Guided Imagery: What It Is and How It Is Being Used to Help People Heal
Guided imagery helps your mind escape to a pleasant, relaxing
environment, thereby reducing stress, anxiety and a host of
negative emotions. You may use a guided imagery coach, special
tapes, or you may guide yourself, but the premise stays the
same: verbal suggestions or other techniques are used to gently
guide your imagination to a harmonious place.

By imagining yourself in a serene place, such as at
the beach, you can feel calm and relaxed no matter where
you are.
And when your mind becomes calm and peaceful, it prompts
very real physical changes in your body. This mind-body connection
is now being used to help people heal, deal with pain and
overcome illness.
"Mind-body medicine focuses on the interactions among
the brain, mind, body, and behavior, and on the powerful ways
in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral
factors can directly affect health," writes the National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).
How is Guided Imagery Beneficial?
During a guided imagery session, your mind retreats to a
comfortable place, such as a beach or a garden. This relaxed
state is said to benefit not only your health, but also learning,
creativity, mood and well-being.
The #1 Relaxation CD on the Market
Looking for an easy way to relax? Pure Relaxation,
the top recommended relaxation CD, uses guided meditations
to calm your mind, soothe your emotions and create a
state of deep relaxation in your body.
It is an excellent stress management tool, which can help
to lower your blood pressure and relieve other dangerous
side effects of chronic stress. It can also help you to
achieve goals, such as weight loss or quitting smoking, or
prepare for an upcoming event, such as public speaking.
"Guided imagery provides a powerful psychological strategy
that enhances a person's coping skills. Many people dealing
with stress feel loss of control, fear, panic, anxiety, helplessness
and uncertainty. Research has shown that guided imagery can
dramatically counteract these effects," according to
the Cleveland Clinic. "It can help people overcome stress,
anger, pain, depression, insomnia and other problems often
associated with illnesses and medical/surgical procedures."
They point to various research studies that have proven guided
imagery may help to:
Dramatically decrease pain and the need for pain medication
Decrease side effects and complications of medical procedures
Reduce recovery time and shorten hospital stays
Enhance sleep
Strengthen your immune system and enhance your ability
to heal
Increase self-confidence and self-control
So powerful are the effects of guided imagery for surgery
patients that the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Heart Center
hands out complimentary guided imagery CDs to any patient
scheduled for heart surgery.

A guided imagery coach can help you to relieve pain,
boost your mood, achieve your goals and lessen the impact
stress has on your life.
Who Should Try Guided Imagery?
Anyone who could benefit from increased relaxation in their
life could also benefit from guided imagery. It's useful for
any type of stress relief, but particularly if you:
Remember that there are several ways to use guided imagery:
with a trained guided imagery coach, with guided imagery CDs,
or by simply using your imagination.
For minor stress relief you will probably experience benefits
simply by working to put your mind in a relaxed place, however
if you are facing more serious stress or health conditions,
a guided imagery coach is recommended.
Recommended Reading
Does the Way You Think Impact Your Health?
To Role Model Effective Stress Reduction Strategies For Your
Cleveland Clinic
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine