If You are Single and Over 35 (Or Over 45, Or Over 55), Now is the Time to Give THIS a Try ...
by Rachel G. Baldino,
MSW, LCSW for www.SixWise.com
I don't know about you, but these days I'm hearing more and
more online dating success stories.
As a matter of fact, in my own social circle, I know several
people-including a close family member-who have met their
significant others online, and who are understandably thrilled
that they "took the plunge" into the world of online
After all, if you are over the age of 35, do you really have
a huge interest in going out to singles bars?
I'm guessing probably not.
Many people like to meet potential partners through mutual
friends, and this remains a very viable option for some. But
there is always the danger that it might not work out, which
can sometimes cause problems.
Of course, you can always hope to meet someone at work, or
in an adult education class, or at a hobby club; and once
again, these are very viable options for some people.

There are now many online dating services specifically
designed to serve clients over 50.
But more and more people of all ages (including many people
over the age of 50) are turning to the Internet as a highly
effective tool for meeting potential mates. And fortunately,
there are now many websites that cater specifically to this
age group, such as:
Online Dating Is a Great Option for Shy
Susan Dunn, MA, is a Life Coach and the author of the ebook,
Dating Survival Manual for Women. In her web article,
"Midlife Dating: Where To Meet the Men," posted
at an online dating community called www.Spicy-Senior-Singles.com,
she points out that "The Internet seems to have been
created for introverts. For dating, it allows a slower pace,
in writing, that introverts love."
She also mentions that one reason that women in particular
should consider online dating is that there are currently
"many more men seeking online."
Ms. Dunn recommends that you: "See
them face-to-face. No one really looks like their photo,
no matter how current, and while appearance isn't the deal-breaker
for most of us, that illusive thing called 'chemistry' is,
so get it over with. This is the best way to check out their
health, as well."
Online Dating Is Both An Emotional AND A Financial Investment
Not only will you be putting your heart on the line with
online dating, but another factor to keep in mind is that
virtually all of these services charge a membership fee. This
means that you will need to closely examine all of the features
and offerings of each site before you decide which one-or
two, or more-that you would like to join.

When it comes to online dating, your true love may
be just a few clicks away!
Considering the financial and emotional investment involved,
if any of your friends, colleagues, and/or acquaintances are
currently exploring the online dating arena, ask them for
their totally honest feedback about each of the online dating
services they have tried in the past or are using right now.
Four Basic Online Dating Safety Tips
NEVER give out any personal information to a new online
acquaintance, such as your real email address, where you
live, your phone number, or any of your business or financial
information. (Once you sign up, many online dating services
will provide you with an anonymous email address exclusively
for use on their site).
ALWAYS meet in a public place for the first time, and
inform the person that you have told a friend that the
meeting is taking place.
If someone does not send you a photo upon request, or
keeps canceling that initial face-to-face meeting, that
person may be engaging in some sort of deceptive dating
practices and probably ought to be avoided.
Proceed with "cautious optimism" once you
start exchanging email messages with someone on a regular
basis, and remember to keep all of your personal details
to yourself until you are absolutely positive that the
person is trustworthy.
Maximize Your Results with a Dating Profile
That Truly Stands Out From The Pack
Virtually all online dating services provide their members
with space to post their "dating profiles." Remember
never to write anything in your profile that is too personal
or too revealing. Safety always comes first!
Consider including a recent photograph that is flattering
and well-lit, but that also accurately represents your
current physical appearance. (People who include photos
of themselves almost always get higher response rates
than those who do not). If you prefer not to post a photo,
you will still get responses, just not as many.
Ask a friend to proofread your profile for stylistic,
grammatical, and/or spelling errors. Potential dates are
more likely to respond to carefully crafted and well written
Include every single one of your interests, and don't
leave any questions blank. People might think you are
being evasive. The more descriptive you are about your
likes and dislikes, the better your chances are of hearing
from like-minded people.
Be aware of exactly what you are looking for-something
serious, or something more casual-right at the outset,
and be as clear as possible about what you are seeking.
People deeply appreciate
total honesty in this area.
Recommended Reading:
The Powerful Influencing
Effects of People's Faces On Your Behavior
The Top Seven Signs
That Someone Is Lying To You
The Top Six
Signs That Someone Is Physically Attracted To You
Aging Gracefully:
Enjoy a Vital, Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age
How To
Make All Your Relationships Work
Senior Singles
Life Coach
Susan Dunn