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Norway Seriously Considers an Obesity Tax. Should the U.S. Impose One Too? Tell Us What YOU Think
(and See What Other Readers Have Said Below)

The Norwegian government is seriously weighing whether to increase their trade tax on high-sugar, high-fat foods. The tax, known as "moms," could be as much as doubled to help subsidize fruits and vegetables.

obesity tax

Governments across the globe are proposing taxes on high-sugar, high-fat, low-nutrition foods to help curb rising obesity rates.

Spurring Norway's so-called "obesity tax" is the fact that obesity rates have tripled in the country in the last four decades, similar to the rising rates of obesity in Western Europe and the United States.

The tax increases are meant to discourage sales of junk foods while making it easier to afford healthy fruits and vegetables. As it stands, low-nutrition junk foods are promoted as being the cheapest, most convenient and most readily available form of food. And in fact, it is usually more expensive to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods than it is to purchase junk foods.

A "fat tax" could help to turn around the eating habits of an entire nation, proponents say, making it less expensive to buy fruits and vegetables rather than candy, potato ships, soft drinks and fast foods.

Could an Obesity Tax be Coming to the United States?

The idea of a fat tax first gained widespread attention in 1994 when Yale University psychology professor Kelly D. Brownell, author of Food Fight, proposed two different fat tax options. The first was a tax of 7 percent to 10 percent that would be added to processed foods in order to subsidize healthier options. His other proposal was a smaller tax that would help to fund long-term public health nutrition programs.

According to Brownell, the implications of such a tax could be monumental. Adding just one penny to the cost of soft drinks nationwide would generate close to $1.5 billion a year.

Several states have, in fact, already imposed fat taxes. Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington imposed taxes on soft drinks, while California, Maine and Maryland have tried out other fat taxes. Other states have considered banning junk food advertisements targeting children, and removing soda and junk food from schools is an ongoing issue.

obesity tax

Everything from soft drinks to fast food to cheddar cheese and whole milk have been suggested inclusions for a fat tax.

Many of the states that implemented fat taxes have since had them repealed, and experts point to several problems with how fat taxes are currently configured. First off, the money gained from them has often been used to cover budget deficits, rather than to help fund obesity-prevention programs or subsidize healthy foods.

Meanwhile, some argue that the taxes are not fair to low-income families who must spend the majority of their income on food. Still others point out that it's difficult to pinpoint which foods should be taxed and which should not.

Industry members also believe that fat taxes are uncalled for, saying they unfairly target soft drinks, candies and other foods as the root cause of obesity, when overall poor eating habits and a lack of exercise are to blame.

Americans Favor a Fat Tax

Although 57 percent of Americans who responded to a survey by said they eat junk food at least once a week, 75 percent said they would support a tax on unhealthy foods if it made healthier foods less expensive.

However, 38 percent of respondents said that a junk food tax would not discourage them from buying the products. Among those who said they would give up junk foods if the prices increased, soda and potato chips would be the first items to go, followed by candy bars, hamburgers and ice cream.

Among legislators, obesity taxes remain a hotly debated issue, and whether a fat tax will one day be as common as sales tax across the United States remains to be seen.

Please Let Us Know What YOU Think!

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Reader Responses ...

This topic broke all records for responses to a "Tell Us What You Think" article ... and never have we seen such passion for a topic, either. We can't publish all the responses, but due to the interesting and worthwhile insights on this issue, we wanted to provide you with as many possible below so you can continue forming your own opinion on this important issue ...

  • Yes, I am for the Obesity Tax. But the money should be used to make healthy foods cheaper and also to provide exercise programs for the people. The hospitals are too full of people that are eating cheap junk food and not exercising. And look at what this is doing to the children. Something needs to be done, and I think this is a good solution.

  • Against, but definitely! That is an individual responsibility -- not a governmental responsibility. Check out our constitution! For heavens sake, why would you even consider it. I detest seeing all these obese people in our town -- BUT putting a tax on food to help them eat properly or to push their plate away is not the job of government.

  • By all means Obesity should be taxed right along with ALL purveyors of fattening food. While you're at it, please impose a double tax on ANY advertising of fast food, candy, ice cream etc., and a triple tax at the corporate level is a must. All restaurants owners enticing people with all you can eat menu options should simply be shot.

