Seven Things NOT to Do When Leaving Your Job (No Matter How Tempted You Are)
When the day comes to leave your job in search of greater
autonomy, a higher income, a more flexible schedule, or more
self-fulfillment, you may very well be tempted to finally
"stick it to the man."

Resist the urge to badmouth co-workers or your boss
before leaving your job -- even if you feel you've been
treated badly.
Even those leaving on good terms may seize the opportunity
to let their coworkers know all the "privileged"
information they've gathered over the years.
But just as starting a new job takes a certain amount of
tact and flair, leaving a job behind should also be done with
a generous amount of diplomacy.
To put is simply, "It is important to leave on good
terms with your former employer," said Tracy Fuller,
executive director of Creative Group who studies marketing
and advertising professionals, "since you may need their
help in the future."
In order to effectively maintain your past business relationships
and keep your sterling reputation in a good light, here are
the top seven things NOT to do upon leaving your job.
1. Tell Off Your Boss and/or Coworkers. Even if you
feel you've been treated badly, this is one of the biggest
mistakes you could make. Most new employers require references
and will call your last boss for a recommendation.
If you leave on a sour note, you may not have to deal with
your boss's angry e-mails in the morning, but you can kiss
a useful recommendation letter goodbye.
As for your coworkers, you may not be depending on them for
a reference, but you never know where you may run into them
in the future -- particularly if you're planning on staying
in the same industry. That nosey guy in the cubicle next to
you may turn up again in the form of a lucrative customer
or member of management.
2. Leave Loose Ends. If you have unfinished business
to tend to, do it. It is unprofessional to leave without finishing
your responsibilities. If you leave phone calls and e-mails
unanswered, accounts open, and customers with no alternate
contact, your personal reputation will go down the drain.
3. Leave Without Notice. Again, you want to preserve
your business connections and networking relationships when
you leave your job. Giving your employer notice in the morning
that you'll be quitting at the end of the day will assure
that he or she will not go out of his or her way to help you
succeed in finding your next position.
4. Steal From the Company. You may be feeling slighted,
and you may really want to get back at your employer. However,
stealing or damaging company property is not a good idea.
Not only will it tarnish your reputation, but such actions
could land you in court or even in jail.
5. Badmouth Your Employer. This extends not only to
coworkers and your replacement, but also to a new potential
employer during an interview. Putting down your past situation
sends out the same red flags as badmouthing a past significant
other to a new partner: your attitude is negative and you
may have trouble getting along with others.
6. Leak Company Secrets. This may cross your mind
as another form of revenge against an awful employer, but
letting privileged information out will only hurt you. Not
only could you be in legal trouble for disclosing secret information,
but, if word gets out that you're the one with the loose lips,
other employers may not want to trust you.

Helping to train your replacement is one of the best
things you can do to leave your job without burning
7. Leave Without a Reference. You should ask for a
reference even if you're not leaving on the best terms. Most
employers will write you a positive, or at least neutral,
reference letter, which will be useful when you start job
hunting (remember, the job you're leaving will be listed on
your resume). The exception here is if you're leaving after
committing an atrocious act against the company, and know
asking for a reference letter is out of the question.
What You Should Do When Leaving Your Job
While dutifully avoiding the seven things above, workers
wishing to maintain the best possible reputation should also
strive to do the things below before leaving their job behind:
Tell your boss. Don't simply assume that they'll
hear you're leaving through the grapevine. And, if possible,
do it in person -- not by phone or e-mail (you may also
be required to submit a formal letter of resignation in
Give at least two weeks notice. This is the minimal
amount of notice you should give if you want your employers
to feel you're behaving respectfully toward them.
Finish all the work you can. Tie up all your loose
ends, then provide any unfinished affairs with your replacement's
name and contact information.
Help your replacement with the transition. You
have valuable information that the person replacing you
will need to know. Be helpful and supportive to this person
during the transition -- the way you would like the person
you may soon be replacing to treat you.
Get reference letters. Before you leave is the
easiest time to request letters of reference. Request
them from everyone you can, as the more positive letters
you have, the better off you'll be when trying to impress
a new potential employer.
Recommended Reading
Signs it is REALLY Time to Leave Your Job
Emotionally Hazardous Work Environment: Is it Worth the Price
You Pay?
Things Not to Do When You Leaving Your Job (Blog for Woman)
Your Job? Don't Burn Those Bridges
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