Bottled Water: Which City's Tap Water System is Making a Flood of Cash off of You?
Americans are increasingly choosing bottled water over other
beverage choices, whether for taste or because we think it's
better for us. In fact, bottled water is now the second most
popular beverage in the United States (carbonated drinks are
first), and it brought in about $8 billion in sales in 2004,
according to Mintel International, a market researcher.
In 2004, Americans drank nearly 24 gallons of bottled water
each, up from about 22 gallons in 2003, according to statistics
from the Beverage Marketing Corporation. And in 2004, bottled
water volume rose 8.6 percent from the previous year to a
total of nearly 6.8 billion gallons.
Where Did YOUR Bottled Water Really
Come From?

Aquafina: Bottled at Pepsi plants using
processed municipal water.
Dasani: A processed municipal water with
added minerals.
Biota: Bottled from a shallow spring near
Ouray, Colorado.
Aspen Pure: Pumped from an artesian well
and filtered in the San Luis Valley of Colorado.
Fiji Water: Comes from An artesian aquifer
on the island of Viti Levu (the largest of the Fijian
Trinity Water: Comes from within the granite
Idaho Batholith in Paradise, Idaho, from 2.2 miles
below the Earth's surface.
Evian Natural Spring Water: Comes from Source
Cachat near Mont Blanc in France. The source is
fed from the snowmelt and rain that filters from
the Vinzier Plateau.
Dannon Natural Spring Water: Source is Piedmont,
Quebec, Canada.
Perrier: A natural mineral water from a
spring in Vergeze, France.
- San Pellegrino: Source is a thermal spring
at the foot of a Dolomite mountain in San Pellegrino,
Overall, sales of bottled water have tripled over the last
10 years. The increasing bottled water trend has occurred
largely because American's perceive bottled water, which is
often packaged with pictures of pristine lakes and mountains,
to be more pure, clean and healthy than regular tap water.
But is bottled water really better for your health than drinking
plain old tap water?
The Real Health Value of Bottled Water
Bottled water is not necessarily any better for you than
tap, according to a four-year scientific study by the National
Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The NRDC tested more than
1,000 bottles of 103 brands of water and although some brands
were of high quality they found:
One-third of the waters tested contained levels of contamination
that exceeded allowable limits
Contaminants included synthetic organic chemicals, bacteria
and arsenic
Who is responsible for regulating bottled water? The Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) is, but their rules exempt waters
that are packaged and sold within a single state -- which
describes between 60 percent and 70 percent of all U.S. bottled
water. About one out of five states don't regulate these waters,
either, and carbonated water and seltzer are also exempt.
And here's a scary thought: According to the NRDC, "Even
when bottled waters are covered by the FDA's rules, they are
subject to less rigorous testing and purity standards than
those which apply to city tap water." While tap
water is not allowed to contain any E. coli or fecal coliform,
for instance, bottled water is allowed some contamination.
A Bottled Water by Any Other Name ...
As we pay from 240 to 10,000 times more for bottled water
than tap water, it may irk you to know that the NRDC found
that about one-fourth of bottled water is actually bottled
tap water (some say it's as much as 40 percent). And just
because a bottled water is labeled "Spring," "Pure,"
or "from a pristine source," doesn't mean it is.
The NRDC found one bottle labeled "Spring Water"
that was actually from an industrial parking lot next to a
hazardous waste site.

Americans pay from 240 to 10,000 times more for bottled
water than they do for tap water.
"Many people are spending a lot of hard-earned money
on a product that really isn't any better than tap water.
Americans would be amazed to see the locations that some of
the bottled water comes from," said Erik Olson, an attorney
with the NRDC.
How to Read the Label on Bottled Water
The FDA maintains certain standards for bottled water labels,
as follows.
Artesian Water: Must come from an underground aquifer
that has no porthole to the surface, so the water does not
come into contact with air (which prevents bacterial growth).
Spring Water: Must come from an underground spring.
The water may be piped from the spring to the plant, filtered
and is sometimes treated with chemicals. Though a "spring"
sounds like a pristine location, they can be located anywhere
(such as the example noted above that came from an industrial
parking lot).
Drinking Water: This is typically tap water from
a municipal water system that has been filtered. Anytime
a label says "from a municipal source" or "from
a community water system" it is derived from tap water.
Also be cautious of letting words
like "pure," "glacier," "pristine,"
and "purified" sway you. These labels often
have little to do with the actual purity of the water.
"Some bottled water came labeled as if it was from a
mountain stream and in fact [it] was city tap water. There
are a lot of misleading labels on bottled water," Olson
If you choose to drink bottled water and want to be sure
of the source, you can call the water's manufacturer and ask
where it comes from. Alternatively, choose a brand that has
a known reputable source, such as Trinity Water.
So what's the bottom line when it comes to bottled water?
Greg Kail, a spokesman for the American Water Works Association,
sums it up: "Both tap and bottled water are good for
you. So long as they're informed about it, the consumer who
wants bottled water just because of a personal preference
is making a better choice than a sugary soft drink."
There's also another issue to consider, and that's the 1.5
million tons of plastic that are used to bottle water every
year. Many environmental groups are concerned with the toxic
chemicals that are created when this plastic is manufactured,
as well as the burden that's created when the bottles are
disposed of.
Says Richard Holland, director of the World Wildlife Fund's
Living Waters Campaign, "Bottled water isn't a long-term
sustainable solution to securing access to healthy water.
Clean water is a basic right. Protecting our rivers, streams
and wetlands will help ensure that tap water remains a service
which delivers good quality drinking water for everyone at
a fair price."
Recommended Reading
Six Most Feared but Least Likely Causes of Death
Six Worst Lifestyle Choices You Could Make
Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype
Bottled Water Association
Bottled Water Web
WBAL Channel
Water: Are You Paying Too Much?