The Little-Known Danger of Computer Printers ... and of Other Common Office Machines
If you're unlucky enough to be sitting next to certain computer
printers in your office, you may as well be sitting next to
a cigarette smoker, according to new research from the Queensland
University of Technology in Australia.

Laser printers in your office may be emitting toxic
particulate matter that can cause heart disease, respiratory
illness and cancer.
The researchers discovered that toxic
particulate matter levels were five times higher inside
a non-smoking office building on a workday than they were
outside near a freeway. They then began to determine what
was causing this toxic indoor air.
One of the sources turned out to be laser printers. The researchers
studied more than 50 such printers and found that half of
them emitted tiny particles of toner-like material into the
air, in concentrations ranging from low to high.
Breathing in these tiny particles has been linked to respiratory
illness, heart disease, lung disease and cancer.
The printers in the study were manufactured by common names
including Hewlett-Packard, Toshiba, Ricoh and Canon -- and
all used toner instead of ink.
"Even very small concentrations can be related to health
hazards," said author Lidia Morawska, director of the
International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health at Queensland
University of Technology in the San Francisco Chronicle. "Where
the concentrations are significantly elevated means there
is potentially a considerable hazard."

Electro-pollution that comes from the electrical field
surrounding office pollution can cause asthma, the flu
and other respiratory illness.
Your risk of exposure, the researchers found, depends largely
on the office building's ventilation system.
Are You Surrounded by Electronic Smog?
Laser printers are not the only potential risk in your work
environment. The electrical fields given off by electronic
equipment, including computers, lamps, wiring and more, may
also impact your health, according to research by Imperial
College's Centre for Environmental Policy.
The fields, dubbed "electro-pollution," charge
tiny particles in the air including viruses, bacteria, allergens
and more.
When you breathe in these particles, the electrical charge
makes them adhere to the tissue in your lungs and respiratory
tract, which can cause infection. Asthma, the flu and other
respiratory illnesses can then result.
You can reduce your risk, the researcher said, by making
sure laptop computers are "earthed" and unplugging
electrical equipment when it's not being used.
What's on Your Computer Keyboard?
The air isn't the only thing to worry about in your office.
Your computer
keyboard is also potentially hazardous.
According to a study published in Infection Control and Hospital
Epidemiology, you may be transferring two or more types of
bacteria onto your fingertips while you type.
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With PerfectClean

The PerfectClean OfficePure Pack cleans all the way
down to the microscopic level! Its revolutionary ultramicrofiber
construction enables them to reach deep into microscopic
crevices (NO other cleaning tool available even comes
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push it around like ordinary cleaning rags.
Two (2) All-Purpose Terry Cloths
- Use these on your desktop, telephone, keyboard,
doorknobs & frames, chair-arms/back, file cabinets,
other office furniture and surfaces. Can be used dry
or lightly dampened.
Two (2) Super Silk Finesse Cloths
- Use these on your monitor & other more sensitive
surfaces. Can be used dry or lightly dampened.
Clean surfaces once per day or, depending on need,
more frequently during flu season or if others use your
office equipment regularly.
more and order your PerfectClean OfficePure Pack now!
Twenty-five computers from the University of North Carolina's
(UNC) burn intensive care unit, cardiothoracic intensive care
unit and six nursing units were tested for bacteria. The researchers
found that every computer keyboard was contaminated with two
or more microorganisms.
The bacteria that was found was the type that could be detrimental
to hospital patients:
All keyboards tested positive for a staph bacterium called
coagulase-negative staphylococci. This is one of the most
common causes of bloodstream infections among those hospitalized.
80 percent of keyboards contained diphtheroids. This
bacteria represents a significant infection risk for those
whose immune systems are weak, such as cancer and AIDS
Phones, desks and your computer's mouse may also be potential
sources of bacteria.
What can you do?
You can keep your office clean using the highly recommended
commercial-grade PerfectClean
OfficePure Pack, which is perfect for getting rid of bacteria
in your office, and comes with everything you need to do so.
Unlike ordinary cleaning rags that simply push dirt around,
PerfectClean's revolutionary ultramicrofiber construction
enables them to reach deep into microscopic crevices (NO other
cleaning tool available even comes close!) and remove everything
in their path. This includes:
PerfectClean tools are used by leading hospitals, schools
and other commercial organizations, and work because at an
astonishing 3 microns, the ultramicrofibers are even smaller
than most bacteria (each cleaning cloth contains over 300
miles of actual cleaning surface!).
You can also help to clean the air in your office with the
PIONAIR Air Treatment
System. It generates air-purifying technology that migrates
through the area and neutralizes organic odors, microbes,
pollutants & molds at their source. The Pionair 350 Unit
effectively treats 150 to 350 sq. ft, and is the perfect size
for cleaning your office air.
Recommended Reading
are the Top Injuries in a Typical Office (and How Can You
Avoid Them)?
Office is a Top Source of Illness-Causing Germs to You!
Science & Technology August 1, 2007
Environment Volume 41, Issue 25, August 2007, Pages 5224-5235
August 1, 2007