Autism and Kids: The Untold Story of Why Autism has Become a Major Epidemic
by Donna Gates for
Regular contributor Donna Gates is an internationally
renowned nutritional consultant, author and lecturer.
Her extensively researched and proven insights have made
her a top consultant to many of today's leading physicians
and other health experts, and her insights have helped
many thousands of people overcome candidiasis and other
immune system disorders. |
Autism is one of the most mysterious and challenging conditions
facing conventional medicine today, but it need not be. Contrary
to popular opinion, autism isn't the congenital condition
that it was once assumed to be. It is preventable, and even
treatable, once you understand the underlying conditions and
causes that bring it about.
At the heart of autism, which now affects one in 166 children
(and the rates continue to rise according to government statistics),
is almost invariably inadequate nutrition and an imbalanced
inner ecosystem.

Donna Gates, Internationally Known and Respected Dietary
Health Expert, Author and Lecturer
What's an "Inner Ecosystem?"
Inside your digestive system -- your gut -- are trillions
of bacteria, both good and bad. Quite simply, to be healthy
the friendly organisms must greatly outnumber the unfriendly
ones. If the bad bacteria have crowded out the good bacteria,
your cells cannot get the nutrients they need and their performance
within your body will suffer.
Many children with autism do not have sufficient microflora
(good bacteria) in their guts to adequately receive the nourishment
they need from their digestive tracts or to support a healthy
immune system. In fact, groups like Defeat Autism Now (DAN),
which was started by doctors whose children have autism, have
found that these children consistently have:
Severe intestinal dysbiosis (an imbalance of bacteria
in the digestive tract)
Systemic fungal and viral infections
Mineral deficiencies
Abnormal serotonin levels
An abundance of toxic materials including pesticides,
mercury and other heavy metals
All of these things are related and affected by the inner
ecosystem, and many of the physical symptoms associated with
autism, including bloating, stomachaches and diarrhea, can
also be attributed to this imbalance of bacteria.
Why Don't Our Children Have Strong Inner Ecosystems?
Establishing a healthy inner ecosystem, which also determines
the effectiveness of the child's immune system and ability
to digest nutrients and remain free of toxins, begins at birth.
As the child travels down the birth canal, he's meant to
be "inoculated" with good bacteria from the mother
-- a crucial step in building the child's ecosystem. Unfortunately,
most women (and men, for that matter) today are so lacking
in good bacteria themselves, that they pass on, quite unintentionally,
mostly pathogenic bacteria and yeasts to the child, rather
than the good bacteria the child needs.
This means the child's immune system does not get a chance
to develop fully, and then, compounding things, they're typically
given vaccinations, which douse the child with toxic metals
like mercury and aluminum (adding to those that have already
been inherited from the parents) that may cause the child's
brain and nervous systems to stop functioning as they should.
Further, as the child grows older they're not fed the proper
foods they need to correct this rough start.

A child's healthy ecosystem starts long before he or
she is born ... but it is never too late to make
improvements that can have dramatically positive effects!
How Balancing the Inner Ecosystem can Treat and Prevent
Diet is indeed key to treating autism (and it's milder forms
including Asperger's syndrome, ADD, ADHD and ODD), and the
typically recommended gluten-free, casein-free diet is a good
start. However, what children first need is to rebalance their
inner ecosystems by adding plenty of good bacteria (also called
probiotics), in the form of fermented foods and drinks, to
their diets. In other words, they need a probiotic-rich diet.
These essential foods lay down a critical foundation for
establishing a healthy inner ecosystem in the intestinal tract
and follow nature's way of building strong, healthy immune
and digestive systems.
Soon after incorporating fermented foods like cultured vegetables
and fermented coconut water into their diets, autistic children
are able to digest high-quality fats essential to becoming
These fats include things like raw butter and raw cream (which
may contain insignificant amounts of casein), rich in the
raw, saturated fatty acids (like those in mother's milk) that
nourish the brain and intestinal lining. Some other key foods
and antiviral coconut oil
liver oil (for the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA
and vitamins A and D)
Unrefined seed oils such as pumpkinseed oil (zinc),
flax seed oil (omega 3), evening primrose and borage oils
Raw, casein-free Ghee (fatty acids)
Undenatured whey protein (to increase glutathione levels,
which helps with the detoxification of toxins)
- Later, fermented, organic raw milk (kefir) with casein
Once children begin to eat these foods, they're able to finally
establish a healthy inner ecosystem deep within the intestines.
Next, chronic and acute bowel dysbiosis begins to heal, which
corrects the nutritional deficiencies, strengthens the adrenal
glands and conquers the systemic infections that have all
been adding to the child's autistic condition. It's truly
an amazing reaction.