Ageless Beauty: How to Sculpture Your Body Inside and Out
With What You Consume, Think, and Do Daily including Sex
The anti-aging products market is expected to reach nearly $292 billion by 2015, a staggering amount of money that Americans keep dishing out in an effort to stay forever young. This is one market that even withstood the economic downturn. As reported:
“The market for anti-aging health, and appearance products posts sanguine growth patterns for the upcoming years, backed largely by the affluent aging baby boomers with high levels of disposable incomes.
Anti-aging products market is traditionally resilient to economic cycles, given consumers' unchanging desire to look young and healthy, and the importance accorded to health, and well-being.”
In reality, there is no better place to spend your money than on things that may promote better health and well-being, as achieving wellness and vitality is priceless.
But there is a lot of misconception out there about what exactly will keep you full of energy and looking younger. Is it the expensive eye cream at your favorite cosmetic counter that will do it? Will youth be found in a piece of exercise equipment that helps you do hundreds of crunches a day? Or maybe plastic surgery is the route that will give you ageless beauty …
Why Real Ageless Beauty Cannot be Bought
The truth is, no amount of money can buy youth. Youth is as much a state of mind as it is a number of candles on your birthday cake, which is why one of the only ways to truly stay young at heart is to act it. Your mind can be an incredible force to keeping you young, and scientific research bears this out as well.
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh analyzed data from more than 100,000 women and found those who were optimistic were:
14 percent less likely to die from any cause than pessimists
30 percent less likely to die from heart disease after eight years of follow-up
Less likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes or smoke cigarettes
So it is of incredible important that you do not view “aging” as a crisis, but rather embrace it with each passing year. Being in the moment, living each day to its fullest, will keep you younger longer than any new pill or potion on the market.
As leading meditation expert Mary Maddux states:
“I think what we'll find is that we can not only do away with some myths about aging which limit our quality of life, but also discover some of the "perks" of aging that we often ignore. There are lots of role models who have led the way for us. Did you know, for example, that:
- Martha Graham danced professionally until she was 76
- Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals at the age of 78
- Georgia O'Keefe continued painting well into her 90s
Vitality in "later life" is not just for the famous. Undoubtedly everyone knows at least one person who is living a vital, fulfilling life "despite" their age. This is really the way it should be -- life should become better as we age.”
So a large part of staying young will come from inside your mind … and another significant portion will come from inside your body as well …
A Healthy Lifestyle Will Keep You Young
Your lifestyle choices will go a long way toward whether you look “young” or “old” for your age, which includes several very important but easy to change or add factors for your inner-beauty that will show outwardly -- and at the top of the list is your diet.
The adage “you are what you eat” is really true when it comes to staying healthy and beautiful inside and out.
A poor diet is a source of aging from the inside out. Without the proper fuel, your body does not have the nutrients it needs to function properly, let alone devote to keeping your skin firm, moist and blemish-free. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, will provide you with plenty of antioxidants that will help to protect your skin and overall health.
To keep your produce fresher, longer, place a MiniMate Refrigerator Unit in your fridge. We found that it keeps food fresh for three to four times longer than normal, and even helps break down pesticides and herbicides on produce. Using FDA-approved technology, the Minimate can eliminate most of the germs or mold that may be living on your foods without harming the food or leaving behind any residue.
It is an essential gadget for anyone who is trying to eat fresher and healthier to stay healthy. It also makes a perfect gift for the holidays and is one of our top recommended healthiest gifts under $40!
And, for some delicious, enzyme-rich raw food recipes to use up all those healthy fruits and veggies, try out the book "Alive in 5": Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes.
Are You a Sugar Junky?
Another basic dietary choice that will help you to not only slow down the aging process but also to potentially avoid disease is to cut back on sugar.
Researchers from the University of Jena in Germany blocked worms' ability to process glucose (a type of sugar), which put them into a metabolic state similar to one you would have if you avoided glucose in your diet. Without glucose, something fascinating happened: the worms increased their lifespan by up to 20 percent, which is the equivalent of 15 years of human life.
It turns out that sugary foods, which are quickly broken down into glucose in your body, may be one of the major players in accelerating the aging process.
In the United States, however, the average person eats a hefty amount of sugar, which when broken down generates glucose. In fact, sugar makes up anywhere from 15 percent to 20 percent of most people's daily diets! So reducing this amount significantly may help to turn back the clock.
Anti-Aging Benefits of Vitamin E …
If there were to be an “anti-aging pill,” vitamin E may very well be the closest thing to it.
Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds that act as antioxidants in your body. Most notably about E, is that it:
Vitamin E even plays a special role in protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which is one of the leading causes of premature aging of the skin. These benefits occur both when applied topically and ingested via food or supplements. Vitamin E has even been called the “lightening rod” of your cells because UV light can hit it without causing damage to your cells.
You should always strive to get your vitamins and minerals from healthy food sources, but in the case of vitamin E this can be difficult.
To ensure you’re getting the full spectrum of vitamin E, in a form that your body will be able to absorb, supplementation with a high-quality, mixed tocopherol and separate tocotrienols is essential, and we’re extremely excited to introduce two top-notch vitamin E products from to help you do just that: UNIQUE E® Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate, which consists of the natural form of Vitamin E as obtained through the diet and used by the body, and UNIQUE E® Mixed Tocopherols softgels, which provide a full spectrum of ALL tocopherols mixed for maximum potency and vitamin E benefit.
What About Sculpting Your Body? 
No discussion of anti-aging techniques would be complete without a mention of exercise, as physical activity will help you lose weight, lower your risk of stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease, build strong bones, and even keep your sex life strong.
Exercising for as little as four hours a week can actually triple the three-year survival rate of 85-year-olds – the benefits are that profound!
Exercise also tones muscles and helps promote blood flow -- necessary for healthy skin and body – and will increase your confidence in your body image, no matter what your age.
Aim for an exercise program that is varied and comprehensive, bringing in components of weight training, aerobics, stretching and core work. Proper stretching is actually one of the most widely recommended methods to help you look and feel younger, live longer, avoid and even overcome serious health issues, and increase your mental concentration and emotional well-being, yet it’s often overlooked.
Fortunately, according to Jacques Gauthier, top stretching expert of the Stretching Toward a Healthier Life DVD, stretching should be easy, enjoyable, safe and effective, and better still it takes just 15 to 20 minutes of stretching a day to experience the beneficial effects.
We also absolutely recommend Shea Vaughn’s fitness program from For those of you who feel you don’t have time to go to a gym, take a fitness class or hire a personal trainer, you can get the same benefits, tailored to your own schedule, by working out to Shea’s 6-PACK DVD/CD workout collection today, right from your own home!
As Shea points out, “Most exercise programs are geared only to give you short-term physical improvement. But SheaNetics® understands the real goal for us all is to find total health and fulfillment that is life-lasting. This can only be achieved by creating harmony in body, mind and self. SheaNetics® gives you the practical tools and everyday desire to make beneficial changes that are ongoing.”
Spend More Time in Bed … Benefits of More Sleep and Sex
… In more ways than one. First, you need regular sleep to stay well, and this includes trying to go to sleep and wake up at similar times every day. If you skimp on sleep, it can actually mimic the aging process.
In fact, University of Chicago researchers found that sleeping for four hours a night for less than seven nights interferes with your ability to process and store carbs, and regulate hormone levels -- all of which may lead to aging. One of the easiest remedies is to pop in the Sleep Easy CD … the soothing guided sleep meditations and music on this CD create a restful oasis in which to relax and fall asleep.
Regular exercise will also help to get your sleep schedule on track, just be careful not to exercise too close to bedtime (as this can keep you awake).
Next, don’t underestimate the power of a good sex life. Studies have shown that men who had sex at least twice a week lived longer than those who did so less than once a month … and it can also lower your risk of cancer and heart disease while strengthening your immune system. So grab your partner and spend some quality time in bed together often.
Give Your Brain a Workout
As you work on sculpting your body, you’ll also want to pay some attention to “sculpting your brain.” You can keep your brain functioning at its highest level just by keeping it in shape, just as your muscles improve when you work them out.
"Working out" your brain is only slightly different from working out the rest of your body. If anything, it's easier because such a wide array of activities is beneficial.
As the saying goes, "Use it or lose it." It's thought that some of the forgetfulness and loss of mental acuity that comes along with aging is caused, at least in part, by non-use -- so keep learning and thinking, dreaming and creating.
And above all else, simply living, loving and enjoying your life -- while keeping your worries to a minimum -- will keep you feeling and looking young your whole life through.
SixWise Says ...
“Old people have one advantage compared with young ones. They have been young themselves, and young people haven’t been old.”
--Lord Longford
Recommended Reading
Vince Vaughn's Mom's Anti-Aging Secrets: 5 Living Principles to Gain 12 Major Anti-Aging Benefits
Why You Need Vitamin E ... Nature’s Secret “Lost Science”
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Sources February 19, 2009 March 5, 2009