Crystal Meth Abuse Skyrocketing in Big Cities to Small Towns: Why, and What are the Signs and Risks?
Crystal methamphetamine, a powerful stimulant that looks
like pieces of glass or shiny blue-white rocks, is so addictive
that it can cloud your ability to make sound judgments within
just weeks of your first taste. And among those who try to
quit, the relapse rate is about 94 percent, according to a
University of California study.
This "poor man's cocaine," as it's sometimes known,
has all but devastated some small towns across North America,
especially in poor areas, because it's cheaper than other
drugs and the high lasts longer. A meth high can last up to
30 minutes, whereas a high from the more expensive cocaine
lasts just five minutes.
"We've seen it destroy central Illinois, parts of Wisconsin
and Indiana ... ," said DEA-Chicago special agent
Mark Warpness.
Not only that, but because crystal meth is made from ingredients
that most people can get their hands on (over-the-counter
cold remedies, lantern fuel, lye, muriatic acid, phosphorous,
acetone, iodine, etc.), a "middle man" is not necessary.

Meth labs are popping up all over the Midwest and other
rural areas.
Users can concoct the drug right in their own homes using
"recipes" from the Internet and other users. There
are literally thousands of recipes available online, according
to the Illinois State Police.
"You would think the bigger, metropolitan areas would
see more of it than we do, but it seems to have centered in
the more rural areas,'' said Mike Taylor of Dayton, district
attorney general for the 12th Judicial District.
Other users emerged in the poor working class, particularly
truck drivers and shift workers, who used the drug to gain
energy for the manual work and to stay awake for long hours.
More recently, though, crystal meth is becoming a popular
club drug among young people and among the gay community.
And while use is still relatively low compared to some other
drugs, its popularity is growing. According to a 2002 National
Institute on Drug Abuse survey, more than 12 million Americans
aged 12 and over, or 5.3 percent of the population, have tried
crystal meth at least once.

Street Names for Crystal Meth
The National Drug Intelligence Center has compiled
a list of the most popular terms for crystal meth:
- Batu
- Blade
- Cristy
- Crystal glass
- Hanyak
- Hiropon
- Hot ice
- Kaksonjae
- L.A. glass
- L.A. ice
- Quartz
- Shabu
- Shards
- Stove top
- Super ice
- Tina
- Ventana
- Vidrio
Crystal Meth's Affect on Health
Crystal meth can be smoked, injected, snorted or swallowed,
and initially users feel a euphoric high with increased energy
and feelings of invincibility. When the high begins to fade,
a person can get violent, paranoid, confused and irritable,
and many users take more of the drug during this time.
In this type of cycle, it's not uncommon for users to stay
awake for two weeks at a time.
The impacts on a person's health can be devastating and include:
Among users who inject the drug, the risks also include contracting
HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other blood-borne viruses, scarred
or collapsed veins, infections of the heart lining and valves,
abscesses, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and liver or kidney disease.
And, because crystal meth makes users feel invincible, they're
much more likely to engage in unprotected sex, which increases
the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
In fact, in February 2005 a man in New York City who used
crystal meth frequently had unprotected sex with numerous
men and reportedly spread a highly virulent strain of HIV.
The strain is resistant to three of the four drug classes
commonly used to treat the diseases, and is so virile that
the initial infection progressed to full-blown AIDS in just
three months
Said New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas R. Frieden:
"This case is a wake-up call. First, it's a wake up
call to men who have sex with men, particularly those who
may use crystal methamphetamine. Not only are we seeing
syphilis and a rare sexually transmitted disease--lymphogranuloma
venereum--among these men, now we've identified this strain
of HIV that is difficult or impossible to treat and which
appears to progress rapidly to AIDS. "
A new study also found that using crystal
meth just once during pregnancy may be enough to cause long-term
neurodevelopmental problems in babies.
Said University of Toronto pharmacy and pharmacology professor
Peter Wells, "It's pretty remarkable that a single low
dose can have such an effect. It's an important finding, given
the increasing use of club drugs among women of childbearing

Using crystal meth one time during pregnancy can cause
long-term damage to your baby.
Help for Crystal Meth Users
There's a program called Crystal
Meth Anonymous that is "a fellowship of people for
whom crystal meth has become a serious problem." They
offer a 12-step program that's been adapted from the Alcoholics
Anonymous program, and meetings meet regularly across the
United States and Canada. Their Web
site also has resources for friends and family of crystal
meth addicts.
You can find a
meeting near you now, or you can also seek help from your
local community health center.
Recommended Reading
Ecstasy: How
Dangerous is This Wildly Popular Drug?
Illegal Drugs Identification
Chart: What They Look Like & How to Recognize Their Effects
Drug Intelligence Center
Columbia Chronicle Online
Orbit July 26, 2005
About Crystal Meth
The Anti-Meth Site