Gardasil Controversy: Is the HPV Vaccine Safe … or Effective?
PLUS What YOU Need to Know Regarding
How to Detox From ALL Shots Heavy Metals!
Gardasil vaccine, which protects against the sexually transmitted HPV (human papillomavirus) and is recommended for 11-12-year-old girls, along with those aged 13 to 26, was recently approved for use in boys by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Heartbreaking Challenge for all parents who must weigh the risks of a vaccine versus any potential benefit when considering Gardasil or any vaccine for their children!
We have found a Natural Heavy Metal Detox from such Vaccination Issues!
A natural way for your children and yourself to Detox from the heavy metal concerns many highly informed Parents fear most … from the broad array of heavy metal sources: Vaccines, eating fish, silver dental fillings, contaminated seafood, cosmetics, invisible air pollution, contaminated water and many other sources!
The premise for giving the vaccine, which protects against the four types of HPV that cause 70 percent of cervical cancers and 90 percent of genital warts, to boys was that it would lead to greater HPV, and therefore cervical cancer, protection for girls and women.
A CDC advisory panel, however, has just come out saying it does not recommend Gardasil for routine use in boys, though it said it’s OK to give to males who want it.
This latest approval for boys is adding to the growing controversy over the shot, which costs upwards of $300 for the three-shot series and has been linked to a rash of side effects and deaths.
Gardasil Side Effects Raise Serious Safety Questions
A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed the HPV vaccine has been linked to 32 unconfirmed deaths along with a higher rate of fainting and blood clots than other vaccines.
In fact, thousands of Gardasil-related adverse reactions have been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Along with the 32 unconfirmed deaths, adverse reactions including Bells Palsy, Guillan-Barre syndrome, seizures, blood clotting, heart problems, and even miscarriages and fetal abnormalities among pregnant women have occurred in those who received the vaccine.
Is the Gardasil Vaccine Necessary or Effective?
Why and How to DETOX From Gardasil and ALL Prior Vaccination “SHOTS”!

HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox) from is a unique natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your and your child’s body, without any side effects.
If you or your child will be getting a vaccine (the Gardasil shot, or any other shot this year), the heavy metals from the vaccine will enter your body along with any other heavy metals you’ve already accumulated (i.e. silver dental fillings, many seafoods and other foods, cosmetics, air pollution, tap water and other sources), creating a potentially dangerous health scenario.
Even if you do NOT plan to get vaccinated, it is still highly recommended that you and your children use HMD as a preventative, as nearly everyone living on this planet is affected by heavy metals in some way or another. It's in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat (fish), in our teeth (silver dental filings), in vaccinations (thimerosol and aluminium), and in various household furniture and bedding that we use every day.
It is considered safe for children to take HMD™ with no side effects, and you can view dosage guidelines here from their practitioner website.

Learn More About Gardasil and All Vaccines…Including Why to Order HMD Now!
The risks seem steep to many concerned parents and physicians, particularly because the vaccine is intended to prevent a disease that’s already largely preventable. In the United States, cervical cancer causes about 4,000 deaths each year, which experts say are largely preventable with routine pap smears.
While HPV is common, most infections occur without any symptoms and go away on their own within a few years, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Meanwhile, of the more than 100 HPV viruses (around 30 of which can be transmitted sexually), Gardasil protects against just four. So it is possible to get cervical cancer even if you've been vaccinated. And even among the "high-risk" types of HPV that Gardasil prevents, NCI says, "It is important to note, however, that the great majority of high-risk HPV infections go away on their own and do not cause cancer."
Further, the shot may actually be missing the key years during which it is intended to provide benefit. Said Dr. Joseph Zanga, chief of pediatrics at the Columbus Regional Healthcare System in Columbus, Ga., in an ABC News article:
"Perhaps the most important, currently missing 'warning' is that the vaccine may not be forever. We know that it protects for 5-7 years so that a girl getting the series [of shots] at [age] 11-12 will enter the time of her most likely sexual debut unprotected but believing herself to be."
What they failed to mention is the fact that Heavy Metals injected that build up are difficult for the body to detoxify -- yet over time can cause major health problems.
So, while over time, all the possible benefits are less and less likely, the side effects remain.
You, yourself could be experiencing some of these “heavy metal symptoms”!
In an accompanying JAMA editorial, Charlotte Haug, MD, PhD, Msc writes:
“The theory behind the vaccine is sound: If HPV infection can be prevented, cancer will not occur. But in practice the issue is more complex. First, there are more than 100 different types of HPV and at least 15 of them are oncogenic [capable of causing tumors]. The current vaccines target only 2 oncogenic strains: HPV-16 and HPV-18.
Second, the relationship between infection at a young age and development of cancer 20 to 40 years later is not known. HPV is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection, with an estimated 79% infection rate over a lifetime. The virus does not appear to be very harmful because almost all HPV infections are cleared by the immune system.
In a few women, infection persists and some women may develop precancerous cervical lesions and eventually cervical cancer. It is currently impossible to predict in which women this will occur and why.
Likewise, it is impossible to predict exactly what effect vaccination of young girls and women will have on the incidence of cervical cancer 20 to 40 years from now. The true effect of the vaccine can be determined only through clinical trials and long-term follow-up.”
