15 Tips to Avoid Overeating This Holiday Season by www.SixWise.com If you've already been enjoying slightly more than your share
of eggnog, stuffing and Christmas cookies, you can take comfort
in the fact that the average American only gains about one
pound from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, according to a
study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Make room in your diet for holiday treats you love
by passing up those you don't.
But don't let that fool you. Gaining one pound each year
adds up, and in fact may be a major contributor to becoming
obese later in life.
"These findings suggest that developing ways to avoid
holiday weight gain may be extremely important for preventing
obesity and the diseases associated with it," said National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development director Duane
Alexander, M.D.
This holiday season could be the one where you defy the odds
and put on no pounds at all or (gasp) even lose a few. And
don't worry -- it's not about denying yourself. In fact, the
tips below are all about satisfying your hunger and enjoying
the season to its fullest, without adding inches to your waistline.
Eat more of the healthy foods (this will leave less
room for the desserts). Some common healthy
holiday foods are turkey, pork roast and chicken,
sweet potatoes, low-sugar cranberry sauce and veggies.
Snack on veggie crudités, a handful of nuts,
or cold leftover turkey to avoid binging at a party.
Keep alcoholic drinks to a minimum, and if you're going
to drink, choose a glass of red wine over eggnog.
Eat breakfast, and lunch, before the big dinner. Otherwise
you'll be starving and likely to eat more.
When you're at parties, stand away from the food tables
(so you can't casually consume hundreds of extra calories).
Keep up with your exercise routine, or sneak in some
extra activity when you can (a few extra laps around the
mall, a long walk after dinner, a family trip to go ice-skating).
Change your mindset: if you expect to eat a lot during
the holidays, you will. But if you regard a holiday meal
like any other meal, you'll keep your eating under control.

Holiday meals are an excellent time to catch up with
your friends and loved ones ... and the more you
talk, the less you'll eat.
Serve yourself. This way, you can take small portions
and skip things you're not in love with altogether.
Indulge wisely. If you're going to eat something "bad,"
make it something you really love, and something you can
only get at this time of year (i.e. not mashed potatoes,
bread and butter, or chocolate chip cookies).
Don't eat to please others. Even if your great aunt
made her famous pecan pie, don't feel obligated to take
a piece unless you really want to.
Make it a point to engage others in conversation. You'll
be distracted from the food and will have a better time.
Eat slowly and wait at
least 20 minutes before going back for seconds.
Beat the "I can only get this today" mentality
by asking the host for the recipes of dishes you love.
This way, you'll know that you can prepare them anytime
you want (and there's no need to eat all you can today).
with your emotions. If you're overeating because you're
lonely, sad or anxious, treat yourself to a movie, a relaxing
bath or a walk to see the holiday lights -- anything that
doesn't involve food.
Be picky. Pass up the daily treats at your office (eating
a red and green doughnut will not make your workday go
any faster), the candy bowl at the bank and the store-bought
cookie tin your neighbor gave you in favor of homemade
treats you'll really savor.
Recommended Reading
to Keep Your Spirits High During the Upcoming Holidays
Play-by-Play on the Nutritional Values (or Lack Thereof) of
Every Item on a Typical Thanksgiving Table
Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development
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