Is Your Hand Sanitizer Toxic?
The Hidden Risks You Probably Don’t Know
Waterless, alcohol-based hand sanitizers have become increasingly popular in recent years, and now as flu season is upon us many people make it a habit to regularly use these products to cleanse their hands.
In fact, now that swine flu is a prominent concern for many, the use of hand sanitizers is skyrocketing., one of the leading retailers of cleaning and janitorial supplies, actually reported an increase in Purell sales of more than 200 percent!
But before you stock up on hand sanitizers to keep your family germ-free this winter, there are some very important facts you should know.
Virginia Tech Researchers: Anti-Bacterial Soaps May Cause Cancer
1. Hand Sanitizers Can be Toxic to Children
A Sixwise subscriber sent us an email warning about a 4-year-old girl who had been rushed to the hospital with potentially deadly alcohol intoxication after ingesting some hand sanitizer at school.

If a 30-pound child ingests just four teaspoonfuls of hand sanitizer they will require medical attention.
You may have received similar e-mail forwards yourself, and each version contains slightly different information and facts involved, but there is some truth to the message.
In 2007, Fox 23 in Tulsa, OK ran a story about a child in pre-kindergarten who licked some hand sanitizer from her hand, rather than rubbing it in. Shortly afterward her behavior became "alarming" and she was taken to a local hospital, acting as though she was drunk (her eyes would not focus and she could not walk).
The story is true, although the varying e-mail accounts contain some factual errors.
Hand sanitizers contain either ethyl alcohol (the same type of alcohol used in beer, wine and liquor) or isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), in concentrations ranging from 45 percent to 95 percent. The Maryland Poison Center of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy states that the most commonly used hand sanitizers have alcohol concentrations in the range of 60-65 percent.
So children can easily become intoxicated from ingesting hand sanitizers, and according to the Maryland Poison Center, "It is the dose that determines if it’s a poison."
A typical pump of hand sanitizer dispenses about 1/2 teaspoon of gel, which is a pea-sized amount. Once the product is rubbed into the skin the alcohol evaporates and is not problematic for children, even small children. Even if a child were to ingest that pea-size amount it is not likely to cause harm.
However, if a child ingests a larger amount the product could be toxic.
The Maryland Poison Center states that a 2-year-old child who weighs 30 pounds would have to drink 4 teaspoonfuls, or 8 typical pumps, of hand sanitizer to require medical attention.
Since many hand sanitizers come in squirt bottles rather than pump form, it would be easy for a person to squeeze out a large amount into a child’s hand, or for a child to grab the bottle (as most people do not consider hand sanitizer dangerous and therefore do not keep it out of the reach of children) and do so himself.
2. Hand Sanitizers Contain Potentially Dangerous Ingredients
Hand sanitizers, including one of the leading brands, Purell, have been given a seven out of 10 score for toxicity (with 10 being the highest hazard) by the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database. According to Skin Deep, ingredients in Purell Hand Sanitizer are linked to:
Developmental/reproductive toxicity
Endocrine disruption
Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive)
Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs)
Further, several of the ingredients have noted violations, restrictions and warnings and have been labeled as contamination concerns, occupational hazards, and causing biochemical or cellular level changes.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can also be harsh on your skin, leading to tiny cracks on your skin’s surface -- and these cracks may actually provide an entryway for disease-causing organisms.
What is a BETTER Option than Purell and Other Hand Sanitizers? And Why?
Because hand sanitizers contain alcohol that can potentially intoxicate a small child if ingested, as well as contain ingredients linked to cancer, allergies, endocrine disruption and other health concerns, you may want to seek out a different way to keep your, and your family’s, hands clean.

Commonly used hand sanitizers may contain ingredients linked to cancer, reproductive and developmental toxicity, allergies, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, organ system toxicity and irritation to your eyes, skin or lungs.
The best continuous alternative to soap and water (before and after you wash your hands) -- ideal for use when you can’t get to a sink or have been washing your hands to the point they are getting dry and cracked -- are exclusive "patented Built-in Antimicrobial PRODUCT protection" micro-denier-fiber PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks.
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks that are made to meet the rigorous standards of the commercial health care market in support of infection control programs that are required in ultra-clean environments.
They are capable of "trapping and removing" 99.99% of bacteria from hard surfaces throughout your home, workplace and those surfaces you have to touch in daily life (doors and door knobs, grocery carts, countertops, etc.).
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks penetrate invisible surfaces in your skin, then "trap and remove" contaminants, absorbing and concentrating them in the wipes.
Hypoallergenic: great way to help reduce asthma and allergy triggers
Absorbs 8 times its weight in water/fluid and absorbs it faster
Patented Built in Antimicrobial PRODUCT protection: PerfectCLEAN Wipers are distinguished by patented ‘Built-in Antimicrobial PRODUCT protection’
The microscopic triangular fibers in these patented antimicrobial wipes are by design capable of "trapping and removing" 99.99% of bacteria from hard surfaces.
Independent laboratories and Fortune 500 companies have rigorously tested their efficacy and proven through in-service validation that PerfectCLEAN Wipers offer unrivaled performance and quality. Independent testing demonstrates that PerfectCLEAN Wipers support Class 10 (and lower) commercial clean room classification.
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks remove many pathogens in their path ... that is because at an astonishing 4-6 microns (bacteria range from 2 – 8 microns) the "polyester-polyamide conjugated filament" are even smaller than most bacteria.
The microscopic size combined with the high percentage of fiber used dramatically increases the surface area of the Hand Wipes (each 12" cleaning hand wipe cloth contains over 300 miles of actual cleaning surface!).
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks are made from high performance Hypoallergenic materials knitted with the highest quality conjugated (splittable) "micro-denier filaments."
Individual fibers are the same size range (or smaller) than most bacteria. These microscopic fibers are produced by a complex manufacturing process that involves hundreds of variables that splits a "polyester-polyamide conjugated filament" (bicomponent) resulting in from 9 to 16 microscopic fibers.
Again, these "split" filaments achieve an individual fiber size of approximately 4-6 microns (bacteria range from 2 – 8 microns).
Graphic Size Relationships to PerfectCLEAN Fibers in Antimicrobial Wipes

