Can DHEA Help Restore Your Youth?
(And If Not, What Can?)
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone made in your body
that helps to produce hormones, including the sex hormones
testosterone and estrogen. Sometime during your 20s, your
levels of DHEA peak and as we age, DHEA levels gradually begin
to decline. By the time you reach 70, your DHEA levels will
likely be just 10-20 percent of their peak amount.

Several studies suggest that DHEA may improve well-being,
quality of life, exercise capacity, sex drive, and hormone
levels in people with decreased adrenal function.
And so the premise was built that taking a DHEA supplement
could potentially restore your youthful vigor, and give you
the energy, stamina and sex drive that you had in your 20s.
And that's not all.
DHEA has been marketed as the "cure-all" miracle
supplement that can:
Slow aging and increase your lifespan
Boost your immunity
Lighten your mood
Decrease body fat and increase muscle strength
Improve your memory
Lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's
Stabilize your blood sugar, and lower your risk of diabetes
Benefit multiple sclerosis, lupus and HIV
Is DHEA the "Fountain of Youth"?
There are some studies that show DHEA has promise. For instance,
according to the Mayo Clinic:
Several studies suggest that DHEA may improve well-being,
quality of life, exercise capacity, sex drive, and hormone
levels in people with insufficient adrenal function (Addison's
The majority of clinical trials investigating the effect
of DHEA on depression support its use for this purpose
under the guidance of specialist.
The majority of clinical trials investigating the effect
of DHEA on weight or fat loss support its use for this
However, in all of these instances, the results are preliminary
and more research is needed to confirm the results. In the
meantime, at least one recent study has found that DHEA is
not all it's cracked up to be.
In the two-year study led by Dr. K. Sreekumaran Nair, an
endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota,
close to 150 people were given DHEA supplements or a placebo
once a day for two years.
Although the participants taking the DHEA did have increases
in their hormone levels, they did not have improvements in
body composition, muscle strength, blood-sugar control or
quality of life.

Because DHEA is a hormone, it could potentially increase
the risk of hormone-related cancers like prostate, breast
and ovarian.
"It's very disappointing," Dr. Nair said in a Chicago
Tribune article. "I wouldn't spend any money on DHEA."
Are There Any Risks?
Despite the mostly unproven health claims, DHEA is widely
available in health food stores and on the Internet, and sales
are still going strong.
Please be aware that the yam-based DHEA supplements that
are often advertised are not likely to be effective at all,
because wild
yam cannot be converted into DHEA by your body.
If you are considering a real DHEA supplement, you should
know that there are risks involved. According to the Mayo
Clinic, "Because DHEA is a hormone related to other male
and female hormones, there may be side effects related to
its hormonal activities. For example, masculinization may
occur in women, including acne, greasy skin, facial hair,
hair loss, increased sweating, weight gain around the waist,
or a deeper voice. Likewise, men may develop more prominent
breasts or breast tenderness. Men may also experience increased
blood pressure, testicular wasting, or increased aggressiveness."
Stretch Your Way to a Healthier,
More Youthful Life
stretching is one of the most widely recommended methods
to help you look and feel younger, live longer, avoid
and even overcome serious health issues, and increase
your mental concentration and emotional well-being.
Stretching Toward a Healthier Life, the top-recommended
DVD by stretching expert Jacques Gauthier:
Presents 15 stretches that stretch all the key
muscles groups throughout your entire body.
Takes only about 15-20 minutes per day total to
do the complete stretching.
Stretching expert and host Jacques Gauthier and
his wife Dorothee Lavoie demonstrate each stretch
in their entirety, including insights on what NOT
to do.
Includes stretches that you'll find actually feel
good and are easy to do (many stretches in other
programs are not).
more about the many benefits of stretching, and find
out how you can get FREE SHIPPING NOW!
Because DHEA is a hormone, it could also potentially increase
your risk of prostate, breast, or ovarian cancers, and there's
also evidence from animal tests that it could increase your
risk of developing blood clots or liver damage.
What Can You do to Avoid Premature Aging?
As it stands, a pill is not likely to keep you from aging
with the rest of the world, but there are methods you can
use now to live as long and healthy a life as possible:
Eat a Healthy Diet, With Lots of Antioxidants.
Antioxidants can be vitamins, minerals or enzymes, and
they exist in foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts and other
whole foods) and certain supplements. Want some help to
fortify your diet with antioxidants? Check out our past
article for a list of the top
20 antioxidant foods and six disease-fighting super antioxidants.
Exercise Regularly. Exercise at a level that's
comfortable for you, and do it regularly, rather than
overdoing it by exercising too often or too strenuously.
An excellent adjunct to every exercise routine is regular
stretching using the Stretching
Toward a Healthier Life DVD. Proper stretching is
one of the most widely recommended methods to help you
look and feel younger, live longer, avoid and even overcome
serious health issues, and increase your mental concentration
and emotional well-being.
Relax and Find Ways to Relieve Stress. Trying
to fit too many tasks into a day, or filling your time
with too many stressful activities, will wear you down,
no matter how many fruits and vegetables you eat. Organize
your life so you have time to appreciate little enjoyments,
spend time with family and friends who make you feel good,
and take time for yourself when you need it.
Recommended Reading
Intimate Lives of the Post-Reproductives: New Research Provides
an Interesting Inside Peek
and Memory Loss: New Research Explains Why Menopausal Women
Often Feel Forgetful
March 11, 2008