Before You Swim This Summer, You Should Know What Is Lurking at Your Beach
With the summer months upon us, many have their sights set
on packing up the family and heading out for a day at the
beach. When you get there, however, it can no longer be taken
for granted that the water and the beach itself will be safe
to enjoy.
In 2004 (the latest year for which complete statistics were
available), there were nearly 20,000 closings and swimming
advisory days at the nation's oceans, bays and Great Lakes
beaches, all because of pollution, according to the National
Resources Defense Council (NRDC). If this number sounds like
a lot, it is.
This was the highest number of closings and advisories since
the NRDC began tracking beach pollution 15 years ago. It also
represents a nearly 10 percent increase from the closings
and advisories in 2003.
What's Causing All of This Beach Pollution?
According to NRDC, 73 percent of the 2004 beach closings
occurred because the presence of bacteria associated with
fecal contamination was found in the water, though the source
of the contamination was unknown. Typically, if a beach is
closed it's because monitoring systems discovered high numbers
of bacteria or other infectious organisms in the water.
When sources for closings were identified, the most common
was dirty runoff water and stormwater, followed by sewage
spills and overflows. According to the NRDC, heavy rains are
often problematic, as they force rainwater and raw sewage
directly into coastal waters, without stopping at a treatment
plant. As the rainwater travels, it also picks up pollutants
from the land, further contributing to the problem.
What Happens if You Swim in Polluted Water?
Water-borne diseases from recreational waters are increasing,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
so it's best to stay clear of the water if a beach has been
closed or has issued a swimming advisory. While most illnesses
you could pick up are not life threatening and cause acute
symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting, exposure to certain
bacteria can be more serious.
coli, for instance, can produce a serious infection that
causes bloody diarrhea and sometimes kidney failure. And any
illness or infection can be dangerous for someone with a compromised
immune system, the elderly and young children.
You may also want to steer clear of storm drains, even if
the water is otherwise fine. According to the NRDC, a study
of Santa Monica Bay in California found that swimmers who
swam near storm drains and went underwater had an increased
risk of illness and symptoms including fever, chills, ear
discharge, nausea, respiratory illnesses and diarrhea.
Garbage Litters Coastlines Worldwide
Aside from the potentially polluted water, garbage is now
a common site at beaches and shorelines all over the world.
The problem is so pervasive that in 2004 the Ocean Conservancy's
Annual International Coastal Cleanup removed over 7.6 million
pounds of garbage from the ocean in 88 countries, including
nearly 1.3 million cigarette butts.
What kind of garbage is washing up on shorelines? Here's
an example of the top 10 debris items found on shorelines
in New Hampshire:
- Cigarettes/cigarette filters
- Bags/food wrappers
- Caps, lids
- Beverage cans
- Rope
- Plastic cups, plates, forks, knives or spoons
- Glass bottles
- Straws or stirrers
- Cigar tips
- Plastic beverage bottles.
Other items include fishing line and nets, six-pack rings,
diapers, tires, tampon applicators and syringes. Marine debris
such as this is not just an eyesore, it can be dangerous.
People can step on broken glass or metal while walking on
the sand, or be exposed to infectious agents from diapers
and syringes. Marine animals and seabirds can become entangled
in fishing line or ingest plastic debris. Sea turtles, for
instance, often mistake plastic bags in the water for jellyfish.
Once the turtle eats the bag, it feels full when it really
isn't and will slowly starve to death.

Find out whether your favorite beach has any closings
or advisories using the EPA's BEACON.
How Thorough is Beach Monitoring?
Because nearly every beach in the United States could potentially
contain pollutants, every beach should be monitored for possible
health risks. However, this is not the case.
On the better end of the monitoring spectrum are seventeen
states (Alabama, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois,
Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia
and Wisconsin), along with Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which monitor more than half
of their beaches at least once a week, according to the NRDC.
Other states monitor even less frequently. Georgia, Maryland,
North Carolina, Puerto Rico and South Carolina regularly monitor
most of their beaches but less than once a week.
Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island,
Texas and Washington regularly monitor less than half of their
Currently, the NRDC has threatened to sue the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) for not updating health standards
for coastal recreational waters, as called for under the Beaches
Environmental Assessment, Cleanup and Health (BEACH) Act of
As required by this Act, the EPA was going to complete studies
within three years to assess health risks and develop better
methods of detecting pollution in recreational waters.
The Act also required the EPA to publish revised water-quality
standards by October 2005. However, the EPA does not have
plans to publish such information until 2011.
You Can Enjoy Beaches Safely This Summer
Many U.S. beaches are clean and safe to swim at and enjoy
right now. You can use the U.S. EPA's BEACON
(Beach Advisory and Closing Online Notification) to find
out whether your favorite beach has any advisories or closings.
Meanwhile, you can do your part to keep beaches clean by
not littering and lending a hand at the annual International
Coastal Cleanup. This year's event will be September 16, 2006,
so mark your calendar and visit the International
Coastal Cleanup to register.
Recommended Reading
6 Types of Very Common Toxic Bacteria You Need to Avoid, and Where They're Typically Found
Does the Moon Really Affect Your Moods? Your Health? Your Sanity? Your Fangs?
International Coastal Cleanup
National Resources Defense Council
The New Standard May 31, 2006
Marine Debris: A Visible Threat to Our Waterways and Shorelines