Stay Calm: Here's How to Prevent Swine Flu ...
and ANY Flu, Anytime!
Swine flu (H1N1) has been confirmed in very small numbers in countries spanning the globe. Even the thousands of cases being reported worldwide will be a fraction in comparison to the regular flu.
Why the concern? New viruses like H1N1 can develop into pandemics quickly and easily because no one has been exposed before, and therefore no one has immunity. While the severity of the virus appears to be waning, experts say not to get too optimistic just yet.

Swine flu appears to be losing steam, but experts say we're not out of the woods just yet.
"These viruses mutate, these viruses changes, these viruses can further reassort with other genetic material, with other viruses," Dr. Mike Ryan, the World Health Organization's global alert and response director told the Associated Press. "So it would be imprudent at this point to take too much reassurance."
That said, the point here is NOT to panic but rather to stay calm.
The CDC reports that 700 people die from the regular flu each week in the US. Also in 2008, more than 1,500 people died from cancer every day. And though this is not a contagious disease, this is far, far more than the number of swine flu deaths being reported, which helps to keep the situation in perspective.
Plus, the U.S. government has said it is taking "all necessary precautions" to be prepared if the swine flu develops into "something worse."
In the meantime, you can track cases of the swine flu using this tracking system on the Web provided by Rhiza Labs and Google. If you notice a lot of cases in your area, you'll know it's time to be extra careful and time to take extra precautions to minimize your risk.
What Can You do to Minimize Your Risk of Swine Flu -- Or Any Flu ... ?
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and the best thing you can do to stay healthy is lead a healthy lifestyle. This means eating fresh, non-processed foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and making sure stress does not get out of hand. With a healthy lifestyle, your immune system will be functioning at its best, and if you do come down with the flu it will easily be able to defeat the virus.

Is a swine flu vaccine the answer? We'll be exploring this question in depth in next week's newsletter. Find out why some experts are urging Americans NOT to get vaccinated, plus whether vaccinations become mandatory in the United States and world by subscribing to our weekly "Be Safe, Live Long & Prosper" e-newsletter, This is a must NOT miss article you can get if you subscribe NOW for your FREE online Newsletter Membership. No charge for weekly epiphanies for empowerment articles for you to live a simpler, happier, more fulfilling life with less worries for you and your loved ones.
Striving for a healthy lifestyle is something you can do each and every day, regardless of whether or not there's a threat of swine flu in your area, as doing so will help you to ward off all kinds of other illnesses as well.
Beyond that, since flu viruses are transmitted the way many germs are ... from person to person or via infected object that you touch, then transfer the germs from your hand to your nose, mouth, eyes or ears ... common sense approaches work well:
Washing your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds often. There has been no proof found that we are aware of that antibacterial soap is any more effective than regular soap.
Wipe your hands frequently with Hospital-Grade Microfiber wipes when in public areas or after shaking hands.
Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throwing away the tissue.
Not touching your eyes, mouth, nose or ears unless you've washed your hands just prior, especially if you've been out in public areas.
Wearing a surgical mask has been said by many doctors to not be effective unless you are the one that is sick, which then is VERY IMPORTANT. What most people in Mexico are now wearing are not hospital-grade surgical masks, which again might be adding to the flu cases..
Reducing, where possible, being in contact with masses of people in public places but when you are carry PrefectClean Microfiber hand wipes to wipe hands frequently to remove possible bacteria and viruses as much as possible.
Avoiding close contact with sick people.
If sick stay home from work or school, limiting close contact with others and wearing a surgical mask especially in public places when you feel sick so you don't pass along the flu to others.
You can also minimize your risk of catching swine flu, the regular flu, and other contagious illnesses by using Hospital-Grade PerfectClean Hand Wipes. They're small enough to carry in your pocket or purse, yet effective enough to absorb or even kill most contaminants that can't be seen with the naked eye -- especially once washed in bleach as the fibers encapsulate the bleach that can kill bacteria as they too are encapsulated within the micro-fibers. We recommend wiping your hands every time you touch public areas or shake hands and definitely before touching your face, nose, eyes, or mouth, or eating.

