Roth IRA: If You Don't Have One, Here's Why You Should Seriously Consider One... Especially NOW
While 41 percent of U.S. households own Individual Retirement
Accounts (IRA), only 17 percent made a contribution in 2004,
according to a study by the Washington-based Investment Company
If you've been thinking about starting a Roth IRA, or making
a contribution, there's still time to do so for 2005 -- but
the deadline is a fast-approaching April 17.

Deciding how to save for retirement is confusing ...
but starting a Roth IRA is simple.
Why Start a Roth IRA?
An IRA is widely considered to be one of the best ways to
save for retirement, after an employer-sponsored retirement
plan such as a 401(k). People are living longer than ever,
so your retirement savings may need to last you 30 years or
more ... and experts estimate that you will need at least
85 percent of your pre-retirement income just to maintain
your current lifestyle.
If you plan on moving to Hawaii, taking a round-the-world
cruise, spoiling the grandkids or otherwise retiring in luxury,
you will need even more.
The benefits of a Roth IRA are that you:
In other words, when you invest in a Roth IRA, your contribution
is not deductible from your taxable income. However, when
it comes time to cash in your earnings upon retirement, you
do not have to pay taxes on the money because, essentially,
you did so when you first invested it.
Further, with a Roth IRA, you can withdraw your contributions
at any time without a penalty (withdrawing earnings is penalized,
For instance, if you invested $2,150 in a Roth IRA that earns
8 percent a year, in 25 years you would have accumulated $14,724
-- that you would not have to pay taxes on.
This is the primary difference between a Roth and a Traditional
IRA. With a Traditional IRA, your contribution is tax-deductible,
which will lower your tax. However, when you withdraw money
from a Traditional IRA, it is taxable.
Roth IRA: Who's Eligible and How Much Can You Contribute?
You can contribute to a Roth IRA at any age as long as:
You have earned income (or you are a non-working spouse)
Your income is under $95,000 a year for singles
Your income is under $150,000 a year for joint filers
If you meet these requirements you can invest:

Want to retire in the lap of luxury? Max out your annual
Roth IRA contributions.
A maximum of $4,000 a year for 2005 and 2006
An additional "catch-up" contribution of
$500 for 2005, and $1,000 for 2006 if you are 50 years
or older
If you can, it makes sense to invest the maximum amount.
If you were to begin investing $4,000 a year at age 25, and
earned an average annual return of 8 percent, you'd have over
$1 million saved by the time you retired at age 65. (On which
no taxes would need to be paid.)
You should take advantage of this now. As it stands, IRA
maximum annual contribution limits are set to return to $2,000
in 2011, unless future legislation continues the increased
Roth IRA Extras
There are other benefits of saving with a Roth IRA that make
it stand out from other retirement savings plans.
If You Need it, the Money is There. In an emergency,
you can withdraw money from your Roth IRA -- tax-free and
without penalty. However, the money must be from your contributions.
If you take out your earnings before retirement (age 59 1/2),
you'll owe taxes and a 10 percent penalty.
It Can Help You Buy Your First Home. You can take
up to $10,000 out of your Roth IRA -- including earnings --
and pay no taxes or penalties if you use it to buy your first
home. The account must have been open for five years before
you can take advantage of this offer. (If you take money out
for a home purchase before the five-year mark, you'll owe
taxes but no penalty.)
Remember, the deadline to open, or make a contribution to,
a Roth IRA for 2005 is April 17. (And be sure to designate
that it's for tax year 2005 if you want to get ahead.) There
are many providers out there -- banks, mutual funds, brokerage
firms and insurance companies. Ask about any start-up fees,
membership fees, withdrawal fees and investment fees before
deciding on one.
A Roth IRA can be set up in person but many providers also
offer online setup. And to make things even simpler, most
also offer automatic investing, which allows you to have a
set amount automatically added to your Roth IRA every month.
Happy saving!
Recommended Reading
Key Tax Law Changes You Need to Know For Preparing Your 2005
Audits: What Signs Make You More Likely to be Audited by the
Why You Need a Roth IRA
Desert Sun: Do You Know Which IRA's Right for You?
City Star: Bolster Your Retirement with an IRA