How to Manage the "Baby
Having a baby is one of the most joyous times in a woman's
life. Yet, joy is not the only feeling that a new baby brings.
In fact, many new moms feel sad, afraid, anxious or even angry
in the days and weeks following childbirth.

Up to 80 percent of new moms experience the baby blues.
This common set of symptoms called the "baby blues"
is actually a mild, short-lived depression
that impacts up to 80 percent of new mothers.
While the baby blues typically go away in a few days, about
10 percent of new moms will develop a more serious condition
called postpartum depression. This involves feelings of sadness,
anxiety and restlessness that interfere with your daily life
-- and they can develop up to six months after giving birth.
So if you are feeling severely depressed, and it's been more
than a few days or weeks, you should seek professional help.
For most women, however, the baby blues are a normal part
of being a new mom.
The Baby Blues: What to Expect
They may only last a few days, but the roller coaster of
emotions -- the crying at the drop of a hat, the trouble concentrating,
the irritability -- that plagues many new mothers is still
hard to handle (especially with the added demands of a new
baby to care for, and recovering from childbirth).
The baby blues generally begin about three to four days after
delivery and go away within 10 days.
Just what types of symptoms can you expect?

Even in the midst of caring for a new baby, it's important
for women to take at least a few minutes a day to unwind.
Mostly, these symptoms arise from the rapid changes that
occur -- both physically and mentally -- after childbirth.
Your hormone levels drop, your milk comes in, and you may
feel overwhelmed with the new transition to motherhood. Plus,
you're sleep-deprived, which only makes everything seem worse.
Interestingly, psychologists from the University of the West
of England, Bristol had a different take on the baby blues.
In their 1996 study, they found that all the women they interviewed
missed the freedom they had before having a baby, and in some
cases also missed their old body image. They concluded that
the baby blues may be a natural way of grieving for the woman's
past lifestyle.
Coping With the Baby Blues
As long as your symptoms are mild and short-lived, you can
cope with the baby blues by giving yourself some TLC:
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Take naps as often as you can. Even short naps can be
Cry if you need to.
Don't judge yourself for how you're feeling. It's normal!
Talk to your spouse, family and friends about how you're
feeling. You can also join a new moms support group to
talk to others going through a similar transition.
Ask for help when you need it, and accept help when
others offer it.
Keep visitors to a minimum.
Prioritize what has to be done versus what can wait
to be done (i.e. don't try to do everything you used to
do immediately). It's OK to take a nap while the baby
is sleeping instead of keeping up with the dishes. You
don't have to be Supermom.
Eat plenty of nutritious foods regularly throughout
the day, as it's been found that low blood sugar can make
your symptoms worse.
It's a natural mood booster.
Try to find a
few minutes a day to relax. Reading, taking a bath,
or listening to some music -- even for 15 minutes -- will
help you feel better.
Keep a diary of your feelings.
And remember, if your symptoms are severe or persistent,
you should talk with your doctor to rule out the more serious
post-partum depression.
Recommended Reading
a Pregnant Woman is Carrying Low, Is It Really Going to be
a Boy?
Babies Conceived in Summer Don't Do as Well in School
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Academy of Family Physicians