Keeping a Hospital-Grade PerfectClean Hand Wipe in your pocket or purse to wipe your hands on discreetly throughout the day any time you touch a common surface others have touched can help minimize your risk of contagious illnesses of all kinds.
What to do if You DO Have Swine Flu Symptoms
First of all remain calm as it is less and less likely that you or any of your loved ones will get swine flu.
However, there is a high probability that either you or someone you know will get the flu in the next 12 months. The precautions and actions to take are the same for the swine flu or the regular flu.
The media has been talking a lot about how to avoid swine flu and detailing where it's been spreading, but not much has been said about what to do if you have the symptoms or actually do get it.
Like any flu, the symptoms can range from mild to severe, and include:
If you notice these symptoms, see your doctor immediately to be tested for swine flu. This is especially important if you have diarrhea and vomiting, as severe cases have progressed to pneumonia, respiratory failure and deaths.
In fact, one of the most dangerous side effects of the flu is becoming dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea. So if you're unable to hold down any fluids, it's important to contact your doctor immediately, as an IV (Intravenous therapy) may be needed to replenish your fluid levels. Again, don't delay if you're unable to hold down any fluids, as within hours the situation can get serious if you don't get help.
If you have a cold virus with sinus pressure and related pain, John L Dearlove, founder of, shares what has worked best for him:
Heating a pot of water until it's steaming (or microwave a bowl of water)
Carefully with towel placed over head breathing in the steam (being careful not to scald face or skin)
Inhaling the steam for two to three minutes, repeating throughout the day when necessary

If vomiting and diarrhea from the flu has gotten you dehydrated, see your doctor immediately.
Dearlove also uses a nose spray that contains zinc, such as Zicam (if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, you should seek the advice of your physician before using Zicam, also Zicam works to kill cold viruses, not flu viruses), to help stop viruses from sticking to inner areas of nose and sinuses (your nose and sinus cavities are like a giant petri dish, which zinc can greatly reduce the ability of virus to collect or stick to areas of sinus membrane). These sprays may be preferable to throat lozenges that contain zinc, as many contain added sugar and corn syrup.
He also finds the following to be helpful:
Rinsing the inner nose with a saline solution several times a day
For a sore throat, adding a tablespoon or two of salt to water, then gargling with the salt water
As Dearlove states, "I am not a doctor so please understand these are my personal experiences that have worked for me. I do recommend that you contact your doctor and make an appointment to discuss your symptoms and to get your doctor's recommendations."
The key actions are to be proactive in prevention and not panic. If you feel possible symptoms coming on then remain calm and check with your doctor. An appointment may be appropriate.
Swine Flu Triage: Pre-Planned Deaths ... Who Will Live or Be allowed to Die in a "REAL" Pandemic?
Physicians Already Have a List of who to treat and who NOT to TREAT.
Which list will you be on and why?
Should a mass disaster occur, medical care -- including everything from vaccines to respirators to doctors and nurses themselves -- could become scarce. So a task force of members from prestigious universities, medical groups, and government agencies (the Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Health and Human Services) has compiled a list of people who would not be treated.
For the full details behind this eerie list, including who's on it, read Physicians Create List of Who Will Live and Who Will Die in Pandemic / Disaster Scenario.
Again, this is an unlikely even to happen from the current swine flu ... but experts are betting on the fact that some day a new pandemic will sweep across the globe. It's being recommended that every hospital choose a triage team to decide who will get lifesaving treatment and who will not if and when that occurs, but the guidelines already spell out some people who are supposed to be denied care.
Recommended Reading
Physicians Create List of Who Will Live and Who Will Die in Pandemic / Disaster Scenario
Swine Flu Do's and Don'ts: Is a New Pandemic Coming?
The Rise of Contagious Disease & How to Minimize Your Risk of Contagious Disease Exposure
Yahoo News May 2, 2009
Yahoo News May 2, 2009