.
It can be used preventatively by mothers-to-be, young children, adults and even pets.
It has many other health benefits apart from eliminating metals.
Learn More and Order HMD™ Now!
In combination with HMD there are additional considerations and benefits of “also” taking AbsorbAid® Platinum and AbsorbAid® Probiotic in the detox regime. Here’s why:
Quick history on AbsorbAid 100% Plant-based enzymes that are the only enzymes that have been clinically tested and scientifically proven to improve absorption of vital nutrients by up to 71%.
That means that two prestigious laboratories, Roche and Mayo Clinic have recognized the value of AbsorbAid® products as an important element to support one’s health.
AbsorbAid® Platinum has the ability of aiding the digestion of all food groups and thus breaking them down into micronutrient forms.
When taking products such as HMD, AbsorbAid products take the stress off of your body’s system by making the important chelation elements more readily available to the body for detox of heavy metals.
AbsorbAid® Probiotic more sophisticated concentrated blend that specifically works to enhance detox activities of the body, including such organs and systems as liver and colon.
Taking Precautions to Minimize the Potential of History Repeating Itself at YOUR EXPENSE!
In 1976 Swine Flu Government Vaccinations were STOPPED after several hundred people who got the swine flu vaccinedeveloped Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), resulting in many people permanently paralyzed plus more deaths than related to the Swine Flu! Reportedly over 40,000 people filed lawsuits against the US Government with two thirds due to being paralyzed plus more deaths… not from the swine flu, but from the vaccine.
Be Aware and Compare (“Special Reports”):
“60 Minutes Report on 1976 GBS” paralyzed victims of Swine Flu Vaccine
The Swine Flu Deception: Secret Evidence of Vaccine Dangers Exposed
Current & Historic Facts You Need to Know PLUS Simple Options to Seriously Consider
Such incidents from the past plus as some States begin making the vaccinations of school children mandatory, Healthcare workers and Military personnel vaccinations mandatory, raises major questions and concerns about today’s similar vaccine program!
What can you do ?
Preparation Meets Opportunity
How to stay healthy by Detoxing your prior vaccination heavy metals build up.
Are You Planning to Get a Swine Flu Shot? Make Sure You Take This Simple Step “In Advance” plus Right-Afterward to Protect Your Health!
EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING ON GETTING VACCINATED… The fact is you may have to take the swine flu vaccine even if you choose not to, so it may be wise to be prepared…. If you have to take a swine flu vaccine, or choose to, you should take steps in advance to minimize any harmful effects, including those from the heavy metals aluminum and mercury that the swine flu vaccine may contain.
Many research studies in the U.S. and Europe have linked heavy metal toxicity with a wide range of illnesses including cancers, neurological degeneration, autism, attention deficit disorders, Alzheimer's disease, joint problems and even obesity. And because heavy metal toxicity is very prevalent, most of us already have an accumulation of high levels which are cumulative, meaning it builds up in your body over time, you could already have a dangerous level in your system.
This means one more vaccine shot “could” be the tipping point for one of many resulting illnesses.
The heavy metals from the swine flu vaccine will enter your body along with any others you’ve already accumulated from silver dental fillings, contaminated seafood and other foods, cosmetics, pollution, contaminated water and other sources, creating a potentially dangerous scenario.
So we highly recommend that if you take the swine flu vaccine (or any vaccine, for that matter) that you use HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox), a natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body, without any side effects.
HMD™ is actually the ONLY chelator that has undergone a $1 million, three-year double-blind placebo-controlled research trial with several hundred people! During these three years over 25 different natural products and combinations were tried but the synergistic components of HMD were the only ones that worked for all metals tested. It presently has a worldwide patent-pending.
Using HMD is a simple way to help your body detoxify some of the harmful effects of heavy metals in your environment, and from vaccines.
To optimize results, it is best to take the Ultimate Detox Protocol, which comprises of the HMD™ along with drainage remedies to help remove the toxic metals from the body. This would include an organic herbal remedy called Organic Lavage (Lavage is the French for “drain”) that will help to open up the detoxification channels of the body such as the liver, kidneys, lymphatics as well as clean the blood, as well as organic Chlorella to help clear any metals in the gut and prevent them from being reabsorbed.
Learn More Including Why to Order HMD Now!
The heavy metals from the swine flu vaccine will enter your body aggregating with any others you’ve already accumulated, from silver dental fillings, contaminated seafood and other foods, cosmetics, pollution, contaminated water and other sources, creating a potentially dangerous scenario. It would be wise to disarm this potential “time-bomb” now before it potentially causes serious illness or death.
The toxic metals in the vaccination could ignite the fuse that causes progressive or fast acting catastrophic illnesses like GBS.
Even if you are one of the few who isn’t riddled with heavy metal toxins, the benefits you will receive from chelating using HMD™ are enormous to preserving your health at optimum levels. Remember, we are all encumbered with some level of toxins as no-one is immune to the adverse health effects of the toxic world that we live in.
Using HMD™ is a simple and pleasant way to help your body detoxify some of the harmful effects of heavy metals in your environment, and from vaccines.
HMD™ will help to mobilize metals from the body, helping to enable their elimination through the detoxification organs.
Dr. Georgiou, HMD’s inventor and worldwide patent-pending holder recommends the use of the ULTIMATE DETOX PACK which contains a months supply of HMD, a natural herbal drainage remedy (Organic Lavage) to help the metals eliminate from the body via the liver and kidneys, as well as Chlorella tablets to help grab any metals that are straying in the gut and prevent their reabsorption.
You also get a 10% saving on these when ordered together, and this is definitely the best way to chelate / detoxify your body.
So we highly recommend that if you take the swine flu vaccine (or any vaccine, for that matter), that you use HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox), a natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body.
For now “if” it remains your choice of whether or not to get vaccinated against the swine flu do at least know and prepare for ways to stay safe and healthy no matter what later mandatory circumstances might occur.
“If” you decide to take the shot, or are required to, then be sure to take this simple, extra step to help you detox and protect your health.
Recommended Reading
The Swine Flu Deception: Secret Evidence of Vaccine Dangers Exposed
Current & Historic Facts You Need to Know PLUS Simple Options to Seriously Consider
Nasal Cleansing a Day May Keep the Doctor (and Swine Flu!) Away
The Swine Flu Vaccine: Will it Be Mandatory … and More Importantly, Is it Safe?
“Children being USED as Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs!” Will YOU be TOO? What to do? PLUS 60 Minutes Exposé Warnings!
National Vaccine Information Center: H1N1 Swine Flu
National Vaccine Information Center, Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice? June 22, 2009
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
WebMD July 17, 2009