Are You Toxic Rich, Health Poor?
Even in some of the richest countries in the world, environmental toxins could be making you “health poor.” In fact, even with the best diet, regular exercise and an optimistic outlook, your health can be impacted by the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and even the soil in which your food is grown.

Toxins in your food, water, and air could be slowly accumulating in your body, triggering chronic disease and illness.
Are These Eight Top Environmental Toxins Making You “Health Poor”?
More than 80,000 industrial chemicals have found their way into the U.S. environment over the last 50 years.
Contrary to popular belief, most of these chemicals have never been safety tested for use with humans, animals or the environment, and many environmental chemicals cannot be seen, smelled or tasted -- but that doesn't mean they are inert.
Scientists are now beginning to discover that exposure to chemicals -- indoors, outside, at work and even in the womb -- is a major contributor to chronic diseases plaguing the nation. The Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) has released a toxicant and disease database that summarizes links between chemical contaminants and 180 diseases or conditions in humans.
Further, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report stating that one-quarter of the world's disease burden -- and one-third of the disease burden among children -- is due to environmental factors that could be modified.
Some of the more pervasive, and most potentially toxic, chemicals out there are as follows:
Bisphenol-A: A chemical used in plastic bottles, toys, pacifiers, can liners and more that mimics the female hormone estrogen and may affect fertility and promote cancer.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Gases emitted from paint, carpeting, air fresheners and other building supplies that have been linked to cancer and damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system.
Phthalates: Chemicals found in soft plastics (plastic wrap, food storage containers, toys) and many personal care products that may cause reproductive and developmental harm, organ damage, immune suppression, endocrine disruption and cancer.
Organophosphates: Widely used pesticides linked to cancer, decreasing male fertility and Parkinson's disease.
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs): Used in non-stick pans and wrinkle-free clothing, PFCs have been linked to cancer.
Brominated Flame Retardants: Polybrominated diphenyl ether, or PBDEs, are flame retardants used in foams and other plastics. Animal studies have shown that PBDEs can be neurotoxic and exposures in utero may cause future sexual, learning, behavior and thyroid problems in the offspring.
PCBs: Polychlorinated biphenyls are industrial chemicals that have been banned in the United States for decades, but still exist in the environment, including in the food chain in items like farm-raised fish. PCBs have been lined to cancer and impaired fetal brain development.
Mercury: The primary way humans are exposed to methylmercury, an organic form of mercury, is by eating fish, although mercury exposure also occurs from “silver” dental fillings, pollution and vaccinations.
One of the primary health concerns for mercury exposure is for pregnant and nursing women, or women who may become pregnant, as mercury can harm a developing child. One study, for instance, found neuropsychological deficiencies in children who had higher levels of mercury in their cord blood sample, including deficiencies in language, memory, attention, motor function and visual-spatial functions.
Recent studies have also found a connection between increased mercury levels and heart disease.
To find out about more than 180 diseases and conditions linked to environmental chemicals, you can search CHE's Toxicant and Disease Database. Here is a small sampling from the list:
Parkinson's disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Abnormal sperm count
Gulf War Syndrome
Alzheimer's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Thyroid disorders
How to Become Health Rich and Toxic Poor …
Changing your lifestyle to minimize your exposure to toxins may not be as cumbersome as you think. There are actually a number of strategies you can take, immediately and in the months and weeks to come, that will cut down on your family’s exposure.
1. Buy organic produce, meats, eggs and dairy products as much as possible to reduce pesticide exposure.
Processed foods also contain preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and many other additives that are not good for your body. To really give your body a break, cut back on processed food and focus on whole, natural foods instead.
And as much as possible, choose foods free of pesticides, hormones, genetically modified ingredients and other additives.
2. Eliminate chemical cleaners from your home. Opt for natural varieties instead.
Using typical cleaning sprays and air fresheners at least once a week can increase your risk of asthma by 30-50 percent.
Antimicrobial PerfectClean cloths, mops, dusters and mittsInstead of using these toxic chemicals, which you breathe in and which linger in your home (in your carpets, fabrics, household dust, countertops and more), opt for Antimicrobial PerfectClean cloths, mops, dusters and mitts, which are used by leading hospitals and other healthcare organizations, for all of your cleaning needs.
PerfectClean Antimicrobrial products contain patented built-in antimicrobial protection and are made of ultramicrofibers that are only 3 microns in size, which is even smaller than many bacteria. Because of this unique ultramicrofiber construction, you can reduce the amount of chemical cleaners you use, or even eliminate them altogether.
So, unlike ordinary cleaning rags and sponges, you don't need to use chemical cleaners to achieve the deepest clean, which makes them perfect for anyone who's looking to keep toxic cleaners OUT of their home.
If you choose to use cleaning products, you can opt for natural varieties such as Enviro-Rite. Enviro-Rite has an excellent line of safe cleaning products -- they contain no hazardous ingredients, petrochemicals, perfumes, dyes or animal byproducts, and they have products for all of your cleaning needs, from carpet and upholstery cleaner to spot lifters.

Along with eating organic foods and exercising, you can help reduce your toxic load by regularly detoxing your body. Keep reading to find out how.
