Horopito: Why This New Zealand Herb Should be a Staple in Your Medicine Cabinet
by www.SixWise.com
You likely haven’t heard of Horopito, an ancient herb that grows only in New Zealand -- but it’s time you did. This unique flowering plant has special properties that allowed it to survive for more than 65 million years … and those characteristics may be very useful to you and your family.

Horopito contains unique chemical properties that have allowed it to survive 65 million years … now you can harness some of those properties to benefit your family’s health. |
Horopito is a prehistoric shrub that, unlike nearly all other flowering plants, does not have specialized water-conducting tubes. Because of this, it can only live in damp areas with regular heavy rains … New Zealand!
This sturdy shrub has been able to survive for so long – through ice ages and even volcanic “winters” that wiped out many other plant species – by developing chemicals that resisted not only animals and insects but also microbes like fungi and bacteria. The plant also contains powerful antioxidant flavonoids, including quercetin and taxifolin.
Ancient Tribes Treasured Horopito’s Medicinal Qualities
The Maori, migrants to New Zealand from the Pacific Islands, used Horopito for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was to drive away evil spirits. Other uses included:
The plant’s leaves were bruised, steeped in water and applied to the skin to treat ringworm and other skin diseases
Bruised leaves were used in poultices to treat skin chafing, bruises, cuts and wounds
Leaves were chewed for toothache
Horopito sap was used as a treatment for venereal diseases
Early European settlers also took advantage of Horopito’s medicinal properties, using a decoction of the leaves, known as the “Maori painkiller,” for:
The plant itself has a very spicy, peppery flavor, which is due to its active ingredient, polygodial.
The Many Benefits of Horopito
Polygodial was isolated in Horopito leaves in 1982 by researchers from Canterbury University in New Zealand. The team grew cultures of the yeast Candida Albicans and treated them with polygodial exctracted from Horopito leaves. They found the extract was extremely effective against Candida, proving more powerful and faster working than the antifungal pharmaceutal drug amphotericin B.
Horopito is not only very effective against yeasts like Candida but also against certain fungi.
Why Might You Need Horopito?
As many as 80 million Americans may suffer from candida yeast-related problems, and about 70% of these are women.
When your gut is overwhelmed by candida, the yeast can actually burrow into your intestinal wall, which creates gaps in the membrane lining. These gaps, in turn, allow partially digested food particles along with the 180 toxic byproducts of yeast, to be absorbed by your bloodstream.
These toxins can then go on to create an allergic response that, according to YeastConnection.com (the Web site devoted to the work of Dr. William Crook, who wrote the book The Yeast Connection and was one of the first to recognize that yeast can cause illness), stimulates:
Four Ways to Use Horopito for Your Family’s Health

All Kolorex products are natural formulas made with Horopito, the powerful anti-fungal herb that grows only in New Zealand and has been used since ancient times for its beneficial health properties.
Choose the variety that suits your needs:
Kolorex® Advanced Candida Care: Softgels that contain a patented liquid extract of Active Horopito™ to help restore balance in your intestinal microflora.
Kolorex® Intimate Care Cream: A soothing yeast infection cream that contains the strongest Horopito™extract (kolorXtract-50™) together with lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, apricot kernel oil to soothe, aloe extract to replenish, natural source vitamin E to condition and lactic acid to balance pH.
Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream: Contains the strongest Horopito™extract (kolorXtract-50™) for rapid relief of problems associated with foot and toe fungi. In addition, this formulation contains lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, Apricot kernel oil to soothe, Aloe extract to replenish and natural source Vitamin E to condition problem skin.
- Kolorex Mouth and Throat Care Tea: A therapeutic tea known for its unique, hot cleansing action. Made with Horopito, Anise seed, and peppermint leaf to soothe digestion.
The stress of toxins, weight, and feeling awful create excessive release of cortisol, the chronic stress hormone, which has an added negative effect of making it nearly impossible to lose weight
Signs and symptoms of yeast overgrowth are varied and can include:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Food allergies
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Yeast infections
Weight gain
If you suspect candida overgrowth is impacting your life, you should contact a health care practitioner who is knowledgeable about candidiasis, however, an extremely useful addition to your treatment program is a liquid extract of Active Horopito™.
Kolorex® Advanced Candida Care softgels contain a patented liquid extract of Active Horopito™ to help fight candida and restore balance in your intestinal microflora.
Further, two other extremely common complaints can also be helped by using Horopito.
1. Vaginal yeast infections, which impact three out of four women during their lifetimes, benefit from Kolorex® Intimate Care Cream, which uses a natural preservative system and is free from synthetic preservatives, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, parabens and animal products.
Kolorex Intimate Care contains the strongest Horopito™extract (kolorXtract-50™), together with lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, apricot kernel oil to soothe, aloe extract to replenish, natural source vitamin E to condition and lactic acid to balance pH.
Kolorex® Intimate Care Cream will provide fast soothing relief while helping to rebalance your system and overcome yeast overgrowth.
2. Athlete’s Foot, one of the most common skin infections around, can be incredibly uncomfortable and even painful in serious cases, so you will want a treatment that works fast as well as effectively, and for this Sixwise.com highly recommends Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream.
Kolorex Foot & Toe Care Cream also contains the strongest Horopito™extract (kolorXtract-50™) for rapid relief of problems associated with foot and toe fungi. In addition, this formulation contains lemon tea tree oil for deep down cleansing, Apricot kernel oil to soothe, Aloe extract to replenish and natural source Vitamin E to condition problem skin.
Plus, Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream is free from synthetic preservatives, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances, parabens and animal products -- it is completely natural!
In fact, if you have any reason to believe that your body’s microflora has become out of balance, the range of Kolorex products is useful to have on hand, as they’re designed specifically to support normal, balanced intestinal and personal flora. Studies have even shown active Horopito to be more useful than Pau d’Arco or Olive Leaf Extract in restoring natural microflora balance.
Because it’s available in a number of different applications depending on your need -- capsules for intestinal use, two creams for either intimate use or application on feet and toes, and even a tea for mouth and throat care -- we recommend you stock your medicine cabinet with these safe and all-natural preparations to soothe your family’s health complaints, fast.
Recommended Reading
Candida: How to Recognize and Overcome Yeast Overgrowth (a Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)
Natural Solutions for Yeast Infections, One of the Most Common Complaints Among Women
Kolorex.com Active Horopito: New Zealand’s Answer to Candida
NutritionalWellness.com May 2007