TV and Video Gaming During Weekdays
Does Harm Student Performance
Parents eager to get their kids away from the TV screen and
on to their homework after school will be happy to hear that
a new study supports their contention. Middle school kids
who watch TV or play video games on school nights do, in fact,
do worse in school, the Pediatrics study found.

Kids who watch TV or play video games on school nights
have lower school performance than kids who do not.
"On weekdays, the more they watched, the worse they
did," said study co-author Dr. Iman Sharif of Children's
Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx.
Watching R-rated movies also had a negative impact on school
performance, and boys were especially affected.
"This study should hammer home to parents that this
is really serious," said Douglas Gentile, a researcher
at Iowa State University. "One question all parents are
going to be faced with [from their kids] is, 'Can I have a
TV in my bedroom?' There's a simple two-letter answer for
Interestingly, however, the finding did not hold true for
watching TV or playing video games on the weekends, unless
they were done for more than four hours each day.
"They could watch a lot on weekends and it didn't seem
to correlate with doing worse in school," Sharif said.
Mixed messages such as this are common to the TV/video game
debate, which has camps on both sides, supporting and protesting
kids use of TV and video games.
The Downsides of TV and Video Games
Chief among the complaints parents often have with TV and
video games has to do with the violence. Video games are often
violent, including graphic depictions of sex and/or brutality.
Studies have, in fact, found that violent video games lead
to violence among the players. In one study of 13 males aged
18 to 26, 11 showed significant effects after playing a mature-rated
"Violent video games frequently have been criticized
for enhancing aggressive reactions such as aggressive cognitions,
aggressive affects or aggressive behavior. On a neurobiological
level we have shown the link exists," said researcher
René Weber, assistant professor of communication and
telecommunication at Michigan State University (MSU).
Aside from the violence, too much TV watching among children
has been linked to:
Delayed onset of speech
Sleep problems
One study even found that kids who have TVs in their bedrooms
scored about eight points lower on math and language arts
tests than children without TVs in their rooms.
Benefits of TV and Video Games

While some studies have shown that video games are
linked to violent behavior among kids, others have found
that the games help kids develop important problem-solving
Before you throw out your TV altogether, it's worth mentioning
that there are studies in support of the media, which suggest
TV and video games can help kids learn, become smarter and
even cope with cancer.
"All these things that that have long been assumed to
be rotting our brains, there might be this hidden benefit,"
said Steven Johnson, author of the controversial book, "Everything
Bad is Good for You."
According to one survey of close to 1,000 British teachers,
educators believe video games may improve students' computer
skills, strategic thinking and problem solving.
"The study has shown that commercial computer games
have the potential to support education, which has raised
the bar for ongoing collaboration between the industry and
education sectors," said Jules Clarkson, international
marketing director at U.S. games firm Electronic Arts (EA).
Part of the benefit of video games is that they require children
to use problem-solving skills.
"You have to manage multiple objectives at the same
time," Johnson said. "You have to manage all these
different resources, and you have to make decisions every
second of the game ... They're out learning how to think
in ways that will be absolutely useful to them when they go
out in the world and do the same kind of thinking in an office."
One example was a study by the University of Rochester in
which participants had to count squares that were flashed
on a screen for a 20th of a second. Those who played video
games picked the right number 13 percent more often than non-players,
suggesting that video games may make people more perceptive
and able to analyze things faster.
"They [Gamers] have to discover the rules of the game
and how to think strategically," said James Paul Gee,
a University of Wisconsin-Madison curriculum and instruction
professor. "Like any problem solving that is good for
your head, it makes you smarter."
New interactive "serious" video games may also
help children cope with serious illnesses like cancer.
"The secret to interactive video games designed to improve
young people's health behaviors is that patients identify
with the character, are part of the story where you have a
life threat but you can do something about it," said
Debra Liebermann, who helped create the game "Click Health,"
whose theme revolves around an asthmatic dinosaur.
So what's a parent to do when faced with a child begging
to watch TV and play video games? A "happy medium"
is probably best, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP), which recommends limiting screen time for older children
to no more than one or two hours a day of "quality"
(educational, non-violent) programming -- and keeping TVs
out of kids' bedrooms.
As for younger kids, the AAP does not recommend children
ages 2 and younger watch any TV.
Recommended Reading
Key Reasons for You and Your Family to Kill Your Television
Video Games: Do They Lead to Aggressive Behavior or Not?
October 2006, Vol. 118 No. 4, pp. e1061-e1070
Today October 2, 2006
News: Do Video Games Make Kids Smarter?
Today October 3, 2006
Games Help Kids Cope With Cancer