Now that Gardasil has also been approved for boys, it raises even further questions about its relevance, efficacy and safety.
Cervical Cancer and Vaccination
Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), a holistic medicine practitioner at the DAVINCI NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE who has worked in the field of holistic cancer treatment ( says:
“Cancer is multi-causal and is never a result of one factor alone, least of all one specific virus. Even if it is a virus, one has to think outside the box and try to determine why the specific virus has taken hold – usually one has to look at the internal milieu – the pH of the body tissues, the level of toxicity, heavy metals, Candida, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, food intolerances, electromagnetic stress and a myriad of other factors too many to mention here.
All these factors and more can cause the ideal conditions for anaerobic cancer cells to grow and proliferate. One vaccination is not going to eliminate all these factors, but is likely to exacerbate these conditions in favor of the cancer.”
Does the Benefit Outweigh the Risk?
When considering any type of medical intervention, one must always assess whether the benefit outweighs the risk. The real question that Dr. Haug points out is:
“So how should a parent, physician, politician, or anyone else decide whether it is a good thing to give young girls [and now young boys] a vaccine that partly prevents infection caused by a sexually transmitted disease (HPV infection), an infection that in a few cases will cause cancer 20 to 40 years from now?”
She continues:
“Whether a risk is worth taking depends not only on the absolute risk, but on the relationship between the potential risk and the potential benefit. If the potential benefits are substantial, most individuals would be willing to accept the risks. But the net benefit of the HPV vaccine to a woman is uncertain. Even if persistently infected with HPV, a woman most likely will not develop cancer if she is regularly screened. So rationally she should be willing to accept only a small risk of harmful effects from the vaccine.
When weighing evidence about risks and benefits, it is also appropriate to ask who takes the risk, and who gets the benefit. Patients and the public logically expect that only medical and scientific evidence is put on the balance. If other matters weigh in, such as profit for a company or financial or professional gains for physicians or groups of physicians, the balance is easily skewed. The balance will also tilt if the adverse events are not calculated correctly.”
What is the BEST Way to Prevent HPV?
For now, the choice of whether to get vaccinated with Gardasil is a voluntary one that every parent and young woman needs to make on their own.
For those who decide to forgo the vaccine, NCI states that the surest way to eliminate your risk of HPV infection is to either refrain from sexual activity or, if you are sexually active, to maintain a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. We recommend sharing this article with your children (literally or conversationally): “What You Really Need to Know About Your Partner Before You Commit!”
For women, a pap test can also be used to detect abnormal cells in the cervix. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines recommend that women have a Pap test at least once every 3 years, beginning about 3 years after they begin to have sexual intercourse, but no later than age 21.
If You do Opt for the Gardasil Vaccine… or have had any vaccine “SHOTS”
We highly recommend that if you have been vaccinated at any time in your life or if you’re going to get your child a Gardasil vaccine (or have already) -- or if they will have any vaccinations -- you right away get and use HMD™ (Heavy Metal Detox), a natural oral formula that helps to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body, without any side effects.
Dosage for Children & Teenagers by Weight
Child's weight more than: (pounds-lbs)
Child's weight more than: (kilos-kg)
Total amount: (drops x 3 daily)
ml x 3 daily:
Prior to using HMD, many people have had various symptoms -- headaches, fatigue, bloating feeling, irritability, depression, mood swings, low energy and lack of desire.
HMD™ is actually the ONLY chelator that has undergone a $1 million, three-year double-blind placebo-controlled research trial with several hundred people! During these three years over 25 different natural products and combinations were tried but the synergistic components of HMD were the only ones that worked for all metals tested. It presently has a worldwide patent-pending.
Dr. George John Georgiou -- HMD™ Inventor and worldwide Patent Holder -- has a Bachelor of Science honors degree in Biology/Psychology from Oxford Brook’s University, Oxford, England, a Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Surrey, Guildford, England, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Clinical Sexology from The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco, USA.
He also holds a Doctor of Science degree in Alternative Medicine from the International Open University of Alternative Medicine. His main research interests at present are studying the use of natural compounds in the detoxification of heavy metals.
Dr. Georgiou has put extensive research into the creation of this very powerful and very unique formula, and using HMD is a simple way to help yourself and your child detoxify some of the harmful effects of heavy metals in your environment, and from vaccines.
To optimize results, it is best to take the Ultimate Detox Protocol, which comprises of the HMD™ along with drainage remedies to help remove the toxic metals from your body.
This would include an organic herbal remedy called Organic Lavage (Lavage is the French for "drain") that will help to open up the detoxification channels of your body such as the liver, kidneys and lymphatics as well as clean the blood, as well as organic Chlorella to help clear any metals in your gut and prevent them from being reabsorbed.
You also get a 10% saving on these when ordered together, and this is definitely the best way to chelate / detoxify your body.
Learn More About Products Including Why to Order HMD Now!
Recommended Reading
Heart-Wrenching Parental "Shot Dilemma" ... Should Your Children Get Vaccinated?
Should Young Girls Get the HPV Vaccine? An Update of the Issues
JAMA. 2009;302(7):795-796.
JAMA. 2009;302(7):750-757. October 23, 2009 October 20, 2009
ABC News August 19, 2009
National Cancer Institute: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer