Bad Posture at the Desk Can Lead to High Blood Pressure and Other Risks
If you spend long
hours sitting at a desk each day, listen up -- or, more
precisely, straighten up. Bad posture at your desk has been
found to raise your blood pressure.

The muscles in your neck are linked directly to a brain
region that regulates your heart rate and blood pressure.
The discovery was made by researchers at the University of
Leeds, UK, who found that muscles in your neck have a direct
connection to your nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) -- a part
of the brainstem that helps regulate heart rate and blood
"The pathway exists for bad posture to really have an
effect," said researcher Ian Edwards.
Of course, high blood pressure is only one of the unsavory
side effects of a day-long slouch marathon. Sitting improperly
at your desk can lead to:
Increased risk of neck and back
Abnormal wear and tear on your joints, which can lead
to arthritis
Improperly aligned bones and joints, which can lead to
Your spine becoming fixed in an abnormal position, which
can lead to constricted blood vessels and nerves and problems
with muscles, discs, and joints. In turn, this can cause
headaches, fatigue, organ trouble and breathing problems.
Increased strains and pains
More stress on the ligaments that hold your spine's joints

Proper sitting posture means keeping both feet flat
on the floor, aligning your back with the back of your
chair and keeping your shoulders straight.
What is Proper Sitting Posture?
We all know that you need to stand up straight and keep your
shoulders back to have
good posture, but what does "good sitting posture"
look like? Use these tips to find out:
Keep both feet flat on the floor (if your feet cannot
reach the floor, adjust the chair or use a footrest)
Align your back with the back of the chair
Don't slouch or lean forward
Adjust the chair so your knees are even with your hips,
or slightly higher, and your arms are at a 75-90 degree
angle at the elbows
Keep your shoulders straight
Stretch Your Way Toward a Healthier
Here's what people are saying about Jacques Gauthier's
"Stretching Toward a Healthier Life" DVD:
"Without a doubt, the simple stretching exercises
on this DVD will add life to your years ... and years
to your life!"
-- Dr. Jean Chevrefils, Quebec
"I found Jacques' stretching program extremely
beneficial for my own chronic back pain and can recommend
it highly."
-- Walter C. Prehn, MD
"I've had your videotape for a year now and
have been doing the stretching intensively. My back
and knee pain are now just a bad memory."
-- Pierrette Abel
If you're having trouble getting into a good postured sitting
position that feels right, here's a trick: get an exercise
ball and try using it instead of your regular chair. In order
to keep your balance on the ball, you will have to sit up
straight with both feet on the floor, which will give you
an idea of what good sitting posture should feel like.
Finally, you can reduce the strain that comes from sitting
all day (an unnatural position for the human body when done
in long periods) by stretching. Check out Nine
Important Stretches if You Work at a Desk Much of the Day
for simple stretches to do right at your desk.
And remember that you can reduce muscle tension, increase
your flexibility and improve your posture overall by making
stretching a regular part of your day. The Stretching
Toward a Healthier Life DVD is an ideal way to do this
as it presents 15 stretches that stretch all the key muscle
groups throughout your entire body, and takes just 15-20 minutes
to complete.
The great thing about stretching is that once you incorporate
it into your routine, it will make sitting at your desk much
easier on your body.
Recommended Reading
to Sit at a Desk All Day and Still be Healthy
Surprising Health & Psychological Benefits of a Clean,
Uncluttered Desk
Journal of Neuroscience, August 1, 2007, 27(31):8324-8333
Scientist August 11, 2007