The Health Benefits of the Ancient
(and Enjoyable) Art of Tai Ji
Tai Ji is a form of "internal" martial art, originally
developed as a fighting method in ancient China. Its principle
focus of "soft," or internal energy, "overcoming
hard," or physical energy, has been used for over 1,000
years for self-defense, health and longevity.

Tai Ji is a form of "moving meditation" that
naturally relaxes your mind and body, promoting calm
and peace of mind.
In modern times, most people who take up Tai Ji do so as
a form of gentle exercise, to reap its many health benefits.
Sometimes described as "moving meditation" Tai Ji
--- also commonly known as Tai Chi, Tai Chi Chuan, Taiji,
Tai Ji Quan and Shadow Boxing -- leads your mind to a state
of calm and relaxation
through focus on purposeful, and very slow, movements.
The practice of Tai Ji will address three areas, health,
meditation and martial art (though some styles focus more
heavily on the health and meditation aspects). Tai Ji focuses
on physical health by teaching the student to release stress
in the mind and body. The meditative focus comes from the
calm and repetition necessary to learn this ancient art.
Tai Ji as a form of self-defense focuses on blending in with,
and yielding to, the opposing force, rather than attempting
to meet it.
How is Tai Ji Done?
Tai Ji is primarily a series of movements that move your
body into a specific position, called a "form."
A form (usually nature-derived, such as "Grasping the
Bird's Tail") includes anywhere from 20 to 100 movements
that can take 20 minutes to complete.
All of Tai Ji's movements are based on the concept of Yin
and Yang (opposite yet complementary forces), which means
they're done in pairs of opposites (a right turn followed
by a left turn, for instance).
Also important is careful, deep breathing, technique over
power, and slow, controlled movements that flow one into the
next without pausing.

Tai Ji is said to help restore balance and harmony
to your physical, mental and spiritual dimensions.
Health Benefits You Can Expect From Tai Ji
Tai Ji has only been studied scientifically in recent years,
but its benefits have been reported since ancient times. The
scientifically proven and traditionally reported benefits
to your mind and body are numerous.
Improve your posture, balance and flexibility.
Relieve chronic
Reduce anxiety and depression
Increase energy and stamina
Improve your muscles mass and tone
Prevent falls and fractures among the elderly
Improved mental well-being
Support your heart health and circulation
Reduce high blood pressure
Slow bone loss in post-menopausal women
Improve sleep quality
Reduce the symptoms of chronic diseases including arthritis,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, osteoporosis and
Parkinson's disease
These meditations are unique in that they guide the listener
to relax in a natural, effortless way.
Pure Relaxation:
A Calming Addition to Your Tai Ji Exercise

The Pure Relaxation CD will calm your mind, soothe
your emotions and create a state of deep relaxation
in your body. Listen to it during or after doing Tai
Ji or stretching, or even just while you're lying in
bed for immediate stress relief.
out more and order the Pure Relaxation CD now (Free
Shipping for a Limited Time!)
Best of all, because Tai Ji is so gentle, it's safe for nearly
everyone to do and can be done at all fitness levels (you
should consult your health care practitioner before beginning
any new exercise program). And, once you learn it you can
do it on your own, anytime.
Many community centers, health clubs, and senior organizations
offer Tai Ji classes throughout the country, so finding an
instructor near you should not be difficult.
If you're interested in other gentle forms of exercise and
meditation, you can also give yoga
and stretching
a try.
The Pure
Relaxation CD, which uses guided meditations and music
that will calm your mind, soothe your emotions and create
a state of deep relaxation in your body, is also an excellent
tool to introduce you to the beneficial effects of mindfulness
and meditation. Listening to the Pure Relaxation CD while
performing Tai Ji, yoga or stretching can provide even more
relaxation benefits.
Recommended Reading
20-Minute Vacation: The Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation
Time to Relax: 15 Quick Tips to Help You Shift Your Gears
to Relax Mode Quickly
Shen Wu
Cancer Society