The Rise of Contagious Disease & How to Minimize Your Risk of Contagious Disease Exposure
In a matter of hours, you can now literally travel to the
other side of the Earth. With this modern-day convenience
we now take for granted, we are able to experience other cultures
and regions that once were isolated. This may be a boon to
travelers and business, but it is also a free ride when it
comes to contagious disease.

Once humans began to live in close proximity, contagious
disease proliferated.
Contagious Disease Was Once a Rarity
Contagious diseases have likely always existed, but prior
to agricultural societies they were a much less prevalent
Hunter-gatherer societies lived completely isolated from
one another, crossing huge expanses of land to survive. This
very isolation provided a natural barrier against the spread
of contagious disease.
However, when humans transitioned to an agricultural society,
they naturally stayed put in one area, began to expand to
larger groups and meanwhile began to domesticate animals --
all of which encouraged the spread of disease.
When cities emerged, people were living in close quarters
with little public hygiene, which only compounded the problem.
Contagious Disease Today
Aside from the emergence of agriculture and cities, several
other modern-day factors have further encouraged the contagious
disease spread.
Humans Encroaching on Wildlife. Populations are
increasingly moving out into rural areas where they come
into close contact with wildlife, which may harbor diseases
that can be transferred to humans.
Destruction of rain forests. As tropical rainforests
are continually cleared, insects and animals that harbor
unknown organisms are encountered.
Modern transportation. Ships, planes and other modes
of transport can carry and spread diseases from one stop
to the next.
Global travel. People who travel internationally
may spread contagious disease from one area of the globe
to the next before they ever experience any symptoms.
How to Reduce Your Risk of Exposure to Contagious Disease

Contagions can spread rapidly among kids, who often
don't wash their hands or cover their mouths when sneezing.
Contagious diseases are all around us. They're in our offices,
schools and day cares (as any parent knows), even in our homes.
In fact, we spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors, often
in energy-efficient houses and buildings that are super-sealed
to keep heat or cool air in, but which also trap in and contain
To most effectively keep contagions from making your family
sick, a three-pronged approach works best.
- Keep Potential Contagions Out of Your Home. A
chief way microorganisms and other contaminants enter your
home is through dust and dirt you track in on the bottom
of your shoes. It's then circulated directly into the air
you and your family breathe.
Trapping dirt right at the door, via doormats placed
strategically around your home, can therefore go a long
way toward reducing the amount of potentially contagious
contaminants in your home's air. highly recommends the Waterhog
Grand Premier Mats for this purpose. Unlike other
mats out there, Waterhogs have a distinctive "water-dam"
border that traps soil and liquids in the mat so they
don't drain or track onto your floors ... while vastly
minimizing slipping.
Eliminate Contagions in Your Home. Of course,
you can't possibly keep all organisms from entering your
home. Those that do get in can be effectively removed
by using the proper cleaning tools. highly
recommends the PerfectClean
line of terry-cloths and dusters -- used by hospitals,
schools, leading hotels, and other leading commercial
organizations -- for this purpose. Rather than just pushing
dust and dirt around, or worse, stirring it up into the
air, all PerfectClean products are made with positively
charged ultramicrofibers that pick up everything in their
path--including dust and all of its microscopic attachments.
Boost Your Body's First Line of Defense. Your
Immune System. If you are exposed to a contagious disease,
a strong immune system is key to fighting it off. You
can keep your immune system strong by getting plenty of
sleep, eating healthy foods including vegetables
and fruits,
and keeping stress under control.
Recommended Reading
Most Dangerous Toxin That Almost No One Knows About
to Travel Abroad Safely: Six Important Tips You Need to Know
in an Emergency
Rise of Contagious Disease
the Spread of Contagious Diseases