The Gender Income Gap: Are Women Really Making Less than Men for the Same Job?
It's been 85 years since women gained the right to vote,
24 years since the first woman was appointed to the Supreme
Court (Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981), and 42 years since the
Equal Pay Act of 1963 required equal wages for men and women
doing equal work.

Women make about 80 cents for every dollar men make.
Yet today in 2005, women are still behind men when it comes
to wages. According to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor
Statistics from 2003, for every dollar that a man makes, a
woman makes about 80 cents.
For women between the ages of 45 and 54, the gap gets even
wider: women make only 73 cents for every dollar men make.
The Gap is Not Narrowing
It was thought that the income gap between men and women
was getting smaller. After all, in 1979 the women's-to-men's
earnings ratio was just 63 percent, and it increased to 80
percent in 2003, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But according to the U.S. Census Bureau,
the gap is actually getting wider for the first time since
1995. From 2002 to 2003, they found that median annual
earnings for full-time women workers actually decreased by
0.6 percent to $30,724. Men's earnings, however, stayed constant
at $40,668.
This represents a 1.4-percent decrease in the gender-wage
ratio, they say.
Dr. Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women's
Policy Research, commented:
"Women continue to take a major hit in the on-going
economic slowdown. No progress on the wage ratio has been
made since 2001, and women actually lost ground this year
[2004]. Falling real wages for women indicate a decline
in the quality of their jobs. The economic recovery continues
to disadvantage women by failing to provide strong job growth
at all wage levels."
Not as Bad as it Sounds?
Some say, however, that there are real reasons why women
may earn less than men, and that there are actually many fields
in which women earn more.
One of the most controversial speakers on this topic is gender
expert Warren Farrell, Ph.D., who's written the book "Why
Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap--and
What Women Can Do About It."
Although he acknowledges that discrimination may play a role
in some circumstances, his basic premise is that woman may
make choices that make them earn less--without realizing it.
Twenty-five different choices are outlined, including:
How many hours are put in at work
Taking a risky or hazardous assignment
Willingness to relocate or commute a long way
Training for a technical job that has less social contact
In his book, Farrell also points out some other statistics
that seem to explain why women sometimes make less:

Do women earn less than men because they're more likely
to take time off for family reasons?
Women are eight times more likely than men to spend four
or more years away from the work world.
Women are nearly nine times more likely than men to leave
work for six months or more for family reasons. Upon returning,
an income loss of about 33 percent is typical.
In fact, he says that many times women actually earn more:
There are 90 fields that pay women more than men.
There are 39 fields in which women earn more than 5 percent
more than men.
Female sales engineers earn 143 percent of male sales
Female part-time workers earn $1.10 for every dollar
a male part-time worker makes.
Women who choose non-traditional careers may be the best
off. According to the Labor Department, women dentists (who
make up just 20 percent of the field), airline pilots and
navigators (less than 4 percent of the field) may make lifetime
earnings that are 150 percent higher than women in traditional
However, what is comes down to may be the simple fact that
women are less willing to make sacrifices at home or in their
personal lives to make more money.
Says Farrell, "Women and men look at their life, and
women say, 'What do I need? Do I need more money, or do I
need more time?' And women are intelligent enough to say,
I need more time. And so women lead balanced lives, men should
be learning from women."
What Can Women Do?
For women looking to earn more money, the American Management
Association has adapted points from Farrell's book into Eight
Tips for Women. Here are some highlights:
Choose a field with a high emotional and financial risk
(doctors, lawyers, etc.).
Choose a field that's rooted in the hard sciences, not
the social sciences (computer scientists earn more than
teachers, for instance).
Be willing to travel and relocate if necessary.
Put in more hours.
Still some say that it is the employers' responsibility to
give women (and men) the time to raise a family and still
succeed at work equally.
Says Hilary Lips, Ph.D, a professor of psychology, chair
of the psychology department, and director of the Center for
Gender Studies at Radford University:
"If women and men continue to accept the notion that
the domestic and caretaking work traditionally classified
as "women's work" is not important enough for
employers to accommodate, the gender gap in wages will never
close ... The most important step in closing the wage
gap is for all of us to give up the notion that, to be paid
fairly, a woman must 'make it in a man's world.'"
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