Vince Vaughn's Mom's Anti-Aging Secrets
5 Living Principles to Gain 12 Major Anti-Aging Benefits
In a recent interview with CBS News, the broadcasters marveled over Shea Vaughn -- fitness guru and mom to Hollywood celebrity Vince Vaughn -- and her remarkably youthful appearance.
Noting that Shea looks more like Vince’s sister rather than his mom, the broadcasters agreed it’s a testimony to Shea’s dedication to lifelong health and fitness.
Want to see for yourself? Below Shea speaks about her life-changing fitness program found at
In her over 30 years’ experience in the fitness field, Shea has become an inspiration for many, and a solid example of what you can achieve by committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle.
Shea Vaughn credits her phenomenal health and well-being to a range of positive lifestyle choices, including her amazing workout that blends ancient and contemporary movements with a self-empowering eastern philosophy designed to improve the quality of today’s hectic western lifestyle.
The program combines the best-of-the-best moves from Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, GYROKINESIS®, Dance and MORE -- guiding you through unique sequences of movements that strengthen, sculpt, build core and increase flexibility. But even more, Shea believes the key to finding well-being is to embrace the SheaNetics Five Living Principles in your own life.
Shea’s Top Anti-Aging Advice
Shea’s SheaNetics program is not only about physical strength; it’s a mind-body workout she describes as “meditation in motion and thought.”
This is a crucial part of staying well, as stress can actually accelerate aging. According to a 2006 study presented at the 114th Annual Convention of the APA, people with chronic stress are more likely to suffer from age-related diseases including Alzheimer's disease, major depression, mental decline, osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome.
Your emotions and exposure to external stress also impact the amount of oxidative stress going on in your body. Take one study of 39 women, aged 20 to 50, who had been experiencing extreme, ongoing stress while caring for a chronically ill child. When compared with 19 similar women who were not undergoing stress, the stressed women had significantly higher levels of oxidative stress in their bodies.
This oxidative stress, the researchers pointed out, damages DNA, including telomeres, the caps at the ends of chromosomes that carry genes. As we age, telomeres naturally shorten and die; however, chronic stress accelerates this process. As increasing numbers of cells reach the end of the telomeres and die, physical symptoms of aging appear, including:
This is why Shea Vaughn maintains that “to continue to grow and thrive and to achieve well-being is really a journey for both the body and the mind.”

You can read more about SheaNetics and get started on your own personal pathway to well-being by visiting
“I openly share with you that my life has not been without challenge. But it was through tough times I found ‘you can’t eliminate stress, but you can give it a break,’” Shea says. “Scientific research has shown that exposure to the right kind of physical and mental influences produces a state of meditation, which in turn reduces stress. Reduce stress and well-being emerges.” That is what makes the program available from truly effective and work where others fail. “Exercise alone is good for you but an equally fit mind completes your sense of self-fulfillment.”
As we have profiled in a recent article, there is “Good Stress vs. Bad Stress including Ways to Lose Weight & Be Well With Good Stress Levels"
The Five Living Principles
SheaNetics is based on the following Five Living Principles, which Shea says “are an inspirational force in helping me create a positive lifestyle with a healthy body and the supportive mental and emotional paradigm to deal with changing and demanding times. One encourages the other and together they help you find balance, self-confidence and a personal state of well-being.”
Each principle is designed to bring a unique benefit and level of meaning into your life.
1. COMMITMENT is a promise to do something, whether it is to workout, seek better health, find a new job or just be a better person. The Scroll represents a binding contract you have signed to honor your promise. |
2. PERSEVERANCE is the perpetual belief that “If I try, I will succeed.” The Pyramid reminds us that the pathway to well-being is continuous and you build toward your goal one solid step at a time. |
3. SELF-CONTROL is the realization that you are responsible for everything you do. When you stop to think about it, how you react to the events happening in your life is the only outcome of any event that you can consciously determine. The Crane represents the balance and grace to be found in life when you have found a way to control your emotions. Control your emotions and your body will follow. |
4. INTEGRITY does not examine the result -- only the effort made. It is the level of honesty in the quality of effort you give to the execution of whatever you strive to do -- it has to be the best you can do. The Shield represents trustworthiness and one’s steadfast adherence to a strict code of moral or ethical behavior. |
5. LOVE is openness and respect for yourself, others and what life has to offer. It is the willingness to explore and interact with people, to listen, learn, share and to always set the best example possible. The Crossed Arms symbolize universal love. |
“These principles are your foundation and positive reinforcement to reduce stress, help you make better choices and improve the overall quality of your life and the lives of those around you,” Shea says.
Your 12 Anti-Aging Benefits that come from Replacing Exercise Excuses with the Above 5 Principle-Based Actions

You can feed your inner child by devoting time each day to nurture your mind, body and spirit.
A regular fitness program is essential to keeping you feeling and looking young, no matter what your age. Exercising for as little as four hours a week can actually triple the three-year survival rate of 85-year-olds! The benefits are really that profound, and beyond extending your lifespan include:
Improving your sex life
Reducing aching joints from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
Losing weight
Helping to fend off colds and other illnesses
Lowering your risk of midlife heart disease
Curing insomnia
Replacing depression with new levels of self-worth and healthy self-esteem
Lowering risk of diabetes complications and reversing pre-diabetes
Building strong bones
Improving your memory and decision-making
Lowering your risk of stroke and Alzheimer's
Reducing your risk of cancer
Chances are high that you already know exercise is good for you … yet knowing this and doing it in your daily life are two different things -- and coming up with excuses not to exercise regularly are common.
According to Joan Price, MA, a fitness motivator, public speaker, and author of The Anytime, Anywhere Exercise Book, the most common excuse not to exercise is, "I don't have time."
This is where Shea Vaughn’s advice and fitness program become invaluable. While adhering to the Five Living Principles, you adopt the commitment to doing something good for your body fitness-wise every day. You persevere in following through, and you maintain self-control to help you resist backing out on your commitment. You also apply integrity to your choice to better yourself physically and emotionally, and you experience and show love for yourself in completing your health-boosting workout.
Further, you can now take advantage of Shea Vaughn’s fitness program from right in your own home. For those of you who feel you don’t have time to go to a gym, take a fitness class or hire a personal trainer, you can get the same benefits, tailored to your own schedule, by working out to Shea’s 6-PACK DVD/CD workout collection today, right from your own home!
More Top Wellness Tips From Shea Vaughn
Your level of wellness is not only tied to your physical fitness and attention to regular exercise, but also to your diet. On her Web site,, Shea offers the following wellness tips:
Strong bones need calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These are found mostly in green leafy plants. Eating an enriched diet of vegetables and less dairy products will encourage calcium to be stored in the bones. Conversely, a diet that is high in animal proteins and includes refined flour and sugar will encourage bone loss.
Some vitamin-E-rich foods to include in your diet are raw sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, spinach, papaya, Swiss chard and other leafy greens.
We encourage you to embrace the tips above and embark today on a pathway to wellness that will improve your life and help keep you young in mind, body and spirit.
As Shea points out, “Most exercise programs are geared only to give you short-term physical improvement. But SheaNetics® understands the real goal for us all is to find total health and fulfillment that is life-lasting. This can only be achieved by creating harmony in body, mind and self. SheaNetics® gives you the practical tools and everyday desire to make beneficial changes that are complete and permanent.”
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Sources November 30, 2004