15 Foreign Customs that Make Most North Americans Blush by www.SixWise.com It really is a small world, and with increasing numbers of
Americans traveling overseas for business and pleasure, this
has never been more apparent.

Traveling abroad for business? Make sure you're clued
in to proper local business etiquette and social customs,
as one social blunder could blow the deal.
Whilst traveling
abroad, you may marvel at the similarities you'll see
-- underneath the accents and the ethnic cuisine, we're all
simply going about our business a day at a time. Yet, there
are many differences that may not be immediately obvious,
but that you should be aware of to avoid embarrassment --
theirs and yours.
In fact, before you travel anywhere outside of the United
States, it's a good idea to grab a current guidebook -- and
read it. Honing up on a few simple customs and social mores
will ensure that your visit is pleasant and not offensive
to anyone.
In Latin America, men commonly touch each other's arms
and shoulders, and rub each other's backs.
In France, it's customary to give a soft, quick handshake.
In Cuba, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe, and
the Middle East, men commonly exchange kisses on the cheek.
In the Middle East, eye contact is very intense and
prolonged, and the person may move closer to you to see
your eyes close-up.
In Mexico, winks, whistles and compliments between men
and women are considered friendly introductions, and may
be initiated by either gender. Male friends also hug regularly.
In Egypt, it's customary to stand very close (within
inches) when speaking. Men may also touch and hold each
other's thighs.

When you're in a foreign country, it's generally appreciated
if you attempt to speak the local language.
Men in some Middle Eastern countries hold hands.
In Russia, drinking vodka is a big part of social life,
and not drinking is considered offensive.
In Germany, talking about sports is considered uneducated.
In Buenos Aires, high heels and short skirts are considered
normal business attire for women.
In Johannesburg, terms such as "Blacks", "Indians",
"Coloreds" and "Whites" are commonly
used -- and not considered offensive.
In London, drunken behavior on Friday evenings is normal
among business acquaintances, and is expected to be laughed
off come Monday.
In Mexico City, most men will have a hard time accepting
a women paying for her own meal, even if she is just a
casual friend or client.
In Milan, business associates are expected to always
maintain bella figura, which means "showing your
best face." Part of bella figura is never admitting
that you're wrong.
In Brazil, where plumbing may sometimes be poor, you
may be asked to through your toilet paper in a trash bin,
rather than the toilet bowl.
Recommended Reading
to Travel Abroad Safely: Six Important Tips You Need to Know
in an Emergency
10 Top Dining Etiquette Errors
Cities Guide
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