  • I am for anything that would enhance the health of all consumers. I would vote YES for the tax.

  • Absolutely Not! We need less taxation. People can choose to eat healthy...or not.

  • Of course there should be a tax on high fats, just as with alcohol and tobacco.

  • I totally agree with this tax idea and hope it will soon take effect. Cigarette taxes are to deter an unhealthy habit, let this unhealthy habit of indulging in foods that are killing our society also get banged with a heavy tax. Lower the prices of healthy foods and let the nation start to heal with good nutrition!!!!!

  • A fat tax would disproportionately hit the folks who are already hit the hardest; the poor. Study after study shows that a huge problem is the poor quality of food being fed to us by corporation. The food is high in fat and sugar and low in nutrition. This leaves people hungry as the body is left lacking. If the government penalized corporations for putting out such poor quality food, the burden would fall on those who could shoulder the cost more easily and who could do more to fight obesity in a systemic manner on a global scale.

  • I am definitely in favor of an obesity tax but only if the funds raised will reduce the price of nutritious foods. The funds should also be used to educate people.

  • Although this is appealing at first glance, the fact is that Americans are taxed at levels exceeding any other period in our history. The laughable term "government services" is floated as the reason. As for a fat tax, the current low-fat fad/trend that has accompanied the obesity epidemic shows that fat is not the culprit. Refined foods, pasta, potatoes, sugar, etc. -starch- is the culprit. We do not need these items to be taxed. -STOP subsidizing production of these "poisons" and prices will rise on their own. Obviously we can not trust ANY government to use this money or other funds as it should be. Or even as they say they will use it. Fool me once!

  • I am completely in favor of an obesity tax, I strongly believe it makes a lot of sense, health and economically wise.

  • Tax the companies that produce and sell [and make food addicts] with their products.

  • Junk food is cheaper then healthier foods. I think if the government wants us to eat healthy foods, like more fruits and vegetables, they should maybe lower the prices or drop taxes on them. There have been times when my family and I would have loved to had fruit and vegetables but could not afford it. Before considering to put higher taxes on "junk" food, you should maybe think about lowering taxes on other foods.

  • I would be for it IF the price of healthy alternatives would be lower however; it would probably not work. Consider the price increase of gasoline in this country. People have not slowed down their unnecessary driving. Until the price is extremely high people who like junk food will buy it and eat even less of the healthy foods.

  • Taxing on unhealthy foods is good.

  • Great idea. People need to start taking better care of their bodies instead of burdening society. In addition, companies should be outlawed to produce such harmful food stuffs. With so many of these unhealthy products on the market and the dwindling of the fresh food supply, it does not leave many a full range of options.

  • Yes and No. It sounds like a great idea, but our government would not draw the line on healthy things like raw honey, Agave Nectar, Raw Maple syrup, etc. The lines are blurred on what the federal government considers nutritious or not nutritious, compared to what really IS nutritious in sweet or tasty natural foods.

  • I would be for a tax on junk food like candy , soda pop and chips.

  • Against! The US Govermt. led the fight against smoking. Let them do the same for junk food.

  • I am Canadian - but I agree that the whole of North America - not just the US should have a Obesity Tax. Pay less for healthy food and more for the unhealthy crap that is out there.

  • Never heard of this but a "Fat Tax" could very well help everyone out with better health, so I would vote FOR it.

  • Create, allow, and encourage a problem, then levy a tax on an already broke population. (Need to make payments on that 70 Trillion in UNFUNDED Liabilities somehow)! Welcome to modern America. Land of the Weak, and home of the Indentured!

  • Against. I think legislators should examine the Constitution of the U.S. very carefully and see whether our Founding Fathers had any intention of the federal - or even state - government policing our diet. Where is this going to stop? We are the frog in the soup pot - and the water is rather warm. Thank-you.

  • Junk food tax A Ok but people will do what they want no matter what...look at price of cigarettes and alcohol etc.

  • How about am anti-homosexual tax. They cost a ton of money for hospitalization and medications and pose a risk to the healthy population. Is that anymore politically incorrect than attacking folks with a DNA problem?

