The 10 Toughest Interview Questions of All Time -- and How to Answer Them
Sitting through a job interview may very well be one of the
most nerve-wracking experiences of an adult's life. But while
every interview (and interviewer) will be different, the questions
asked often are not.

Preparing for your job interview ahead of time will
help you exude confidence, interest and motivation when
it matters most.
You can give yourself an edge over the competition, and a
bit of peace of mind, by anticipating these 10 toughest interview
questions -- and preparing your winning responses ahead of
1. Tell me about yourself.
While this may sound easy (how can you go wrong talking about
yourself?), this broad, open-ended question leaves room for
endless babble, without getting out what needs to be said.
What needs to be said?
Stick to your academic background, your professional highlights
and future career goals (including your desire to work at
said company) -- and keep it short. Thirty or 40 seconds should
2. Why do you want to work here?
This question has a definite hidden agenda (as do many interview
questions): did you do your homework about the company?
When answering this toughie, be sure you have in fact read
up on the company you are interviewing with. Highlight some
reasons why the company is poised in a good position in the
industry and offers you a unique opportunity that others do
not. You can also explain that part of the reason you want
to work there is because your qualifications so perfectly
match their needs (and expand on how ).
3. What are your weaknesses?
There is an opportunity here for you to show your ability
to overcome hurdles, including your own vulnerabilities. Be
honest and explain your weaknesses (do you have a hard time
staying organized? Not good at remembering names? Lose your
cool easily?), but be sure to counter each one with steps
you have taken to overcome it. Hard time with organization?
Explain the ingenious filing system you implement to keep
things in order, and so on.
4. Why did you leave your last job?
Stifle the desire to say what you may really be thinking
on this one ("The boss is a jerk!" may be an honest
answer, but not an advisable one). No matter what the reason
was for your departure, focus on the positive aspects. No
one wants to hire someone who is holding
on to angry, bitter or resentful feelings, or who complains
5. Why should we hire you?
This is your chance to be your own salesperson and let the
interviewer know what sets you apart from other applicants.
Steer clear of generic terms (like hardworking or motivated),
unless you can back them up with real-world examples. Now
is the time to lay out all of your strengths and how they
mesh with the position you're after.
6. Describe a conflict at your last job, and how you resolved
It's a good idea to think of a time (or two) in your past
professional career in which you really saved the day. This
could be anything from helping coworkers to communicate better
to coming up with a way to help the company operate more efficiently.
Whatever it is, be sure to focus on the steps you took to
resolve the problem, as opposed to the problem itself.

While answering interview questions, remember that the
tone of your voice, eye contact, positive facial expressions
and a confident posture all make a difference in the
impression you make.
7. What are your salary requirements?
It is not appropriate to discuss salary at an initial interview,
unless the interviewer brings it up or you are offered the
position. Assuming the interviewer asks you this deal-breaker
question, tell him or her the salary range you honestly hope
to earn in the position. The key is to always say a range,
rather than one set number, and be sure to make it known that
you're willing to negotiate.
8. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 ... 15 years?
With a question like this it's best to not lock yourself
into anything absolute. In other words, let the interviewer
know that you hope to find a position that allows you to grow
with the company and as a person.
9. When were you most satisfied at your last job?
This gives the interview a chance to get to know you, and
whether you would be happy in the position. You should describe
the things you liked most about your last job (working with
customers, coming up with long-term strategies, making sales
pitches, etc.), then tie it into the position you're after
("I always loved interacting with customers, which is
why I was so glad to hear that that would be one of the primary
responsibilities in this position.").
10. Do you have any questions for me?
If you say 'no' to this question, it shows a lack of interest,
motivation and curiosity about the company. You should come
prepared with a list of questions to ask the interviewer --
benefits, work schedule, job responsibilities, company policies
and procedures and vacation time would all apply (but refrain
from asking about salary at this point).
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