At What Age is Exercise No Longer Good for You?
When you hit your 20s it was easy to stay slim and active. By your 30s, you found time to make it to the gym but not as much as you would have liked between family, work and other responsibilities. In your 40s, you kept your gym membership but were far from a regular. By the time you reached your 50s, your workouts became more sporadic. In your 60s, you began to wonder … is this still worth it?

Exercising for as little as four hours a week can triple the three-year survival rate of 85-year-olds.
This is the story of exercise for many. When we’re young we enjoy exercise and society engrains the benefits in our minds. Unfortunately, images of fit people working out feature young people almost exclusively. Many believe, mistakenly, that as you age exercise is no longer safe or effective, and then give it up entirely.
Well, if you’re in your 60s … if you’re in your 70s … even if you’re in your mid- to late 80s and beyond … new research says exercise is good for you. That, actually, is putting it mildly.
Exercise Can Extend Your Life … And it’s NEVER Too Late to Start
New research from Israeli researchers should settle the debate of who’s too old to exercise once and for all. The answer is, quite possibly no one.
The researchers found that even in the “oldest old” physical activity was beneficial. The three-year survival rate among active 85-year-olds turned out to be about three times higher than the rate for their inactive peers.
Those who got four hours or more of exercise weekly were considered active, anything less was inactive, so a little bit of movement goes a long way. Even walking for four hours a week was enough to confer the longevity benefits.
Further, even previously sedentary 85-year-olds had double the three-year survival rate of inactive 85-year-olds, and those who exercised also reported less depression and loneliness and a greater ability to perform daily tasks.
So for those of you still wondering if you should give exercise a go, if you can double your survival rate by starting exercise in your 80s, imagine what you can do if you start in your 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s.
The message? No more excuses, it’s time to get moving.
Two Highly Recommended Exercise Programs to Get You Back in the Game
Chances are that you already know the benefits of exercise, but because of time issues, lack of motivation or not knowing exactly how to start up again, you've been resisting it.
Well, if it’s been awhile since you’ve exercised, first read this past article How to Most Effectively Start Working Out When You Haven't Exercised in Years. It contains nine great tips to get you moving.
Next, if you’re not sure what type of exercise would best suit you, try using a personal trainer. He or she can educate you on a variety of workout routines designed to meet your individual fitness goals.
And for everyone we highly recommend adding SheaNetics, a mind-body workout, to your exercise routine.
SheaNetics, founded by fitness expert Shea Vaughn, blends ancient and contemporary movements with eastern philosophy, creating a stylized approach to fitness designed to improve the quality of today’s western living.
Start Your Exercise Journey by Nourishing Your Mind-Body Connection

SheaNetics realizes your goal is to find total health and fulfillment that is life lasting. This can be achieved by creating harmony in body, mind and self. SheaNetics gives you the practical tools to get into shape and kick it to ever higher levels.
Each nearly one hour workout is a new blend of the-best-of-the-best from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Gyro-Kinesis, Dance and MORE -- guiding you through unique sequences of movements that strengthen, sculpt, build core and increase flexibility!
Shea spent years researching and teaching in the commercial fitness industry and has a first-hand understanding of the physical, mental and emotional benefits of living a life of exercise.
SheaNetics realizes your goal is to find total health and fulfillment that is life lasting. This can be achieved by creating harmony in body, mind and self. SheaNetics gives you the practical tools to get into shape and kick it to ever higher levels.
Each nearly one hour workout is a new blend of the-best-of-the-best from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Gyro-Kinesis, Dance and more -- guiding you through unique sequences of movements that strengthen, sculpt, build core and increase flexibility!
SheaNetics also knows “exercise and good health are both a state of your body and a state of your mind.” The key to finding well-being is to embrace the SheaNetics Five Living Principles -- Commitment, Perseverance, Self Control, Integrity and Love. They are a positive guide for all you do.
The range of SheaNetics students are impressively diverse from 25- to 75-year-olds, men and women, fitness buffs and athletes, people who want to get in shape, those who wish to maintain their present state of fitness and many who want to take it to a higher level.
So start your journey now!
Infuse your life with energy and purpose, reduce stress and enjoy a lifestyle of fitness, accomplishment, personal balance and well-being you deserve! Order your 6-PACK DVD/CD workout collection today!
Next, if you truly want to both look and feel younger no matter what your age, stretching your body's muscles on a daily basis is essential. Not only will it increase your flexibility -- which is key to preventing various diseases and injuries -- but it is also one of the most effective methods to reduce stress and anxiety.
This is why we highly recommend Jacques Gauthier’s wonderful Stretching Toward a Healthier Life DVD. In the video, stretching expert Jacques Gauthier and his wife Dorothee Lavoie present 15 stretches that stretch all the key muscles groups throughout your entire body, and it only takes about 15-20 minutes per day total to do the complete stretching routine.
Proper stretching is one of the most widely recommended methods to help you look and feel younger, live longer, avoid and even overcome serious health issues, and increase your mental concentration and emotional well-being.
So what are you waiting for?
Exercise can increase your health and lifespan even if you’re just starting out in your 80s or 90s … so NOW is your time to get fit and give your body the healthy gift of exercise.
Recommended Reading
How to Most Effectively Start Working Out When You Haven't Exercised in Years
How to Lose Weight, Enhance Your Health and Find Well-Being by Nurturing Your Mind and Body
Archives of Internal Medicine September 14, 2009; 169(16):1476-1483
CBS News September 14, 2009