Parents Don't Even Recognize Their Children are Obese
A new study led by University of Michigan researchers found
that when it comes to their kid's weight, many parents don't
want to admit there's a problem.

Your kids will thank you later for getting them started
on a healthy lifestyle today.
After surveying over 2,000 adults and taking height and weight
measurements of their children, the study found that among
parents with an obese or extremely overweight child between
the ages of 6 and 11:
43 percent said their child was "about the right
37 percent believed the child was "slightly overweight"
13 percent said "very overweight"
A smaller percentage said the child was "slightly
"It suggests to me that parents of younger kids believe
that their children will grow out of their obesity, or something
will change at older ages," said Dr. Matthew M. Davis,
a professor of pediatrics and internal medicine at University
of Michigan, who led the study.
In reality, however, obesity predisposes children to a number
of health risks, including:
Encouraging Your Child to Eat Healthy and Stay Active
About half of the time a child is obese, one or both of the
parents is also overweight, so it's important that, as a parent,
you commit to a healthier lifestyle along with your child.

Playing actively with your kids is a great way for
the whole family to get some exercise!
According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent
Psychiatry, a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and
13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult, but
you can help to change this in your child.
Kids gain weight for many of the same reasons that adults
do, and often this is tied to eating too many unhealthy foods
and not staying active enough. Stressful life events, such
as divorce, a move, or a death in the family can also contribute.
As a family, you can make the changes that will help your
child to gradually lose weight, but keep this in mind:
You should be supportive, not critical of your child.
You should be a positive role model (and not expect your
child to give up junk food and soda if you won't).
You should make changes slowly.
Next, begin to gradually implement the following changes.
They may seem small, but they will add up over time.
meals together as a family
Decrease the time your child watches
TV and plays
video games or spends at the computer
Avoid using food as a reward
Use healthy foods as snacks
Encourage your child to do active things like going
for walks, walking the dog, washing the car, playing sports
or tag with friends, etc.
Limit fast food meals
Include more nutritious meals in your family's daily
diet (try the recipes in Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals
in Five Minutes for some delicious (and fast!) ideas)
Eliminate sweetened drinks like soda from your house
Plan your meals for the week so you don't end up going
for take-out at the last minute
Pack a healthy lunch for your child to take to school
Finally, be sure that you reward your child's progress, not
just in their weight loss but also in their changes toward
leading a healthier lifestyle. Every time your family meets
a new goal, go for a fun outing, such as ice-skating or to
a museum. Soon you will find that your new lifestyle becomes
your routine, and your children will have you to thank for
their healthy future!
Recommended Reading
Obesity and Cancer Link Now Absolutely Confirmed
Hidden Burdens of Obesity: Greater Sensitivity to Pain, More
Prone to Fatal Auto Crashes & More
December 26, 2007
Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry