21 Reasons to Hug Your Dog and Cat Extra Hard Today
… Plus, Share Your Loving Pet Thoughts!
by www.SixWise.com
The holidays are here and there’s good reason to save a helping of turkey for your furry family members too. After all, pets bring a level of unconditional love to our homes that can be hard to match.
Want to Give Your Pet the Longest, Healthiest, Happiest Life Possible?

Choose healthy, natural pet food and treats from GreenerWiener.com!
At Greener Wiener their mission is simple: to provide natural pet products that promote wellness for dogs and cats.
Greener Wiener believes your pets deserve healthy food and treats, and toys made from non-toxic materials. They believe the Earth deserves a break too, which is why they actively seek out products made from safe, environmentally friendly materials.
Visit GreenerWiener.com now to view their unique line of all-natural pet products to enhance the health and well-being of your furry little ones.

In honor of the love and joy a pet brings to your life, we’ve compiled 21 top reasons to be grateful for your dog and cat. Amidst tomorrow’s turkey and Friday’s mad shopping sprees, take a moment to cuddle your kitty and pet your pooch … and please take a moment to TELL US why your pet is so special to you.
At the end of the article there’s a box meant for you, to share the funny moments, the endearing traits and any other reasons why your pet means so much. We’ll be featuring a selection of responses in an upcoming newsletter, so please do share your favorite pet moments with us.
Top 21 Reasons Why You Should Love on Your Pet Today
He loves you no matter what.
She never holds a grudge, even if you get up late to feed her.
You can make her day just by coming home from work.
Kids who have a cat or dog in the home during their first years of life are less likely to develop hay fever, asthma and animal-related allergies than those who don't.
He knows when you’re feeling sad or mad, and will sit by your side to cheer you up.
She’s never stingy with her kisses.
He’s never judgmental and loves you just the way you are.
Pet owners make 15-20 percent fewer annual visits to the doctor than non pet-owners (according to research presented at the 10th International Conference on Human Animal Interaction in October 2004).
She’s cute, soft and cuddly -- perfect for hugging.
People with pets tend to have a speedier, easier recovery after illness or surgery.
He looks at you in a way that can melt your heart … even if he’s been naughty.
She makes you laugh and smile when sometimes no one else can.
People who have had a heart attack survive longer with a pet than without.
Among 48 stockbrokers with high blood pressure, those who owned a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than those without.
Your stress levels drop when you’re around him or her.
Having a pet can raise your levels of self-esteem.
She’s easy to please and (almost) always loves her birthday and holiday presents.
Pet owners have improved exercise habits.
She makes a good “heater” under the covers.
Children with pets who are slow learners, or whose parents had divorced, had higher levels of self-esteem and better emotional functioning than those with no pet.
He or she might not be there tomorrow.
Most pet owners will agree wholeheartedly that pets give back much more than they receive in the form of companionship and love.
If you’d like to return the love and give your pet the longest, happiest, healthiest life possible, Sixwise.com highly recommends visiting GreenerWiener.com now to view their unique line of all-natural pet products to enhance the health and well-being of your furry little ones.
Please Share Your Thoughts With Us!
What does your dog do that melts your heart? Why are you so in love with your kitty? Please tell us why your pet deserves extra loving today and every day!
Please Let Us Know What YOU Think!
Select answers will be published in the forthcoming issue of the SixWise.com e-newsletter!*
*NOTE: Your answer, or an excerpt thereof, may be published in a forthcoming issue of the SixWise.com e-newsletter and on the website. By submitting your answer you authorize this. Please include your name and your city state (or country) location to be included in the publication of select answers! |
Recommended Reading
What’s Really in Your Dog’s Food? Top Reasons Why Your Pet’s Food Could be Slowly Killing Him
Pet Obesity is Now the Leading Cause of Preventable Death in Dogs and Cats
CDC: Healthy Pets, Healthy People
Pet Health Council
Eurek Alert November 24, 2005