We Asked and You Told Us …
Top Reasons Why You LOVE Your Pet!
by www.SixWise.com
In our past article 21 Reasons to Hug Your Dog and Cat Extra Hard Today, we asked Sixwise.com readers to share the funny moments, the endearing traits and all the other reasons why your pet means so much.

Sixwise.com readers agree ... there’s something about the love from a pet that simply cannot be replaced!
Now, we’d like to share a sampling of your loving sentiments. It’s safe to say that pets have earned a special place in the hearts of many among us!
Most pet owners will agree wholeheartedly that pets give back much more than they receive in the form of companionship and love.
If you’d like to return the love and give your pet the longest, happiest, healthiest life possible, Sixwise.com highly recommends visiting GreenerWiener.com to view their unique line of all-natural pet products to enhance the health and well-being of your furry little ones.
And now, your thoughts …
“My cat is Buddha in a furry body -- compassion, tolerance, & love.”
--Ann London, Canada
“A rescued stray, but rare breed, my beautiful Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, "Pumpkin" taught herself to bring me her food dish after each meal and implore me with "more please." She is extremely smart, especially considering she apparently never experienced life inside a home, or socialized with other animals. Her hazel eyes are mesmerizing and her love for us is evident in her constant gaze.”
--Julie B. Connerley, Gulf Breeze, Florida
“My cats chose me one day while visiting my local animal shelter. From the first day they came home, they have kissed, purred and snuggled me and my husband. They seem to be saying "thank you for bringing me home." I love them very much!”
“Lily blessed each of my days -- Simply because of her total acceptance of me. She is gone but she remains in my heart. She is now assisting me in finding another dog.”
“Because he is the love of my life, he loves me always. When I am happy or sad. He makes me smile and he makes me laugh. He touches my heart with just a look. I adore him and I am happy he has me!”
“My dog is always excited to see me, even if I was only out of her site for a few minutes.”
--Lucy, Roseburg, OR
“My Golden insists on seeing the glass half filled no matter what.”
“Someone who does not have a pet to love is missing an essential part of being human.”
“I adore, yes adore, my little dog because she is sometimes the only bright spot in an otherwise pretty blah day.”
“Our standard poodle is a rescue from a puppy mill as a breeding male. He lived in a cage with minimal human contact. He was about 4 when we adopted him. He was like a new puppy as he had no experience with life. He was not even house trained. He now weighs 24 pounds more. After 11 months he was finally clear of ear infections and many tummy troubles. He adores his dad and is epoxied to him.
He has rescued his dad from severe sadness after the loss of a pet. They two walk to the dog park almost every day. After two years, he is learning to play. Before the only thing he would play with was a stick.
He is wonderful and loving with everyone, our cat, our grandkids, other dogs, people he meets along the way. He goes almost everywhere with us. He has beautiful restaurant manners when we dine on patios. He will start therapy dog training in January. We are hoping to have him join the read to a pet program. The adoration in his eyes as he looks at his dad just melts your heart.”
“She has always been there for me when no one has or could. She has slept next to me since she was 3 months old. She is 7 now. And I know that if something were wrong she would be there to protect me. I love her and all my other dogs but I know I can rely on her.”
“My dogs alert me when I am about to have an ice pick headache. They keep my feet warm when it is cold. And they snuggle close for extra warmth when we are winter camping. They give me kisses when I am sad. And they bounce with joy when I am happy. My older girl, Piper, has taken care of my daughter since she was born. Both Piper and Acorn let me know if something is not right. They both have a huge place in my heart.”
“She is such a personality. She takes my mind off any personal problems and keeps me "in the moment." She keeps watch over me and keeps me company. She is the best sleeper. She sleeps until I am ready to meet the day. I just love my Molly-girl.”
Want to Give Your Pet the Longest, Healthiest, Happiest Life Possible?
Choose healthy, natural pet food and treats from GreenerWiener.com! Your dog or cat will thank you!
At Greener Wiener their mission is simple: to provide natural pet products that promote wellness for dogs and cats.
Greener Wiener believes your pets deserve healthy food and treats, and toys made from non-toxic materials. They believe the Earth deserves a break too, which is why they actively seek out products made from safe, environmentally friendly materials.
Visit GreenerWiener.com now to view their unique line of all-natural pet products to enhance the health and well-being of your furry little ones.
Recommended Reading
Dental Care for Pets: Do You Need to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth, Too?
What’s Really in Your Dog’s Food? Top Reasons Why Your Pet’s Food Could be Slowly Killing Him
Pet Obesity is Now the Leading Cause of Preventable Death in Dogs and Cats
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