What Dr. Oz Did Not Tell You About the Swine Flu …
But That You Need to Know to Stay Healthy
by www.SixWise.com
Dr. Oz on The View, regarding the flu and swine flu, stated, “Half the people will get the Swine Flu.” He did not address how you will get the swine flu or the cause, which is the primary way many will take preventive measures from getting the Flu or H1N1 Swine Flu. These preventive measures have nothing to do with risky vaccines or drugs.
Remember an ounce of prevention can eliminate the need for a cure!
Dr. Oz talked briefly about the two vaccines, which we will address in more depth in coming SixWise eNewsletters as that is very important to understand. So please watch for coming SixWise articles on the topic of swine flu vaccine concerns.
What Dr. Oz left out completely as most doctors do are often the best-kept secrets:
We will unveil for you simple easy and inexpensive ways to avoid getting the flu plus we will share important little-known facts regarding his recommended health tip of “vitamin D” that is otherwise likely ineffective due to being unable to be absorbed by your gut and a waste of your hard-earned money (if it is not Vitamin D3 and taken with a digestive absorption product).
1st Focus: The 1st Priority is to “NOT Get the Flu and how to do that!”
How do you get the flu and swine flu or preferably NOT? What Dr. Oz forgot to tell you.

The CDC and most doctors say “handwashing is most important.” That works great … until you get germs from touching the faucet to turn off the water and open the door to leave the restroom … plus everything you touch thereafter.
To Dr. Oz’s credit he has previously mentioned that washing your hands is an important factor in avoiding the swine flu. As he writes on his site, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that hand washing is the number one way you can prevent the spread of disease. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Aim for a minimum of 20 seconds. Whistle while you wash: you should be cleaning your hands for the approximate length of time it takes to complete a verse of “Happy Birthday.””
While this certainly sounds like good advice, it doesn’t go nearly far enough.
Because the flu and swine flu viruses are transmitted the way many germs are ... from person to person or via infected object that you touch, then transfer the germs from your hand to your nose, mouth, eyes or ears. It’s been found that 80% of all infections are spread when you touch a germ and then touch your mouth, eyes and nose.
Further, a new analysis by infectious disease specialists and biostatisticians mimicked the spread of a flu virus and found about 30 to 40 percent of transmission will occur in households and about 20 percent in schools.
Stop, Think and Eliminate Risks … simply continuously.
What happens immediately after you wash your hands? While in concept washing your hands sounds like and is good advice, think about what’s happening when you are turning off the faucet then touching the doorknob to open the door? You could very well be getting more dangerous germs on your hands than you had before you washed your hands.
Because, you just washed off many if not most of the good bacteria from your hands that were protecting you from dangerous bacteria you now are more susceptible to getting viruses from the surfaces you touch. However, even if you do pick up a dangerous virus on your hands … that’s not a problem yet because most viruses are not absorbed through your skin.
Might you now be a walking time bomb?
It is not practical to expect everyone to do a surgical scrub washing of their hands and then put on surgical rubber gloves like Dr. Oz wears while he is doing heart surgery. But there are ways to get nearly the same results without the extreme physical appearance of donning surgical gloves and mask.
Where Are The Flu and Swine Flu High-Risk Areas?
Nearly Everywhere! The swine flu virus can survive on objects like desks and doorknobs for two to eight hours, according to the CDC. And it’s highly likely that you WILL come into contact with it, or another virus … potentially many hundreds of times a day.
So you need a solution that goes above and beyond regular handwashing, a solution that you can carry with you.
You need Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes.
Why Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes are THE Solution to Avoiding the Swine Flu
Hospital-Grade Microfiber Terry cloths and Super Silks are used by hospitals, schools and other commercial organizations that require ultra-clean environments. Hospital-Grade ultramicrofiber construction combined with a PerfectClean patented antimicrobial chemistry that enables these clothes to reach deep into microscopic crevices of all surfaces, including your hands, to remove pathogens in their path... that is because at an astonishing 3 microns, the ultramicrofibers are even smaller than most bacteria (each 12” cleaning hand wipe cloth contains over 300 miles of actual cleaning surface!).
Hospital-Grade Microfiber PerfectClean products are completely safe, reducing or even eliminating the need for harsh soaps and cleaners. You can use the mircrofiber hand wipes dry or dampened only with water for the most effective clean.
In fact, we recommend carrying a PerfectClean Microfiber hand wipe in your pocket and wiping your hand discreetly any time you shake hands or touch a public surface (especially door knobs, shopping cart handles, light switches and other heavily contaminated but rarely cleaned surfaces). Because swine flu has also been spreading around schools, we recommend you tuck one in your child’s backpack and teach him or her to wipe his hands regularly throughout the day.
Special Savings Offer Just in Time for Flu Season
For your health we have just gotten special pricing that we are passing along to you.
10 Hospital-Grade MicroFiber Hand Wipes. You get: (5) 12" Terry Cloths and (5) 12" Silk Hand Wipes (5 hand wipes and 5 hand silk wipes)
Was $71.90
Now $18.50
Over 70% OFF
Until Nov. 1, 2009
20 Hospital-Grade MicroFiber Hand Wipes. You Get: (10) 12" Terry Cloths and (10) 12" Silk Hand Wipes (5 hand wipes and 5 hand silk wipes)
Was $153.80
Now $33.95
Nearly 80% OFF
Until Nov. 1, 2009
We are passing along the best price we can to assure you can take immediate advantage of these amazing cloths. For a small investment you can make a major difference in your family’s health come flu season.
How to Use Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes
Place in your pocket or purse. Wipe and rub your hands and fingers thoroughly after you come into contact with people through handshakes or when you touch surfaces that others have touched.
Clean surfaces using Hand Wipes from your car steering wheel and doorknobs, to all the various surfaces throughout your home and office.
Use these wipes to clean anywhere others touch: on your desktop, telephone, keyboard, door knobs & door frames, chair-arms/back, mirror surfaces, file cabinets, other office furniture and other large surfaces. Can be used dry or lightly dampened.
Wipe frequently touched areas once per day, more frequently during flu season or anytime others visit your office and/or use your office equipment
Why Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes are a BETTER Solution Than Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers
Dr. Oz also mentioned that alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used if a sink isn’t nearby. However, there are reasons why you may be better off ditching the hand sanitizer altogether. For starters, there is some concern that antibacterial liquids like these may limit children’s exposure to germs, to the point their immune systems are negatively impacted.
For more on this please read: EXCESSIVE INNER-Hygiene: Dangers of Killing Good Bacteria You Need to Stay Healthy.
Next, hand sanitizers, including one of the leading brands, Purell, have been given a seven out of 10 score for toxicity (with 10 being the highest hazard) by the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database. According to Skin Deep, ingredients in Purell Hand Sanitizer are linked to:
Developmental/reproductive toxicity
Endocrine disruption
Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive)
Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs)
Further, several of the ingredients have noted violations, restrictions and warnings and have been labeled as contamination concerns, occupational hazards, and causing biochemical or cellular level changes.
Because Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes can be used wet or dry, and offer the same high level of cleansing regardless, they offer the most convenient, safest and most effective hand-cleansing solution on the market.
Learn More and Order Your New Hospital-Grade Microfiber Hand Wipes Today!
Recommended Reading
The Swine Flu Vaccine: Will it Be Mandatory … and More Importantly, Is it Safe?
Is Swine Flu Being Exaggerated? What We Can Learn From History … Including the 1918 Flu Pandemic
Doctoroz.com Swine Flu Prevention
Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews