H1N1 F.U.D. Factor is a Media Wildfire:
How to Avoid Getting Burned
(Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)
by www.SixWise.com
We coined the term “FUD” factors … the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt that is pushed by media and driving many Americans to panic over the swine flu pandemic … even as swine flu cases are dwindling and the massive deaths predicted have not materialized.
“Scarcity” marketing ploys are working wonders too for Big Pharma manufacturers and government, as it’s one of the most effective emotional ploys known to compel people to action. Especially when combined with H1N1 F.U.D.

The media is using “F.U.D.” factors plus ”Scarcity” tactics to make Americans think they’d better hurry up and get vaccinated, stand in line, before vaccines run out … but 66 million doses are currently available for the taking …and more are on the way with over 200,000,000 to be given while demand had been less. |
It’s working amazingly well, isn't it?
Making YOU believe you will need and want to get a swine flu H1N1 vaccine … even if you have to wait in long lines for hours… when in actuality …
What is There to Fear?
As of mid- to late November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that flu activity is decreasing in all regions of the United States. The World Health Organization also said there were “early signs of a peak” in the U.S.
Further, the American College Health Association said new flu cases dropped 27 percent during the week ending November 13, compared to the week below. And Quest Diagnostics also said its tests of 142,000 possible flu specimens since May showed the flu peaked in late October.
As of November 20, only 43 states were reporting widespread flu activity, compared to 48 two weeks earlier, the New York Times reported. They continue:
“The drop was clearly not caused by the swine flu vaccine drive, which has not gone as fast as the authorities had hoped because the vaccine seed strain grew so slowly.”
But if word gets out that swine flu cases are dwindling, and that the illness is mild in the majority of people who do get it, that could put a serious damper on the remaining stock of H1N1 vaccines.
According to the CDC, as of November 30 66 million doses of swine flu vaccine were available for states to order, and more were on the way.
Perhaps that is why the CDC is continuing to state, even after the month-long decline, that it is too soon to declare that swine flu is tapering off. And instead of spreading the word that it appears the worst is behind us, and the “pandemic” was nowhere near as bad as expected, they are continuing to warn that the upcoming holidays may help spread swine flu.
Perhaps they want to keep you feeling a sense of fear and uncertainty -- increasing apprehension and causing you to doubt yourself if you don’t get vaccinated. Mentally setting you up for wondering if you still shouldn’t get yourself vaccinated.
But maybe your fear, uncertainty and doubt should not be centered on the threat of swine flu, but on the vaccine itself.
Many Americans and Doctors Worried About H1N1 Vaccine Side Effects
A new poll from the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation found that 55 percent of adults don't want to get the swine flu vaccine and don't plan to get a shot.
Their top reasons for shunning the shot?
"The perception that the vaccine has dangerous side effects is the top reason," says CNN polling director Keating Holland on CNN.com. "Roughly half of those who don't want a swine flu shot say that the possibility of side effects is one reason why they don't plan to get the vaccine. That works out to 28 percent of the adult population who don't plan to get inoculated due to the risk of dangerous side effects."
In 1976 there was a similar U.S. government swine flu vaccination drive going on as there is today. During that time, many (over 40 million people) did decide to get vaccinated, despite the fact that the swine flu epidemic never materialized (again echoing what appears to be happening today).
Of those who decided to get the swine flu vaccine in 1976, several hundred people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a condition that causes weakness and sometimes permanent paralysis. At least 30 people also died … not from the swine flu, but from the vaccine.
This incident from the past raises major questions and concerns about the similar H1N1 vaccine program today. Already, anecdotal reports of miscarriages and deaths are being reported after receiving the H1N1 vaccine.
Stay Informed: What to Do if You’ve Gotten the H1N1 Vaccine (or Any Vaccine)
Remove Heavy Metals From Your Body Safely and Naturally With HMD from DrHMD.com

HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox) from DrHMD.com is a unique natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your and your child’s bodies, without any side effects.
Even if you’re not currently suffering symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, it is still highly recommended that you and your children use HMD™ as a preventative, as nearly everyone living on this planet is affected by heavy metals in some way or another.
It's in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat (fish), in our teeth (silver dental filings), in vaccinations (thimerosol and aluminum), and in various household furniture and bedding that we use every day.
Learn More and Order HMD from DrHMD.com Now!

We highly recommend that if you have been vaccinated at any time in your life or if you’ve gotten the swine flu vaccine (or plan to) that you take steps to detox using HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox) from DrHMD.com. HMD is a natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body, without any side effects.
HMD™ is actually the ONLY chelator that has undergone a $1 million, three-year double-blind placebo-controlled research trial with several hundred people! During these three years over 25 different natural products and combinations were tried but the synergistic components of HMD were the only ones that worked for all metals tested. It presently has a worldwide patent-pending.
Dr. George John Georgiou -- HMD™ Inventor and worldwide Patent Holder -- has a Bachelor of Science honors degree in Biology/Psychology from Oxford Brook’s University, Oxford, England, a Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Surrey, Guildford, England, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Clinical Sexology from The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco, USA.
He also holds a Doctor of Science degree in Alternative Medicine from the International Open University of Alternative Medicine. His main research interests at present are studying the use of natural compounds in the detoxification of heavy metals.
Dr. Georgiou has put extensive research into the creation of this very powerful and very unique formula, and using HMD is a simple way to help yourself and your child detoxify some of the harmful effects of heavy metals in your environment, including those from vaccines.
To optimize results, it is best to take the Ultimate Detox Protocol, which comprises of the HMD™ along with drainage remedies to help remove the toxic metals from your body.
This would include an organic herbal remedy called Organic Lavage (Lavage is the French for "drain") that will help to open up the detoxification channels of your body such as the liver, kidneys and lymphatics as well as clean the blood, as well as organic Chlorella to help clear any metals in your gut and prevent them from being reabsorbed.
You also get a 10% saving on these when ordered together, and this is definitely the best way to chelate / detoxify your body.
Learn More About DrHMD.com Full Product Line Including Why to Order HMD Now!
In combination with HMD, you can receive additional benefits of also taking AbsorbAid® Platinum from NutritionsFinest.com as part of your detox regime. Here’s why:
AbsorbAid® Platinum has the ability of aiding the digestion of all food groups and thus breaking them down into micronutrient forms.
When taking products such as HMD, AbsorbAid Platinum takes the stress off of your body’s systems by making the important chelation elements more readily available to your body for detox of heavy metals.
AbsorbAid Platinum Super Digestive Blend is comprised of 100% plant-based enzymes -- the only enzymes that have been clinically tested and scientifically proven to improve absorption of vital nutrients by up to 71%.
That means that two prestigious laboratories, Roche and Mayo Clinic, have recognized the value of AbsorbAid® products as an important element to support your health.
If you decide to take the H1N1 shot, or are required to, then be sure to take these simple extra steps to help you detox and protect your health.
Recommended Reading
Dr. Oz's Children Will NOT Be Receiving H1N1 Vaccine! Really!
Is Swine Flu Being Exaggerated? What We Can Learn From History … Including the 1918 Flu Pandemic
If You Get the Swine Flu Vaccination Shot
Which of Dr. Oz’s 15 Swine Flu Recommendations Should You Follow? And are There Any You Should Avoid?
The Swine Flu Deception
USAToday.com November 30, 2009
NYTimes.com November 21, 2009
CNN.com November 18, 2009
WashingtonPost.com November 4, 2009