Nagging Cough or New Lethal Cold Virus?
Respiratory Bug Has Killed 10
Little known the common cold has mutated into a lethal new adenovirus named Ad14 in 2007, and killed 10 people that were diagnosed.
There are more than 50 types of adenoviruses that cause illnesses such as the common cold and gastroenteritis. Typically, the illnesses are not serious and resolve on their own. Those who become seriously ill with adenovirus are almost always the elderly, infants or people with compromised immune systems.

The average adult gets two to four colds every year!
This new strain, however, stands out because it has seriously sickened, and in some cases killed, otherwise healthy people, including young adults.
Ad 14 was first discovered in 1955, and was linked to a series of illnesses in 1969. Since then, however, the virus had disappeared from the radar -- until now. In 2006, a study in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that Ad 14 accounted for a full 6 percent of adenovirus samples collected in 22 medical facilities in 2006.
Because most medications are not effective against adenoviruses, treatment typically consists of plenty of fluids and bed rest.
How to Avoid the Common Cold, or a More Lethal Variety, This Winter
The average American adult gets two to four colds a year, while young children may come down with one six to 10 times. The symptoms -- runny nose, sore throat, cough, congestion -- can make you feel pretty lousy, but typically are harmless.
What can you do to keep your chances of getting a cold to a minimum? Here are the insider tips to keep you and your family healthy:
- Wash your hands, and your children's hands, thoroughly, and often. You and your children can also carry a PerfectClean hand wipe in your pocket, and use it frequently to wipe off your hands throughout the day (especially after shaking hands, touching doorknobs or other public areas and before eating).
These commercial-grade cloths have patented built-in antimicrobial protection, and are made of 100% safe ultramicrofibers that are only 3 microns in size, which is even smaller than many bacteria. A quick wipe of your hand will clean it down to a microscopic level!

When you sneeze, you should do so into a tissue to avoid spreading a cold virus to others.
Avoid sharing utensils, glasses or hand towels with others (including at home).
Avoid close contact with those who have a cold (if possible).
Keep your home clean. Cold viruses can be spread through droplets in the air when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes or talks, according to the Mayo Clinic. But it also spreads when you touch something that has the virus on it and then touch your nose or mouth.
Cleaning surfaces in your home regularly, and especially after someone has been ill, is therefore crucial to staying cold-free. We highly recommend the PerfectClean line of cleaning tools for this -- they clean down to a microscopic level, and have tools made specially for cleaning commonly touched objects, like doorknobs, refrigerator handles, computer screens and desktops.
Wash linens and clothing (using hot water and soap) that have been in contact with an infected person.
Choose a day care center for your children that has excellent hygiene practices -- and that has policies stating that children who are sick must be kept home.
When you sneeze, do so into a tissue to avoid spreading the virus to others. Discard the tissue immediately and wash your hands afterward.
Recommended Reading
The Nine Grossest Things Other People Do That Can Make You Sick
What You Need to Know about VHS -- a Vicious Killer Virus That is Silently Wiping Out Fish Populations
Clinical Infectious Diseases November 1, 2007;45:1120-1131 November 15, 2007