What You Need to Know About ... The Americans with Disabilities Act and How it can Impact You
by www.SixWise.com
Garrett Bonham, who formerly worked as a knight at the Medieval
Times dinner theater in Schaumburg, IL, is suing the company,
alleging they fired him for filing worker's compensation claims.
The job required that Bonham fight duels and jousts (with
real swords and lances) and take choreographed falls from
Now, Bonham says, "Just about every joint in my body
hurts," as he was injured multiple times during the course
of his 10-year position as a knight. Part of his $75,000-lawsuit
contends that the employer violated the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) because they did not offer Bonham a different job--one
he could perform despite his injuries.

The Americans with Disabilities Act was the first civil
rights law worldwide to protect people with disabilities.
Many Americans are unaware of their rights under this Act,
or are unaware of the act altogether. The Americans with Disabilities
Act was enacted in 1990 to protect people with all types of
disabilities from discrimination. It was the world's first
comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities.
The Act guarantees equal opportunity for this group of individuals
in the areas of public accommodations, employment, transportation,
state and local government services and telecommunications.
For those of you who are disabled or know and love someone
who is, knowing the essentials of this Act will ensure you
get the protection and accommodations to which you're entitled.
Who Is Eligible?
ADA protection applies, primarily, to disabled individuals.
A person is "disabled" under the Act if he or she
meets one or more of the following requirements:
The person has a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits one or more of his/her major life activities.
The person has a record of such an impairment.
The person is regarded as having such an impairment.
Under certain circumstances, people (parents, for instance)
who have an association with a person with a disability, or
those who are coerced or subjected to retaliation for helping
a person with disabilities assert their rights under the ADA,
may also be protected.
Five Titles
The Act is divided into five titles:
Employment (Title I): Businesses must provide
"reasonable accommodations" to people with disabilities
in all aspects of employment, including the application
process, hiring, training, wages, benefits, advancement
etc. Possible changes may include altering the layout
of workstations, restructuring jobs, etc. Employment-related
medical exams are highly regulated under the Act.
Public Services (Title II): Public services including
state and local government services, the National Railroad
Passenger Corporation, and public transportation systems
cannot deny service to people with disabilities and must
be accessible to them.
Public Accommodations (Title III): New construction
must be accessible to people with disabilities, and existing
structures that have barriers to this group must have
them removed if "readily achievable." Public
accommodations include restaurants, hotels, grocery and
retail stores, privately owned transportation systems,

Minor, non-chronic conditions of short duration,
such as a sprain, infection or broken limb, are generally
not covered by the ADA.
Telecommunications (Title IV): Companies offering
telephone service to the general public must have telephone
relay service for those who use telecommunications devices
for the deaf (TTYs) or other similar devices.
Miscellaneous (Title V): Coercing, threatening
or retaliating against the disabled or those who attempt
to help them assert their rights under the ADA is prohibited.
10 Important ADA Facts to Know
Knowing the facts will ensure you're well equipped to protect
your rights or the rights of someone close to you.
Employers are only required to accommodate a
"known" disability of a qualified applicant
or employee. If the employer is unaware of the disability,
and the individual does not request accommodation, the
employer is not obligated to provide one.
Most accommodations under the ADA are triggered
by a request from the person with the disability. If the
person is unable to suggest an appropriate accommodation,
the employer should work with the person to identify one.
Employers are required to make accommodations
only if they do not impose "undue hardship."
Undue hardship is defined as "action requiring significant
difficulty or expense," which could include factors
such as the cost of the accommodation in relation to the
size, resources, etc. of the employer's business. In the
event of an "undue hardship," the employer must
try to identify another accommodation option and give
the employee the option of paying for a portion of the
accommodation resulting in undue hardship.
An employer may not ask or require a job applicant
to take a medical examination before making a job offer.
An employer may not make any pre-employment
inquiry about a disability or the nature or severity of
a disability. They may, however, ask an individual about
their ability to perform specific job functions
An eligible small business may take a tax credit
of up to $5,000 per year for accommodations made to comply
with the ADA.
A full tax deduction, up to $15,000 per year,
is available to any business for expenses of removing
qualified architectural or transportation barriers to
comply with the ADA.
In the case of leased places of public accommodation,
such as doctor's offices or day cares, both the landlord
and the tenant are legally responsible for making necessary
changes to comply with the ADA.
Individuals who use illegal drugs are not covered
by the ADA.
Alcoholics are covered by the ADA, if he or
she is qualified to perform the essential functions of
the job. However, an employer can discipline, discharge
or deny employment to an alcoholic whose use of alcohol
adversely affects job performance or conduct.
How to Get Help Under the ADA
If you'd like more information about the Americans with Disabilities
Act--such as general ADA information, answers to specific
technical questions, free ADA materials or information about
filing a complaint--the U.S. Department of Justice has a toll-free
ADA Information Line at:
800-514-0301 (voice)
800-514-0383 (TTY)
Recommended Reading
Long Hours Now Proven to Kill You: How to Work Smarter, Not
Gender Income Gap: Are Women Really Making Less than Men for
the Same Job?
with Disabilities Act Home Page
Tribune October 6, 2005
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