13 Examples of Dangerous Extreme-Laziness
Plus “Sittosis,” which We All Are Experiencing
by www.SixWise.com
How does extreme-laziness beget undesirable health and sick care results? Also for others unwittingly? Dangerous, unhealthy, extreme-laziness is able to be overcome … through awareness, epiphanies and empowerment.
Many people are simply numb to their own actions or lack thereof.
Seeing is believing! Choices to live a higher quality life are available to everyone who becomes informed.
In these photos you can see some extreme examples …

Source: funster.us
It is really incredible to see that this person is risking his or her life (and the lives of those around him) by not cleaning the snow from his car windshield.

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us

Source: funster.us
When it comes to the “Obesity Epidemic,” the CDC Trends video blames it on sugar … but is it really the culprit?
Statistically, those who use artificial sweeteners are at an increased risk of weight gain!
Or are hamburgers and fries to blame?
Or is it simply most of today’s workday has a lack of exercise?

We certainly do not believe in today’s world that it is laziness! However, daily exercise for two thirty-minute periods plus a healthy raw food diet can drop excess weight, and help prevent and put many if not most diseases into remission.
Why feel bad, sluggish and put yourself at risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, MS, etc. when you can truly turn around your quality of life and look years younger like Vince Vaughn’s mom, Shea Vaughn?
We realize that many people don’t want to addresses such factors… as change seems evil until they get sick and require “sick care”:
Source: chicagonow.com
But if you too are suffering from Sittosis… we do recommend some reading and related actions that can solve what otherwise are dire potential outcomes … see the Recommended Reading below for some healthy tips and advice!
Recommended Reading
“Sittosis” New Study Reveals Skyrocketing Death Rates from “Sitting”
Why Will “Sick Care” Now Replace Health Care in the U.S.? How Might You Benefit or Lose Out?
5 Great Ways to Avoid Becoming Miserable On National “Sick Care” How to Become and Stay Well Plus Be Happy