3. Use safe, natural brands of cosmetics and other toiletries.
Most health food stores carry chemical-free varieties of everything from shave cream to moisturizing lotion. Two favorites here at are the all-natural Aloe Castile Liquid Soaps -- which can be used for hands, bodywash, shaving, oily hair shampoo and general-purpose cleaning -- and, if you prefer bar soap, Vermont Soap's Organic Country Bars.
Also avoid using synthetic air fresheners, laundry detergents and fabric softeners.
You can keep toxins out of your laundry by using Enviro-Rite Laundry Detergent, a highly effective, ultra-concentrated, ready-to-use detergent solution that leaves behind no residue to irritate sensitive skin, plus is free of phosphates, petroleum solvents, chlorine, perfumes, dyes, animal byproducts, and other toxic compounds.
Dryer sheets are also loaded with toxic chemicals that soften your clothes at the expense of your health. With The Static Eliminator Reusable Dryer Sheet System you can take static cling out and soften fabric -- without any toxic chemicals whatsoever.
4. Leave toxins at your door.
You’d be surprised at the number of bacteria, germs and chemical contaminants you pick up and track around on the bottom of your shoes. This is why taking off your shoes and leaving them at the front door when you come in is key to keeping your home as germ-free as possible.
If you have toddlers who crawl on the floor, or if you like to walk barefoot, this is especially important.
And here's something you may not know: Dirt in your home has been verified as one of today's top health risks and one of two primary counter-measures to the risks (the other is proper home cleaning) is to use high-quality mats and rugs at your doorways and in other key high-traffic areas.
That’s why we highly recommend you invest in high-quality doormats for your home, and by far the Waterhog Grand Premier Mats and Rugs are what we most highly recommend in this area.
Waterhog Grand Premiers are no ordinary mats; in fact, they actually trap soil and liquids in the mat so they don't drain or track onto your floors. This is the one commercial quality mat we most highly recommend to consumers and businesses that are health and safety conscious -- and want something that's attractive as well.
5. Purify your home and car’s air.
A study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found significantly higher concentrations of 20 different compounds right inside your home, not outdoors. You can help keep the air inside your home pure by:
Whenever possible, open your windows to promote circulation of fresh air in your home
Run your exhaust fans in your bathroom, kitchen and attic for outside ventilation
Invest in an air-circulation system to help circulate the fresh air into your house and get rid of stale air
The PIONAIR Air Treatment System, which highly recommends, can also help to cleanse your indoor air. PIONAIR uses photocatalysis, which is designed to oxidize organic odors, germs, and fungi. The PIONAIR technology creates ultraviolet light rays, safe levels of ozone, and passive negative ions as part of your air treatment.
This is not just any old air filter -- it is an air purifier that duplicates Nature's own methods of air cleaning and revitalization, and it is highly recommended to remove toxins from the air you breathe on a daily basis.
You can even purify the air in your car during your commute with a personal air purifier. The Car Ionizer uses negative ions to eliminate pollutants and allergens from the air in your car. There are no filters to be changed and it can be recharged over and over by plugging it into your car adapter.
6. Avoid BPA by ditching plastic water bottles and plastic food containers.
Choose glass storage containers for your food and drinks when possible, and avoid heating your food in plastic containers or covered in plastic wrap.
Also, buy your own Wellness H2.0, a personal reusable water bottle and filter in one that’s made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic, which is BPA-free! The Wellness H2.0 features a unique filtration system that not only purifies ordinary tap water, but also enhances the water for better absorption and hydration.
7. Detox your body regularly.
You probably already have toxins in your body, and while you can take steps to reduce your load in the future, there’s really no way to stop all absorption. This is why we highly recommend detoxing toxins from your body on a regular basis.
There are many ways of removing toxic chemicals such as heavy metals from your body, but most of them involve expensive treatments where a doctor injects you with drugs or vitamins intravenously via a drip. Many of these drugs will also strip the good minerals from your body, something that is not recommended since it is difficult to replenish (or replete) these important substances.
A better and safer way is to take some drops of a natural tincture a few times per day -- it simply goes into water or some juice. This is the beauty of using HMD™ from -- it’s literally as simple as drinking a little water, and it’s safe and cost-effective.
HMD™ is actually the ONLY chelator that has undergone a $1 million, three-year double-blind placebo-controlled research trials with several hundred people! During these three years over 25 different natural products and combinations were tried but the synergistic components of HMD™ were the only ones that worked for all metals tested. It presently has a worldwide patent-pending.
At Sixwise we highly recommend that you use HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox) from, the natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body, without any side effects. It is not only a very powerful chelator of toxic metals, but a very gentle one too.
So please take all the steps you can to help detoxify your body, and stop absorbing toxins, now. The world can be a dirty place, but with the recommendations above you can keep your body as “health rich and toxin poor” as possible!
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Recommended Reading
Chemical Contaminants Linked to 180 Different Diseases
The Top Environmental Contaminants in Your Food (& What You Can do to Avoid Them)
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment Toxicant and Disease Database
WHO: Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments