The Swine Flu Vaccine:
Will it Be Mandatory … and More Importantly, Is it Safe?
“Three Separate Vaccination Shots?”
“Swine Flu Vaccine - Will We Have A Choice??”
The swine flu (H1N1 virus) is continuing to spread around the world, and in the United States has caused 436 deaths and 6,506 hospitalizations (as of August 6). As a result, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has “taken an important step in preparations for a voluntary novel H1N1 vaccination effort to counter a possibly severe upcoming flu season.”
The H1N1 vaccination is currently in production and may be ready for the public this fall. Government officials are also stressing that the H1N1 vaccine is not intended to replace the seasonal flu vaccine, but rather should be taken along with it for a total of three influenza shots in all (if you haven’t yet watched the first video above, please do so to learn why three shots will be recommended).
However, there have been many concerns expressed over the potential safety of the H1N1 vaccine, which has been fast-tracked and will not go through the same testing process most vaccines do.
Further, even though the World Health Organization has raised the swine flu alert to a phase 6 pandemic level, it continues to state that the overall severity of the pandemic is moderate. As reported on their site, the moderate assessment reflects that:
Overall, national levels of severe illness from influenza A(H1N1) appear similar to levels seen during local seasonal influenza periods, although high levels of disease have occurred in some local areas and institutions.
Overall, hospitals and health care systems in most countries have been able to cope with the numbers of people seeking care, although some facilities and systems have been stressed in some localities.
For now the swine flu vaccination is still voluntary, however there is talk that it could become mandatory.
Is a Swine Flu Vaccine Necessary … and Safe?
As of August 6, swine flu has caused 436 deaths in the United States. This may sound like a lot, but consider this: The CDC states that 36,000 Americans die from the regular seasonal flu each year.
So why all the hype about swine flu?
The new virus appears to be a combination of human, bird and pig viruses, the likes of which most people have never been exposed to, and therefore no one has immunity. That said, according to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC):
“There are signs those of us born before 1957, may be naturally protected and at LOWER risk of being infected. Why? Because we recovered from influenza caused by similar influenza strains that circulated in past decades and have long lasting antibodies that help us resist infection. So the aging baby boomers have something to be happy about.”
Today’s children, however, may not have the chance to develop such natural antibodies because public health officials are making plans to set up vaccine clinics in schools. To date, CDC officials are recommending that children, pregnant women and health workers be first in line to receive the shot.
The vaccine, meanwhile, will have only been tested for one to three weeks on a few hundred children and adults before being released.
Further, most doses of this experimental vaccine will contain thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative that has been associated with brain and immune system dysfunction, including autism.
You should know, also, that since swine flu has been dubbed a “public health emergency” you and your family are subject to federal and state public health laws that contain, according to NVIC, “provisions for isolation, quarantine and vaccination of citizens, [which] may or may not be enforced by government officials during a declared public health emergency involving outbreaks of communicable infectious diseases.”
So depending on whether these laws are enforced or not, you could be quarantined or isolated against your will for choosing NOT to get the swine flu vaccine.
Vaccine makers, meanwhile, will not be held liable for any deaths or illnesses that their experimental swine flu vaccine causes, because Congress took away liability for experimental drugs and vaccines that are released for public use under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
This becomes even more concerning when you look to history as an example.
In 1976, you may remember, there was a major push to get Americans vaccinated against a swine flu outbreak, and many did get vaccinated -- despite the fact that the swine flu epidemic never materialized.

Germs can spread easily from person to person, which is why it’s a good idea to wipe your hands frequently with PerfectClean Hand Wipes -- the hospital-grade microfiber cloth that can slough germs from your skin without any water or cleansers.
Of those who decided to get the swine flu vaccine, several hundred people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis. At least 30 people also died … not from the swine flu, but from the vaccine.
This incident from the past raises major questions and concerns about launching a similar vaccine program today.
Commonsense Approaches for Minimizing Your Risk of the Flu
Since flu viruses are transmitted the way many germs are ... from person to person or via infected object that you touch, then transfer the germs from your hand to your nose, mouth, eyes or ears ... commonsense approaches work well:
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose or ears unless you've washed your hands just prior, especially if you've been out in public areas.
Reduce, when possible, being in contact with masses of people in public places -- but when you are carry PerfectClean Microfiber Hand Wipes to wipe hands frequently to remove possible bacteria and viruses as much as possible.
Recommended Reading
Stay Calm: Here's How to Prevent Swine Flu ... and ANY Flu, Anytime!
Is Swine Flu Being Exaggerated? What We Can Learn From History … Including the 1918 Flu Pandemic
National Vaccine Information Center: H1N1 Swine Flu
National Vaccine Information Center, Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice? June 22, 2009
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Novel H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
World Health Organization June 11, 2009