  • I think a fat tax is a great idea, but it would never pass in the USA because the big drug companies would prevent it. There is just too much money to be made "treating " the fat and sick.

  • Against! Unless we want a true "Nanny State" whereby the govt also pays for weight-loss treatments, etc. I oppose most taxes and want reduction in govt not increase.

  • I applaud all efforts to inform people of health solutions. I prefer to hear it from the marketplace, not government. Marketplace ideas eventually have to work or they go away. Government solutions do not. Taxing and government are not solutions nor is it the government's role to mandate our choices. Your site and many like it will motivate those who will change. Please, no more government and no more taxes. Let politicians be nannies to their own families.

  • The tax has the wrong name. How about "processed foods tax"; "empty calories tax"

  • Legislating morality, common sense, health and/or well being is beyond the scope and purview of govt. which is as it should be in a free society. Creating the climate for the above should be the goal. Education and support are the keys. Taxing as a disincentive is punitive and contrary to the fundamentals of a benevolent society. If you choose to be obese you are a burden on the present day healthcare system. If you choose to be healthy and live longer then you will become a burden on the future healthcare system and for a longer duration than if you were obese. Different paths leading to the same place. Legislation of lifestyle choice is a slippery slope best avoided for where does it end and when? So yes I am definitely against an obesity tax.

  • The tax could go to the manufacturer and to the consumer. The manufacturer should also pay a penalty for selling a food product that is unnatural and is disruptive to the human body. The penalty could go into a national health care program (not a sick care maintenance program). The consumer who has to pay the tax will be loosing out twice (poor quality food and higher price). When junk food prices become higher than real food prices, people may start eating real food again. This may improve overall health in this country. The food that our country subsidizes is pretty unhealthy (white flour, sugar, corn...). That is one of the biggest problems of obesity. We will eat what is cheapest.

  • I am opposed to ANY government "list" of acceptable foods. They have been getting it wrong for most of my life. Taxing fat instead of sugar shows the usual bad science mentality of bureaucrats.

  • Everyone uses gas which is taxed. Smokers are highly taxed on cigarettes. I strongly support a high tax on sodas and junk food. I pay a higher price for quality food, but in the long run I spend less on food than I did when I purchased more junk food. All in all, our school system needs an overhaul and nutrition needs to be taught in schools. Maybe the children can go home and teach their parents something about nutrition and refuse to eat the junk the parents put in front of them.

  • Amen, I am for it 100% It would reduce our health care expense.

  • We should listen to the Norwegians. They also prohibit advertising for alcohol, cigarettes and all medicines! Great idea-- a FAT TAX.

  • If the "fat" tax would be used to lower the cost of healthy food, then I would be for it. If the tax money is just going into the general revenue fund, I would be opposed. Manufacturers should be encouraged to remove all of the sugars and other unhealthy ingredients from the foods.

  • Absolutely no tax! The free market can better address this. We should concentrate on educating people as to what is and is not healthy and let the people choose.

  • I am 47 years of age and am at most 5-8 pounds over what I should be. All, in my opinion because I watch what I eat. It definitely is not because I do not eat very much, as my friends cannot believe how much I do eat and not gain extra weight. I think it is a excellent idea to have a obesity tax here in the U.S.

  • YES!!!! A HIGH corporate-paid tax.

  • Since we have cigarette taxes that are qualified for health reasons, those same reasons, namely heath, are also valid for obesity. So I believe if you tax one, you must also tax the other. Maybe this would force certain foods from being produced.

  • Only if tax legislation would reliably identify unhealthy foods. Unfortunately, government agencies - especially regulatory agencies - have already shown poor ability to do that!

  • I would absolutely be for an obesity tax or a tax that increases the price of junk and processed foods and decreases the price of wholesome foods. I have been proposing this for years and am glad that the topic has even been brought up to the forefront. As a public health educator (MPH) this would be a responsible thing to do. Disease prevention is the goal and lifestyle is the key.

  • Definitely for it. The only problem is that all cheaper foods contain plenty of fat. How would the poor cope?

