Skin Cancer, Already the #1 Most Diagnosed Cancer, Continues to Escalate in All Ages: How to Recogni
Every year, more than 1 million cases of non-melanoma skin
cancer are diagnosed in the United States. Another 59,600
people will be diagnosed with the more serious (and far less
common) melanoma skin cancer in 2005, according to the American
Cancer Society.
Although most cancer deaths are caused by melanoma--about
7,800 of the total 10,600 skin cancer deaths each year--non-melanoma
skin cancers are a serious concern.

Some safe sun exposure may actually reduce your risk
of skin cancer.
And, they've been increasing among young adults for the last
30 years, according to a new study published in the August
10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA). Said Leslie Christenson, M.D., Mayo Clinic dermatologist
and lead investigator of the study:
"Because non-melanoma skin cancers generally occur
in persons after 50, very little attention has been paid
to their incidence in younger adults and children. We have
discovered that these cancers are becoming increasingly
prevalent in younger people, and if steps are not taken
at a young age to prevent these cancers, we may see an exponential
increase in the overall occurrence of non-melanoma skin
What's Causing the Increase?
Most cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are sun-related, says
the American Cancer Society. The JAMA study researchers agree,
saying long-term or intense sun exposure and the use of tanning
beds are likely the key reasons behind the increase. Other
factors include increased exposure to UV light, ozone depletion
and increased detection, they say.
How to Recognize Skin Cancer Early On
Most skin cancers spotted early on are curable. The Skin
Cancer Foundation recommends getting a yearly skin exam by
your doctor, along with performing your own self-examination
once a month.
You should check all areas of your body--even those not exposed
to the sun. This includes your scalp, palms of hands, soles
of feet, underarms, stomach, etc. Use a mirror for those hard-to-see
places. You're looking for what The Skin Cancer Foundation
and other organizations call the "ABCDs" of moles
and melanoma.
Here's what to look for:
Most melanomas are asymmetric (a line down the middle
will not split it evenly in half).
Melanomas may have irregular borders with scalloped or
notched edges. Normal moles will have a smoother border.
Melanomas typically have varied shades of brown, tan or
black, and may later progress to red, white and blue.
Normal moles are usually a single shade of brown. |
A melanoma may be larger than a regular mole, or
at least the size of a pencil eraser (about 1/4 inch in
diameter). They may be smaller, however. |
Further, you should watch for changes in regular moles, such
as changes in color, size, elevation, sensation (like itching)
or shape. If you notice anything suspicious, see your doctor
right away.
How to Prevent Skin Cancer
Ironically, while too much sun exposure can lead to skin
cancer, smart sun exposure can actually help to prevent it.
Sun exposure is the body's primary source of making vitamin
D, and vitamin D reduces the risk of a host of cancers, including
skin, colon, breast, prostate and others.
Among the many studies that have found such results is one
in the February 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National
Cancer Institute that confirmed that exposure to the sun reduces
the risk of skin cancer.
Said Dr. Michael Thun, the chief epidemiologist at the American
Cancer Society, "There is now intriguing evidence that
vitamin D may have a role in the prevention as well as treatment
of certain cancers." He says the Society is even reviewing
its sun protection guidelines in response.
The key, however, is to get sun exposure in a safe way. Here
are some tips:
Get some sun, but don't stay out long enough to get burned.
When going outdoors for extended periods, use a safe
sunblock with an SPF of 15 or higher.
Use a hat, umbrella, sunglasses (with UV-absorbing lenses)
and clothing to block the sun when you've had enough.
Avoid using tanning beds.
Keep in mind that people with dark skin may need six
to 10 times more sun exposure to get healthy levels of
vitamin D than people with fair skin.
Other useful tips for preventing skin cancer (and other types
of cancer) include eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidant
foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) and exercising regularly.
Recommended Reading
6 Most Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs
Six Most Feared but Least Likely Causes of Death
Skin Cancer Foundation
American Cancer Society
Orbit August 9, 2005
Way News