PerfectCLEAN performance is further enhanced by the material’s overall positive (+) electrostatic charge. In fact, the electrostatic charge developed by a PerfectCLEAN wiper naturally is greater than the electrostatic charge developed by disposable dust sheets chemically.
Dirt and dust particles, bacteria and pollen, and other organic particles all have a negative (-) charge. Thus, PerfectCLEAN fibers literally act as thousands of tiny magnets (positively charged fibers attract negatively charged dust, dirt, etc.) attracting and binding all types of particles.
When damp, fiber quality and quantity provides an enormous surface area within the material, which accelerates and increases wicking of solution through the material resulting in a powerful capillary action (suction) achieving the highest absorption capacity of any material tested.
PerfectCLEAN products are covered by one or more International and US patents, and patents pending, offering unique designs and "built-in antimicrobial protection."
Multiple other uses: By design these wipes were also developed and manufactured for multiple commercial hospital applications.
Eliminates need for most toxic cleaners: No need for glass and all-purpose cleaners. Just mist slightly with clean water to remove dried spots and stains. Cleans everything from stove tops to painted walls; spot cleans carpets and even removes candle wax residue from table tops. No toxic cleaners needed.
Washing: Durable and chlorine stable these wipes were designed to meet the CDC guidelines for Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) and withstand the rigors of the health care commercial laundry.
Independent Laboratory Analysis demonstrates that the wipes are superior to all cleaning materials tested.
A high density tightly knitted material with a "wickable" directional surface developed to meet concerns regarding the care & maintenance of diagnostic equipment, plasma screens, highly polished optical surfaces and other areas where particulate accumulation and abrasion must be avoided.
TT280AM is a patented material offering the exclusive "built in antimicrobial product protection" (patent # ...455). This material is converted into a wide range of high performance cleaning products to meet every challenge and application. TT280AM is available in multiple colors, which are pantone coordinated with all other PerfectCLEAN products as part of a high performance system.
Microscopic Fibers

Microscopic Analysis
Polyester / Polyamide conjugated filament before splitting
8-triangular polyester micro-denier fibers surrounding the polyamide core = hub & spokes
- 8 Polyester (4-6 micron’s)
- Hub and Spokes = Polyamide core
Complete separation MUST occur to achieve performance.
The less separation the less performance.
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks are completely safe, reducing or even eliminating the need for harsh soaps and cleaners. You can use antimicrobial hand wipes to wipe your hands inconspicuously in your pocket or purse and also to dry your hands after washing with soap and water and upon touching any public surfaces for good hygiene and effective cleanliness.
These exclusive "patented Built-in Antimicrobial PRODUCT protection" PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks have the highest concentration of "micro-denier fiber" resulting in unrivaled performance including:
The highest absorption capacity of any material tested
Chlorine and dye stability
Minimal shrinkage
Documented third-party laboratory testing supporting the "Trap & Remove" performance standard
Commercially in-service validation for durability
The material provides the exclusive "patented Built in Antimicrobial PRODUCT protection"
In fact, we recommend carrying antimicrobial hand wipes in your pocket and wiping your hand discreetly any time you shake hands or touch a public surface (especially door knobs, shopping cart handles, light switches and other heavily contaminated but rarely cleaned surfaces). Because germs have also been spreading around schools, we recommend you tuck one in your child’s backpack and teach him to wipe his hands regularly throughout the day.
Incredible 70% to 80% OFF Savings (Extended Offer ONLY through Nov. 7)... To Help You Get Through the Winter!
Keeping an antimicrobial hand wipe in your pocket or purse to wipe your hands discreetly throughout the day, any time you touch a common surface others have touched, may help minimize your risk of contagious germs of all kinds.
Learn More and Order Antimicrobial Hand Wipes for Your Entire Family Now! PerfectCLEAN Wipers: Terry Cloths and Super Silks
For your health we have just gotten special pricing that we are passing along to you.
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes that We Use:
We are passing along the best prices we could get to assure you can take immediate advantage of these amazing products.
This special 70% to 80% off sale price is only good for a few more days, through November 7, so please take advantage now while you can.
How to Use Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
Place in your pocket or purse. Wipe and rub your hands and fingers thoroughly after you come into contact with people through handshakes or when you touch surfaces that others have touched.
Clean surfaces using antimicrobial hand wipes: from your car steering wheel and doorknobs, to all the various surfaces throughout your home and office.
Use these wipes to clean anywhere others touch: on your desktop, telephone, keyboard, door knobs & door frames, chair-arms/back, mirror surfaces, file cabinets, other office furniture and other large surfaces. Can be used dry or lightly dampened.
Wipe frequently touched areas once per day, as we do more frequently during flu season or anytime others visit your office and/or use your office equipment.
Recommended Reading
"Swine Flu Vaccination Deception" ALERT
EXCESSIVE INNER-Hygiene: Dangers of Killing Good Bacteria You Need to Stay Healthy
Soap Proven Best to Eliminate Germs -- IF It Doesn't Contain Triclosan
Maryland Poison Center, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews May 4, 2009 Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Poisoning