  • I would be for it. Some incentive not to eat the toxins that are killing us. Because "killing us" is obviously not working to deter yet.

  • Yes, I am in favor of obesity taxes. Obese people put a huge burden on health care costs due to the diseases that go along with obesity. Along with an obesity tax people need to be educated about healthy eating and taught to read food labels as so many ingredients are unhealthy even though it may appear they are healthy foods. For instance, a can of tomatoes can also have high fructose corn syrup in them which is one cause of obesity. Food manufacturers need to take these types of ingredients (high frutose corn syrup, chemicals, dyes, etc.) out of healthy foods like canned vegetables, canned fruits, canned soups, and the like. Food manufacturers need to do more to take out unhealthy fats in foods also as this is a cause of obesity and disease. Even though the main stream thinks organic virgin coconut oil and organic virgin palm oil are unhealthy saturated fats, they are not. Organic virgin coconut oil helps clean out arteries and speed up metabolism, among many other health benefits to long to list here, which helps keep people slim and healthy. Also both of these fats can be heated to high temperatures and not turn into trans fats. Food manufacturers need to get their heads out of the sand and look into what is really healthy if we are going to beat the obesity problem.

  • I am for a tax on products high in fat, sugar and corn syrup, provided healthy foods come down in price sp the average person can afford to eat well.

  • Go for it! Use the taxes to provide cheaper organic, natural choices - the lower-income people will start buying it, making their health better; we will see savings in the medical insurance fields.....

  • No big brother can not control every thing. This would open law suites that would break the bank.

  • If the purpose of the tax is solely to prevent or decrease buying of junk foods, it may be more cost effective to educate folks (especially poor families) in preparing "real" foods such as beans and grains, which are more nutrient dense and just as cheap as junk food.

  • I am in favor of the idea behind the Obesity Tax, but it will be complicated and controversial. Ideally, any processed foods should have the additional tax, and whole foods including produce, natural cheeses, meats should be subsidized.

  • This is a great idea and why not, our country is so unhealthy and we eat way too much sugar and processed foods that are causing all kinds of serious health issues. I think the tax on veggies should be lowered by 50% and the tax on junk foods increased by 200%. Power to the 100% organic farmers in the USA!

  • A tax of this nature would just be another corruption center for Congress. Exactly which foods would be taxed would be decided by how much the various lobbyists spend. Congress needs to learn to live within its means and stop spending on pork instead of always looking for new ways to tax the American people.

  • The government interferes in medical practice too much already.

  • Only if healthy food will be more affordable. That should be the focus. If healthy food was as convenient and cheaper than junk, more people would buy it, especially those on limited income.

  • No, because in the end, the corporations via government rule. Do note that for many years USDA has subsidized the worst of our agricultural products (corn, soy, tobacco) while never subsidizing fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, etc.

  • YES!!!! All for it -- subsidize ORGANIC fruits and vegetables

  • Sure, tax products that our bodies do not read as food, but as carb/fat! BUT, do not tax across the line - like ice cream, all natural organic ice cream is not bad. Stick to taxing soda, fast food, candy and items that do not have food value! I want my children to eat healthily and I teach them the pros cons. They make good food choices on their own!!

  • Cigarettes have a "sin" tax, as does liquor, why not high-fat and high-sugar content foods have a "sin" tax too?

  • I am for Obesity Tax in America. If healthy food cost less. YES!!!

  • If they tax sugary products, then they should tax products with nasty preservatives and other substances known to cause obesity and ill health. Maybe this would force manufacturers to clean up their foods to compete.

  • I think an obesity tax is a good idea. It will get people to think before ingesting harmful, sugary, processed foods. It will send a message to the companies who produce those foods, that what they are doing is harmful to people and that it is not acceptable. The tax money hopefully will be used for a common good.

  • Very much in favor of tax increases on processed and junk foods.

  • Not just a tax. Stop the FDA from allowing chemicals, additives, and other lethal components to food!

  • Sounds like a good idea if it subsidizes fruits and vegetables

  • I am for Obesity Tax in America. Healthy food is more expensive than junk food. I am all for Fat Tax.

  • AGAINST I believe that education is the answer. We are over taxed as it is and like one person already stated,, it would not prevent them from buying what they like.

