Daryl Hannah, Sex Slaves & the New Global Sex Trade
by www.SixWise.com
Every year, an estimated 14,000 girls are smuggled into the
United States from Eastern Europe and Asia and forced into
secret sex slave rings. Actress Daryl Hannah, who recently
revealed her own near-miss with a sex-slave ring, is now hoping
her experience may help spotlight an issue that is long over-due
to get American and worldwide attention.

Actress Daryl Hannah is hoping to bring awareness to
the devastating effects of global sex trafficking going
on around the world -- after revealing her own near-miss
with a sex slave ring.
Hannah, now 46, revealed that in the late 1970s she was offered
a chance to model for an album cover in Las Vegas. However,
she soon realized the offer was actually a scam to force her
into a sex slave ring. Upon the realization, she and another
girl were able to escape from a window and get back to Los
Angeles unharmed -- however, thousands of other girls are
not so lucky.
Hannah is hoping to bring awareness to this issue through
a low-budget film that's in the works. The former "Splash"
actress will be going undercover with hidden microphones and
cameras to document what's really going on in brothels around
the world.
"The more I learn, the more I am moved to take action,"
Hannah said.
"The Natashas" Reveals the Shocking, Dark Reality
of Global Sex Trade Rings
In all, an estimated 1 million young women are sold worldwide
for sex every year. In the Middle East, the women are known
as "Natashas" (regardless of what country they came
from), and they're the subject of an eye-opening and highly
recommended exposé, "The
Natashas: The New Global Sex Trade," by Canadian
investigative journalist Victor Malarek.
The book reveals that girls as young as 10 are sold into
this "21st century slavery," and forced to work
in brothels, massage parlors, strip clubs and in apartments
as private sex slaves in just about every corner of the world,
including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the United States
and Canada.
Malarek reveals how women are smuggled into various countries
under false pretenses, only to be beaten into submission,
raped repeatedly and sometimes murdered.
A Necessary, Yet Shocking, Wake Up

Natashas: The New Global Sex Trade" is an eye-opening
investigation that reveals the uncensored truth about
the fates of over 1 million women and children sold
into secret sex rings every year. Truly a riveting and
important book worth your time!
"They think they're going to be waitresses, nannies,
work in a hotel, that kind of thing. Then they get busted
and broken," said Malarek. "Once women are beaten
into submission, they never question their pimps after that.
They do as he says or he will kill them, and the other girls
see it."
A $12-Billion Industry, Supported by Officials
Sex trafficking, though hardly ever talked about, is the
third most profitable black-market commodity.
"This is a $12-billion-U.S.-a-year industry, and it
represents the world's third largest criminal money-making
venture behind drugs and weapons," Malarek says.
While the women receive nothing (and are lucky to even get
food), the gangs behind the sex rings earn huge profits, selling
women for $500 to $10,000 (and the pimps that buy them easily
make back the money, Malarek says).
Adding to the already desperate scenario, the people who
are supposed to be rescuing the women are often in on the
scam. In some countries, Malarek says, "the largest number
of users of these trafficked girls, these slaves, are United
Nations peacekeepers, international aid workers and international
police officers, who come to bring freedom and democracy."
"You had people being arrested for war crimes, including
on charges of rape, and then in comes this international group
which is essentially doing the same thing, but calling it
R-and-R -- rest and relaxation. That's the irony," he
Malarek has uncovered many of the scandals reported in "The
Natashas" first-hand, by visiting countries from Bosnia
to Isreal to the Ukraine. Though what you will read is shocking,
Natashas: The New Global Sex Trade," is an indispensable
cry for help from women and children forced into sex rings,
and represents a major call to action for people worldwide.
Recommended Reading
to Avoid Rape: An Article to Read & Pass on to Every Woman
You Know
of High School and College Students Victims of Being Stalked:
What to Do if You're Stalked
Sun Online January 6, 2007
Ukrainian Weekly