Eight Natural Ways to Boost
Your Libido
by www.SixWise.com
Between 40 percent and 50 percent of U.S. women -- and 20
percent to 25 percent of U.S. men -- have a low sex drive.
This condition is perhaps so common because it is caused by
factors that many people experience at some point in their
lives, including:

Sometimes increasing your libido can be as simple as
setting aside time to be intimate.
Anxiety and/or depression
Low self-esteem or poor body image
Lack of connection with your partner
Unresolved conflicts or poor communication with your
History of physical or sexual abuse
Menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Physical problems (sexual or medical)
In fact, in order to have a healthy sex drive, numerous aspects
of your personal and interpersonal well-being must all come
together, and this is not always easy to accomplish. Ideally,
couples whose sex life is fulfilling:
Feel good about themselves physically and mentally
Have a strong relationship
Communicate with each other about their sexual needs
and preferences
If you do not fall into this group and your libido could
use a boost, resorting to prescription drugs like Viagra is
far from your only (or safest) option. The following natural
methods can help to restore your sex drive by addressing the
underlying reasons why it's not what it used to be, which
is something that medications completely overlook.
1. Exercise. Aerobic and strength-training
exercise will increase your stamina, boost your body image,
and improve your mood -- all of which are essential for a
healthy sex drive.
2. Use stress management tools. Whether it's meditation,
listening to music or talking it out with a friend, make sure
you have a tool to effectively relieve your stress.
3. Consider dietary supplements. Ginko biloba is said
to improve blood flow to your brain and sexual organs. Choline
and vitamin B5, meanwhile, help to enhance levels of acetlycholine
(ACH), a neurotransmitter that sends sexual impulses from
your brain to your sexual organs.
The amino acid L-arginine has also been shown to help improve
sexual function in males and females because it boosts circulation,
and Renaissance
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Women taking Renaissance natural progesterone cream
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- Improved sexual libido
4. Use the right scents. Certain scents overwhelmingly
appeal to men and women when it comes to the romance department
(be sure to only use natural fragrances made of pure essential
oils -- not synthetic
fragrances or air fresheners). The top
romantic scents are:
Black licorice
Banana nut bread
Ylang Ylang
5. Give
or receive a massage. It's a great way to get sexually
aroused, particularly if you're feeling stressed.
6. Add some spice to your sex life. Communicate with
your partner about your fantasies, or try a different sexual
position, sex toy or location.
7. Support your relationship. Because sex drive is
often tied to emotional needs, rekindling
the romance in your relationship will inevitably set the
mood for love.

Communicating with your partner about your emotional
and physical needs is an essential part of a healthy
sex life.
8. Eat right. Certain foods are known to enhance or
dampen sex drive. For instance, while high-carb meals like
pasta will likely put you to sleep, the following foods may
bolster your libido:
Chili peppers
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February 16, 2008