  • Only if it really reduces the cost of healthy food.

  • I am for an Obesity Tax if the proceeds go to supplement the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain items, and other healthy items made without trans fats or excessive simple carbohydrates such as sugar. Foods that are taxed should carry an obesity tax stamp so that they are readily identifiable.

  • 1. Make Healthy Food a priority 2. Make Healthy Food cheap 3. Tax fat foods 4. Stop killing us with modified fats, foods, MSG, aspartame 5. Support the land so that it can grow healthy food 6. Make LIFE a priority


  • Insane! Sure, get rid of the junk foods but leave clean, organic, nutritionally whole foods alone.

  • I think a tax on junk food is a wonderful idea if it means less cost on healthy foods like fruit and vegetables.

  • I am all for a fat tax! Obese people have a much larger carbon footprint than average weight people, so anything to help deter them from eating junk food would help. And if not, then at least the money could benefit health and environmental programs. A fat tax could also subsidize true, holistic nutrition education in schools, hospitals and other public programs.

  • Yes. As long as fruits and vegetables prices would drop. Usually junk food is lower or made as specials but not basic, necessary fruits or veggies..

  • Yes, I think it would be a great idea. Make processed foods from the mainstream way more expensive (like Kraft, General Mills, cold cuts with nitrites, non-grassfed or non-organic dairy and meat, etc.) and lower the price on organics, grassfed dairy and meat. In addition, cigarettes should be priced to $20/pack -- this should stop a lot of people from buying them.

  • I think this is definitely a GREAT idea. I believe that more people would buy fruits/vegetables and unprocessed foods if they were cheaper. Especially, the organic foods. I personally prefer them but they are more expensive and I can understand that families on a limited budget might not be able to afford the higher prices. If you look at a lot of the "cheap" foods that a college kids tend to buy because they are cheap, they are terrible for you. For instance noodles with excess amounts of salt. Macaroni and Cheese. Canned soups. These foods are cheap and for people on a limited budget, they can fill you up and may therefore be purchased before a quality beef/chicken and fruits and vegetables. PASS THE TAX !!!!!!!

  • I would like to see a fat tax, but only if the income went toward subsidizing fresh American grown produce.

  • I am FOR THE FAT TAX!! Not only would I see not so many people on food stamps blowing tax payers hard earned money but maybe, just maybe, these companies producing really bad food will wake up. Start taking manmade, addictive, chemicals and junk out of their foods.

  • Yes!! Because any of the SWEETENERS cause so many health problems. Soft drinks and such should have the higher taxes. Diabetes is a very bad but preventable disease with the removal of these sweeteners.

  • I am against a fat tax. The tax is about the government making money, not about improving health. Think about it......if they truly thought junk food was bad, why not outlaw it? Answer: because there is no money being made. The last thing we need is another stupid law that does nothing but fatten the governments wallets and does little to nothing to stop people from eating junk food. Look at cigarettes and alcohol for an example of how taxes had not done one bit of good to stop people from buying them. Not only that, but who and how do they decide what is or is not junk food? It would just be a big fat mess. No pun intended :-)

  • Yes, If the tax would be used to subsidize the medical industry to reduce medical cost which obesity is driving up. The tax dollars generated should not be used to pay for non health related items

  • What right does the government, any government have over the personal right to get fat. My right to get fat is God given and I am opposed to the fiction called U.S. government taxing any personal rights.

  • I am for an Obesity Tax in America. It makes sense that a tax would be placed on products based on the ingredients and nutritional value by 50%. The healthier the product above a 50% ratio would be less expensive then a product that falls below the 50% ratio for not being healthy or just empty calories (junk food).

  • How about subsidizing purchases of the healthier foods (fruits/vegetables) to make them more affordable and less expensive than the fast food options -- that may encourage better eating habits. In addition, it may incent restaurants to use better quality food, etc. The idea of trying to pick a certain food to tax seems a bit strange to me.

  • I think the tax is a great idea - HOWEVER - the problem is if you are living on Minimum wage you only have $20 a week to feed your family - buying fresh fruits and vegetables would only be a two or three day supply. You can get a lot of frozen pizza and mac & Cheese for $20. I think we need to greatly lower the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables before we consider raising the cost of junk food.

