What do Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm Have in Common? Everything (Plus Find Out How to Treat Them!)
by www.SixWise.com
Athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm have much more in common than you might think. In fact, although they impact different areas of your body these three fungal infections are all caused by the same type of fungus: dermatophytes.

Men are not the only ones impacted by athlete’s foot and jock itch. Both are highly contagious and infect women too!
These fungi are invisible to your naked eye and typically live on your skin with no symptoms at all -- as long as your skin is kept clean and dry. In areas prone to moisture, however, such as your groin area and feet, it’s easy for these moisture-loving fungi to grow out of control.
Since fungi love moist environments of all kinds, it’s easy to pick up a fungus in public showers, swimming pools and locker rooms, the latter of which is where "athlete’s foot" got its name. Jock itch, on the other hand, got its name because it’s common in people who sweat a lot, such as athletes and "jocks."
In both cases, the names are deceiving as anyone can get athlete’s foot and jock itch -- even non-athletes and women.
Jock Itch and Athlete’s Foot are Highly Contagious and Easily Spread on Your Body
If you have athlete’s foot or jock itch, the fungus can easily be spread to from your feet to your groin area and vice versa. This is why you should never get itchy feet near genitals and never scratch your feet without thoroughly washing your hands before touching your or another person’s genital area!
You can also catch jock itch and athlete’s foot by:
Sharing contaminated towels or clothing
Having sexual intercourse or skin-to-skin contact with someone who is infected
Touching an object that carries the fungus
Common objects that may transmit the dermatophytes fungus are floors, mats, rugs, bed linens, shoes and clothes, or spending time in locker rooms, saunas, swimming pools, or communal baths and showers (especially if you walk barefoot in these areas). Once the fungus is on your feet, it can then grow in your shoes, especially if your shoes are tight-fitting or let in little air (such as plastic shoes).
Some of the most common signs of jock itch include:
Symptoms of athlete’s foot include:
Ringworm is Also Highly Contagious
Ringworm is a fungal infection closely related to athlete’s foot and jock itch that develops on the top layer of your skin or on your scalp (this latter form typically impacts children).
What sets ringworm apart is the circular red rash it forms on your skin, which typically has slightly raised, expanding rings that give it a worm-like appearance. Ringworm may also appear as a round, flat patch of itchy skin.
Like athlete’s foot and jock itch, ringworm is transmitted by contact with infected people and objects (clothing, towel, bedding, combs, brushes, etc.) and also by contact with an animal with ringworm. In rare cases ringworm can also be transmitted through contact with highly infected soil.
You May be More Likely to Get Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm If …
While anyone can get one of these fungal infections, you’re at a higher risk if you:
Sweat excessively
Live in damp, humid or crowded conditions
Participate in contact sports
Wear tight clothing
Have a weakened immune system
What to Do to Treat and Prevent Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm
Fight Jock Itch, Athlete’s Foot and Ringworm With Nature’s Most Powerful Anti-Fungal Herb!

Many proprietary creams used to relieve irritation and itch contain chemicals that can cause discomfort. In contrast, Kolorex® Intimate Care Cream and Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream use a natural preservative system, and are free from: synthetic preservatives, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, parabens and animal products.
Kolorex Intimate Care Cream for Jock Itch: The formula contains the unique herbal extract kolorXtract™ made with Horopito, a powerful anti-fungal herb that grows only in New Zealand and has demonstrated strong activity against candida. This all-natural remedy also contains:
Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream for Athlete’s Foot and Ringworm: A natural formula made with Horopito. Kolorex Foot & Toe Care contains:
- Natural source vitamin E to condition problem skin
Because athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful, you’ll want to get relief, fast.
Fungal infections like these can be easily treated with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, however the downside is that many proprietary creams used to relieve irritation and itch contain chemicals that can cause discomfort.
A better option is a natural treatment that works fast as well as effectively, and for athlete’s foot and ringworm Sixwise.com highly recommends Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream.
Kolorex is a natural formula made with Horopito, a powerful anti-fungal herb that grows only in New Zealand and has been used since ancient times to relieve skin diseases.
Kolorex contains the strongest Horopito™extract (kolorXtract-50™) for rapid relief of problems associated with foot and toe fungi. In addition, this formulation contains lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, Apricot kernel oil to soothe, Aloe extract to replenish and natural source Vitamin E to condition problem skin.
Plus, Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream is free from synthetic preservatives, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, parabens and animal products -- it is completely natural!
A highly recommended and natural alternative for jock itch is Kolorex® Intimate Care Cream, which uses a natural preservative system and is free from synthetic preservatives, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, parabens and animal products.
Kolorex Intimate Care Cream also contains the strongest Horopito™ extract (kolorXtract-50™), together with lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, apricot kernel oil to soothe, aloe extract to replenish, natural source vitamin E to condition and lactic acid to balance pH.
Because jock itch often occurs at the same time as athlete’s foot, it’s highly recommended that you treat these infections immediately to prevent cross-contamination or re-infection.
Seven Preventive Measures to Keep Fungal Infections at Bay
The steps that follow can greatly reduce your risk of these itchy infections:
Bathe daily, especially after exercising, playing sports or sweating excessively. This helps keep the number of bacteria on your skin in check.
Stay dry. Dry your groin area, feet (especially between your toes) and inner thighs thoroughly after showering or exercising to prevent excess moisture. You can also apply powder such as corn starch to stay dry. Change your socks regularly to decrease moisture, especially if you perspire a lot. Wear socks made from natural materials like cotton or wool, or those made from a synthetic material that is designed to wick moisture from your feet
Use good hygiene. Change your underwear at least once a day and more often if you sweat a lot. Also be sure to wash your workout clothes after each use.
Stay cool. Avoid wearing thick clothing for long periods of time in warm, humid weather. Wear light, airy, well-ventilated shoes, and alternate your shoes often so they have time to dry thoroughly.
Make sure your clothes fit correctly, especially underwear, sports uniforms and athletic supporters. Tight-fitting clothes can rub and chafe your skin, increasing your risk of jock itch, so men may want to try boxers instead of briefs.
Avoid sharing personal items. Do not share or borrow clothing, towels, shoes or personal items, and make sure any shared exercise machines are cleaned between uses.
Avoid walking barefoot in communal showers, pools, fitness centers and locker rooms.
Recommended Reading
Candida: How to Recognize and Overcome Yeast Overgrowth (a Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)
Natural Solutions for Yeast Infections, One of the Most Common Complaints Among Women
MayoClinic.com Ringworm
MayoClinic.com Jock Itch
American Podiatric Medical Association