Health Information Reliability: How do You Really Know Which Health Information to Trust?
Searching for reliable health information can easily take
on the feeling of a full-time job. Between searching online,
sorting through various health books, and paying attention
to the latest health news headlines, it is quite possible
to find a pro and a con opinion for just about any topic you
may be interested in.

Not sure who you can trust when it comes to reliable
health information? Congratulations, you've just mastered
a hallmark of getting to the truth: first, being suspicious.
However, more potentially damaging than hearing two sides
of an issue is hearing only one biased side. When you think
about health information reliability, more and more often
it is this bias that may be tainting seemingly legit sources
- often frighteningly so.
Reliable Health Information: An Oxymoron?
It's sad to say, but the idea of "reliable health information"
is fast turning into an oxymoron, at least in the public's
eye. Why? Because it seems everywhere you turn researchers
and policymakers are being paid off, products are being peddled
or seemingly "independent" parties turn out to be
investing in, or working for, the very entity they're trying
to promote.
Here we are referring not only to Web sites that are clearly
selling tons of supplements, but even "trustworthy"
sources, like those from the government. Pharmaceutical companies
and food manufacturers are two of the largest lobbying groups,
who are essentially buying Washington, D.C. and much of the
health information it disperses.
From 1998 to 2005, drug companies have spent $758 million
on lobbying -- more than any other industry, according to
an analysis of government records by the Center for Public
Integrity. The industry has 1,274 lobbyists in Washington
that's more than double the members of Congress.
"They are powerful," says Sen. Chuck Grassley,
R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. "You
can hardly swing a cat by the tail in that town without hitting
a pharmaceutical lobbyist."
Not to be outdone, the food industry has also done its share
of lobbying, to the tune of many millions. Can you, then,
with any degree of certainty, trust that the source of governmental
agencies' information is unbiased, and looking out for the
public's interest? Or, is it trying to please its drug-toting,
junk-food peddling "sponsors"?
In order to have true health information reliability, you
need to turn to sources that have not been bought. At,
our information comes only from reputable sources -- we get
our insights only from research institutions, clinical studies,
and health experts such as physicians, nutritionists and professors.
Furthermore, the information you read here at
is not tilted or tainted to meet the needs of our "sponsors"
-- in fact, we have no sponsors! No drug company or other
corporate funding, no government "influences," etc.

There is a light at the end of the health information
tunnel: Web sites like and other independent
sources are here to provide you with unbiased, un-bought
and understandable health information you can trust.
Know Where the Information is Coming From
Which brings us to Rule #1 when
it comes to finding reliable health information: Know where
the information is coming from.
Even the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in its instructions
for evaluating
reliable health information on the Internet, says you
should pay close attention to where the information on the
site comes from.
So surely you would want to know that, for instance, the
Web site for the sleeping pill Ambien is run by Sanofi-Aventis,
the drug's maker, and TeenScreen, a controversial survey for
children intended to diagnose psychiatric problems, was developed
by psychiatrist David Shaffer, who is a consultant and apologist
of pharmaceutical companies.
You simply must question every study, every Web site, every
researcher that you see, read or hear, and confirm that they,
or it, is not biased. Even the nightly news coverage of health
topics is questionable, as the parent network is probably
receiving BIG advertising bucks from the pharmaceutical companies.
This may explain why seemingly big news events seem to evaporate
into thin air. Just last month, for instance, a cow with mad
cow disease was found in Alabama, making it the third discovered
in the United States. The incident was being "investigated."
Other items, like the growing debate surrounding genetically
modified foods or the passing of the Cheeseburger
Bill also receive little airtime on mainstream media outlets,
at best.
That is why here at we are devoted to providing
you not only with safe, unbiased and reliable information,
but also thorough coverage of all the health and wellness
news out there -- at you will never get only one
side of the story, as we believe in presenting you with the
facts so you can make up your own, educated, mind.
Sorting Through the Ever-Changing Medical "Facts"
Of course, medical science itself is also constantly shifting
-- one
day coffee is great, the next it's the worst thing for
you, is just one example. On top of making sure your source
of reliable health information is independent, unbiased and
un-bought -- and making sure it is based on research rather
than guess-work -- it is helpful to peruse a number of reliable
sources. Only then can you make your own confident and educated
decision about the health issues that matter to you.
Recommended Reading
Your Doctor Skimping on Giving You the Best Advice?
Drug Reactions On the Rise: What You Can Do to Shield Yourself
from the Dangers of ADRs
Today: Drugmakers go Furthest to Sway Congress
Screen: A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial
Center for Public Integrity