  • Yes, a fat small fat tax is necessary. In addition, government subsidies of corn, soy, etc., the foods that are the main ingredients in processed foods need to stop and then the consumer would pay the real cost of the production of processed foods.

  • The US has too many taxes already!

  • If the Obesity Tax would truly lower the cost of healthy foods, and organic foods, like fruits, vegetables, honey etc. And truly raise the very inexpensive junk food, then YES! It would make healthy food even smarter!!!! Out with soda, in with water!!! Can they tax those "fake" fruit snacks shaped in kid friendly, fun ways too? They are toxic, have no fruit in them and are a scary blue color not found in nature!!!

  • I agree with the tax if it would make healthier foods less expensive.

  • Highly in favor of it! If a smoker, a drinker and a gambler are made to pay "sin tax" why not the obese as well? Cause, guess what? A high percentage of long term health care expenses are directly related to obesity! (diabetes, coronary artery disease etc)And, by the way, the obese should pay higher premiums for health insurance too

  • Against, mainly because we do not get universal med care on tax dollar. If someone choose to eat bad stuff and pay for his own med care, that is his right. When we are advanced enough to have universal health care like the rest of the industrial world, then it is time to impose fat tax.

  • I am definitely for an obesity tax! However, I believe it should go a little further. I believe, after watching dozens of morbidly obese people riding electric scooters because they can no longer walk, that the health benefits of those people should be reduced or eliminated until they lose poundage. Most of those people are on disability of some sort, and you and I are paying for it. Many of their health issues would lessen or disappear if they would lose weight, and this would be a huge benefit for everyone.

  • Yeah right! Just what I need is the government sticking their nose into my pantry and wallet again. So who decides what to tax? The FDA? Please.

  • Are we or are we not free thinking adults living in a free country? If we want to eat or smoke ourselves to death keep government out of it!!

  • I would love the extra tax on these foods. Maybe it will encourage people to think a little more before filling their carts with crap.

  • Absolutely for, as long as the tax contributes 100% of the collected taxes to holistic and organic farming by ONLY small non-corporate farms

  • YES! We should tax these nasty foods to help pay for all the related healthcare costs associated with eating them - or, perhaps use it to "subsidize" healthy alternatives.

  • I am for it as long as the taxes are used to subsidize the healthy foods like fruits and veggies and not for something else.

  • An obesity tax is one of the best ideas since sliced bread (healthy types only of course!) This will dissuade the public from purchasing many of the types of products that add little or not nutritional value but are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, sugars, and fats that only add to the burgeoning stature of the Amercian public.

  • Yes yes yes yes yes!!!! If given an iron clad guarantee the cost of healthy foods would be substantially much lower, and I mean affordable for everyone... put a huge tax on all unhealthy foods. The bigger the tax, the better. Why is it you can buy 2 liters of Pepsi for 79 cents, and a half liter of Dasani for $1.30? My biggest gripe has always been the lure of how cheap it is to eat unhealthy, and how costly it is to buy wholesome nutritious natural organic foods.

  • I disagree with the idea of a fat tax. Taxing is not the way to solve every problem. There should be more good information being disseminated to the public. The knowledge being gained about all aspects of prevention and alternative medicine is reaching only a select few people. For example, if I had known what I know now about how to lift properly, I could have avoided a ruptured disk and back surgery.

  • Are fast foods really the "baddy"? Could I suggest that it is probably all of the chemicals and additives that are the real reason that the world is becoming a race of fatties. As with cigarettes, the governments should "outlaw" and ban all additives and chemicals in products that are to be "consumed" by humans (and possibly animals). Perhaps it would be easier to take the tax off all products that only contain "real" food.

  • Although we have too many taxes this obesity tax I would punish the junk food industry and maybe help Americans to become more healthy food conscious. Just my opinion of course.

Recommended Reading

Tell Us Where YOU Stand on the Cheeseburger Bill!

All the Health Risks of Processed Foods -- In Just a Few Quick, Convenient Bites May 2, 2007 April 11, 2006

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