The Worldwide Threat to Coral Reefs and Why It Should Matter to Everyone
Coral reefs, one of nature's most beautiful and fragile creations,
are living ecosystems that provide incredible wealth to the
environment and humankind alike. According to the WWF, the
global conservation organization, coral reef systems are a
global asset worth nearly $800 billion, and provide nearly
$30 billion in goods and services worldwide each year.

The coral reef systems provide nearly $30 billion in
goods and services worldwide each year, and provide
nurseries for one-quarter of the planet's fish.
However, an astonishing 60 percent of coral reefs across
the globe have been permanently destroyed or are at risk of
being destroyed in the next three decades, a report funded
by WWF found. The potential economic and environmental impact
of such a great loss has environmental groups calling for
urgent coral reef conservation measures.
"Good reef management certainly has its price but the
loss will be much higher if governments fail to realize both
the economic and ecological benefits of these ecosystems,
and drag their feet over protecting them," said Dr. Simon
Cripps, director of WWF's Endangered Seas Program.
Why Coral Reefs are a Priceless Resource
Like the oceans themselves, coral reefs support and house
countless species of fish and plant life that, should the
reefs be further depleted, could ultimately be lost. Every
year, coral reefs, which provide nurseries for one-quarter
of the fish in the oceans, supply about 15 tons of fish and
other seafood per square kilometer. According to WWF, about
1 billion people depend on this food source or make their
livelihood from fishing near the reefs.
Meanwhile, coral reefs provide a natural barrier during storms,
hurricanes and tsunamis,
serving to break incoming waves and help prevent coastal erosion,
flooding and loss of property and human life near the shore.
Hidden inside these natural barriers are also numerous organisms
that are being studied for medical use, some even showing
promise of treating
diseases like cancer and HIV.
But the wealth of the planet's coral reefs do not end there.
The beauty of these underwater ecosystems attracts tourists,
scuba divers and snorkelers who are eager to catch a glimpse
of this intriguing underwater world. Revenues from this tourism
add up to billions of dollars each year, and provide the potential
for additional income to those living in poor coastal towns
in developing countries.
Five Major Threats to Coral Reefs
Coral reefs take hundreds to thousands of years to form,
yet are under attack from numerous angles that threaten to
destroy them almost instantly. According to WWF, these include:

You can help protect coral reefs by not touching coral
while swimming or diving, and not purchasing coral jewelry
or souvenirs.
Destructive fishing practices: Several fishing
methods, including blast or dynamite fishing, bottom-trawling,
and muro-ami (banging on the reef with sticks) easily
destroy reefs. Another method, cyanide fishing, involves
releasing cyanide into the water to stun tropical fish
for collection (to be sold for fish tanks). The cyanide
kills the reef and many other marine species.
Tourism: While "sustainable tourism"
is indeed beneficial to the areas surrounding coral reefs,
careless tourism is a great threat. This includes boating
near coral reefs (and dropping anchors on them), touching
the reefs, collecting coral or breaking it, stirring up
too much sediment, and releasing waste into the water.
Pollution: Sewage, chemicals used in agriculture,
oil, and other industrial waste are slowly causing the
reefs to die. Some of these pollutants are released directly
into the oceans while others are carried in from rivers.
Coral Mining and Industry: Coral is often taken
from coral reefs to be used in construction materials
or sold as souvenirs. Meanwhile, construction, mining,
logging and farming has increased sediment in rivers.
When this sediment travels to the oceans, it can cover
the reefs and kill them by depriving them of sunlight.
Global Warming: Increasing water temperatures
lead to coral bleaching and are threatening entire coral
How You Can Help Protect the Reefs
If you'd like to help ensure that the coral reefs continue
to thrive and contribute to the environment and the economy,
check out these reef-friendly tips:
If you snorkel or dive, don't touch the coral
(or drag your equipment on it). Also try to keep off of
the bottom (this stirs up sediment that can smother the
Avoid boating in shallow waters near reefs, and
only drop anchor in sandy areas away from reefs.
Don't litter but do pick up any trash you see
along the coasts or beaches.
Don't buy coral jewelry or other coral souvenirs.
If you have a fish tank, don't use live coral
in it, and only purchase tropical fish that you know are
collected without cyanide and in a sustainable, humane
If you eat seafood, look for seafood products
that have a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label. MSC
is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying
sustainable fisheries. If you can't find them, ask your
local grocer to carry them.
Recommended Reading
You Swim This Summer, You Should Know What Is Lurking at Your
Currents & Other Hidden Hazards Everyone Who Swims and
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Wildlife Federation
Parks Conservation Association
Economics of Worldwide Coral Reef Degradation