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/Newsletters/2008/June/18/How-to-Avoid-Foods-that-are-Harmful-to-Your-Thyroi.htmThese seemingly healthy foods could be interfering with your thyroid.How to Avoid Foods that are Harmful to Your Thyroid
How to Avoid Foods that are Harmful to Your Thyroid
These seemingly healthy foods could be interfering with your thyroid.
/Newsletters/2008/October/15/Why-Synthetic-Progesterone-Should-Be-Avoided.htmWhat happens if you have too little progesterone, and what can you do about it?Why Synthetic Progesterone Should Be Avoided and What to Do Instead
Why Synthetic Progesterone Should Be Avoided and What to Do Instead
What happens if you have too little progesterone, and what can you do about it?
/Newsletters/2010/July/14/Unnecessary-Adrenal-Fatigue.htmAre you tired all the time, even when you get plenty of sleep? Do you crave salty and sugary foods for a pick-me-up? Have you been under a lot of stress? Your adrenal glands may be trying to tell you something …Are You Unknowingly a Victim of Unnecessary “Adrenal Fatigue”?
Are You Unknowingly a Victim of Unnecessary “Adrenal Fatigue”?
Are you tired all the time, even when you get plenty of sleep? Do you crave salty and sugary foods for a pick-me-up? Have you been under a lot of stress? Your adrenal glands may be trying to tell you something …
/newsletters/08/03/19/can-dhea-help-restore-your-youth-and-if-not-what-can.htmDHEA is said to help increase your energy and your lifespan, but does it really work?Can DHEA Help Restore Your Youth? (And If Not, What Can?)
Can DHEA Help Restore Your Youth? (And If Not, What Can?)
DHEA is said to help increase your energy and your lifespan, but does it really work?
/newsletters/08/02/06/soy-is-it-healthy-or-not-what-the-experts-say.htmOne news story says soy is healthy, the next says it's bad for you. Which should you believe?Soy: Is It Healthy or Not? What the Experts Say
Soy: Is It Healthy or Not? What the Experts Say
One news story says soy is healthy, the next says it's bad for you. Which should you believe?
/newsletters/05/06/01/aging-gracefully-enjoy-a-vital-fulfilling-life-regardless-of-age.htmIn this wise and motivating article by meditation and relaxation expert Mary Maddux, visit some very important insights about what "aging gracefully" really means? and learn why five common myths of aging are complete and utter nonsense!Aging Gracefully: Enjoy a Vital, Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age
Aging Gracefully: Enjoy a Vital, Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age
In this wise and motivating article by meditation and relaxation expert Mary Maddux, visit some very important insights about what "aging gracefully" really means? and learn why five common myths of aging are complete and utter nonsense!
/newsletters/05/06/15/wild-yam-why-its-not-recommended-for-progesterone-but-does-provide-eight-other-health-benefits.htmFor centuries, Native Americans, the Chinese, and South Americans have prized wild yams for their health benefits. Discover what the key benefits are, but also why the widespread notion that wild yams are good sources of "natural" progesterone is a myth worth avoiding.Wild Yam: Why it's NOT Recommended for Progesterone but Does Provide Eight Other Health Benefits
Wild Yam: Why it's NOT Recommended for Progesterone but Does Provide Eight Other Health Benefits
For centuries, Native Americans, the Chinese, and South Americans have prized wild yams for their health benefits. Discover what the key benefits are, but also why the widespread notion that wild yams are good sources of "natural" progesterone is a myth worth avoiding.
/newsletters/05/06/22/why-are-more-boys-than-girls-being-born.htmFind out how many more boys than girls are being born, in the U.S. and on a global scale. Then learn the amazing suggestions on why ? including facts on why females live both longer and stronger.Why are More Boys than Girls Being Born?
Why are More Boys than Girls Being Born?
Find out how many more boys than girls are being born, in the U.S. and on a global scale. Then learn the amazing suggestions on why ? including facts on why females live both longer and stronger.
/newsletters/05/06/22/those-who-dont-diet-are-better-at-improving-health-than-those-who-do-diet.htmDo not go on another diet, and let everyone you know who tends to diet to stop once and for all. Why? As you'll find out in this article, dieting does not lead to optimized weight, but it certainly can lead to a weaker immune system and decreased self-esteem.Those Who Don't Diet are Better at Improving Health Than Those Who Do Diet
Those Who Don't Diet are Better at Improving Health Than Those Who Do Diet
Do not go on another diet, and let everyone you know who tends to diet to stop once and for all. Why? As you'll find out in this article, dieting does not lead to optimized weight, but it certainly can lead to a weaker immune system and decreased self-esteem.
/newsletters/05/06/22/healthy-hair--youve-heard-the-phrase-10000-times-but-what-exactly-is-healthy-hair.htmHair is actually a "voice" that, through its chemical composition, can tell a lot about you - where you live, what you eat, what your good and bad habits are. What is your hair saying about you? What is it composed of? And - because your hair is holding all those secrets about you and you want to treat it well to keep it quiet - what does it mean to have truly healthy hair?Healthy Hair--You've Heard the Phrase 10,000 Times, but What Exactly IS Healthy Hair?
Healthy Hair--You've Heard the Phrase 10,000 Times, but What Exactly IS Healthy Hair?
Hair is actually a "voice" that, through its chemical composition, can tell a lot about you - where you live, what you eat, what your good and bad habits are. What is your hair saying about you? What is it composed of? And - because your hair is holding all those secrets about you and you want to treat it well to keep it quiet - what does it mean to have truly healthy hair?
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