What Men Versus Women Dream About When They Dream About Sex
by www.SixWise.com
A healthy sex life is undeniably an important part of a healthy
lifestyle, and there is, in fact, research to prove it. Assuming
it is done with a partner you can trust, and no sexually transmitted
diseases are involved, the benefits of sexual relations include:

You both dream about sex, but you and your partner
may have very different things in mind.
Relief from depression and stress: "The release
from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep,
and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with
a partner," says Jennifer Bass, the head of information
services at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex,
Gender and Reproduction in Bloomington, Indiana, in an
MSNBC article.
Reduced risk of heart disease: A 2001 study by
researchers at Queens University in Belfast found that
men who had sex three times a week or more reduced their
risk of heart attack and stroke by half.
Pain relief: Levels of the hormone oxytocin surge
to five times their normal level right before orgasm,
and this releases pain-relieving endorphins in your body.
A strong immune system: An antibody that boosts
your immune system, immunoglobulin A, is 30 percent higher
in people who have sex once or twice a week, according
to researchers from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.
A reduced risk of prostate cancer. A study in
the Journal of the American Medical Association found
that frequent ejaculation is linked to a lower risk of
prostate cancer.
It's interesting to note, then, that both men and women dream
about having a healthy sex life, and these dreams account
for 8 percent of all dreams, according to research by Antonio
Zadra, an associate professor of psychology at the University
of Montreal.
In a study of 109 women and 64 men who kept diaries of their
dreams for two to four weeks, Zadra uncovered what men and
women dream about when they dream about sex.
Do Men and Women Dream About Sex Differently?
While women have just as many sex dreams as men (something
that used to be disputed), they do not always dream about
the same things as men.
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Women, for instance, are more likely to dream about:
Men, meanwhile, tend to dream about:
Imaginary people
Sex with more than one person
Sex in public or in unknown places
Initiating sexual contact
There were also some similarities. Both men and women dreamed
most often about:
Do your sexual dreams have anything to do with your real-life
sexual desires? According to Zadra, your dreams are, in fact,
indicative of your waking thoughts.
"If the sex dreams tend to involved unknown or fantasy
characters, it is probably a reflection of your waking state,
that your desires and fantasies are with strangers,"
Zadra said.
"Gender differences in the content of everyday sexual
dreams may reflect people's waking needs, experiences, attitudes,
and concerns with respect to sexuality," he said.
So if you and your partner are looking to add a spark to
your love life, you may want to devote some time to journaling
about your dreams, and then sharing those hidden desires with
your partner.
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