Gossip: It Can Devastate, but Here's How it Can Also be Beneficial
by www.SixWise.com
Overall, gossip has gotten a bad rap in America. A gossip,
a yenta, a blabbermouth, or whatever you like to call them,
is someone who goes around spreading rumors, sharing other
people's personal information, or reporting sensational facts
about others.
While there is a real downside to gossip, particularly to
the person who is being gossiped about, who doesn't love getting
the latest juicy details on the office love triangle, their
colleague's big fight with the boss, or their neighbor's recent
run-in with the law?

An earful of juicy gossip may be just the thing to
start your day.
Gossip, it seems, is a part of human nature, something we're
drawn to rather inherently. Even those who say they don't
like to spread it often say so just before engaging in it,
as in, "I don't like to gossip, but ... "
Now here's something to consider: gossip may not actually
be a bad thing. In fact, it can be quite good.
When the Gossip is Good
"If people aren't talking about other people, it's a
signal that something is wrong--that we feel socially alienated
or indifferent," says Ralph Rosnow, Ph.D., a professor
of psychology at Temple University and coauthor of Rumor
and Gossip: The Social Psychology of Hearsay.
That's right. For all our talk about how gossiping isn't
an admirable quality, it turns out that in reality, gossip
helps us feel like we fit in.
"I heard a lot [of gossip] in the hallway, on the way
to class," said Mady Miraglia, a high school history
teacher in Los Gatos, California about a previous job. "To
be honest, it made me feel better as a teacher to hear others
being put down. I was out there on my own, I had no sense
of how I was doing in class, and the gossip gave me some connection.
And I felt like it gave me status, knowing information, being
on the inside."
Gossip Helps Us Learn and Bond
This can be especially important for a newcomer in a group.
Hearing the latest gossip lets that person know they've been
accepted and that they're trusted with the "privileged"
information. But gossip isn't just for fun. It can be a source
of very valuable information, too.
Says Jack Levin, Ph.D., professor of sociology and criminology
at Boston's Northeastern University and coauthor of Gossip:
The Inside Scoop:
"If you want to know about the kind of insurance coverage
your employer offers, look in the company handbook. But
if you want to know who to avoid, who the boss loves or
loathes, who to go to when you need help, what it really
takes to get a promotion or raise, and how much you can
safely slack off, you're better off paying attention to
the company grapevine."
Gossip also serves as a way to learn ground rules or acceptable
group behaviors without having to come right out and discuss
them. "If you move into a community and your neighbor
tells you how the previous homeowner never disposed of his
garbage properly, his gossip is letting you in on something
else," says Rosnow.

You're likely to learn more about your office from
gossiping at the water cooler than from your employee
Even kids' gossip, the type that's often unapologetically
cruel ("Kyle smells" or "Sara eats paste,"
for instance) and said right to the child's face, serves a
purpose. Says Levin:
"Cruel comments, but effective ones, because the target
learns some important information. Namely, that he is not
invisible to the rest of the world. The result? This vital
piece of information helps him see he needs to change his
offensive behavior."
Gossiping among adults takes on a bit of a different role
and can at times be complimentary. "It's a way of saying
that others are important," says Gary Allen Fine, Ph.D.,
a professor of sociology at the University of Georgia. "We
gossip about people we care about. We don't bother talking
about people who don't matter to us."
When Gossip Turns Ugly
Of course, not all gossip is good gossip. "Most of the
time, the gossip spread between two people about a third absent
friend is neutral news: a pregnancy, a promotion. But gabbing
about buddies can also be a breach of the social structure,"
says Fine.
It's these "breaches of social structure," like
when friend A tells friend B that friend C's house is a pig
sty, that can cause feelings to get hurt, trust to be broken
and relationships to fall apart.
Gossip can turn ugly when a person:
Tells a secret they've promised to keep
Spreads a negative rumor about someone else
Lies about something
Says something hurtful about a friend, colleague, family
member, etc.
Rains on someone else's parade (spilling the news that
your sister is pregnant, before she's let anyone know,
for instance)
Does it with the intent of spite, revenge or malice
That said, before you wish away gossip from your life, consider
the wise words of Oscar Wilde, and then feel free to share
them with your nearest and dearest gossip buddies: "There
is only one thing worse than being gossiped about, and that
is not being gossiped about."
Recommended Reading
Top Seven Signs That Someone is Lying to You
Powerful Influencing Effect of People's Faces on Your Behavior
Tribune August 24, 2005 "This Just In: Gossip Serves
a Purpose"
Today: The Real Slant on Gossip