PMS: The Latest Insights on its Causes and
To the medical community, PMS (or premenstrual syndrome) is still a largely
mysterious phenomenon that affects women during the one or two weeks before
But for the women who face PMS each month (estimates of exactly how many
menstruating women get PMS vary widely and go as high as 80 percent, but
the American College of Obstetricians says it's up to 40 percent), the
physical, emotional and psychological symptoms are all too familiar.

Fatigue and irritability are two of the most common symptoms reported
by women with PMS.
Each woman's symptoms vary, and they vary for each woman from month to
month, but can include any of 180 symptoms that have been identified to
date including some of the common ones below:
Some Common PMS Symptoms
- Breast swelling and tenderness
- Fatigue
- Trouble sleeping
- Upset stomach, bloating, constipation or diarrhea
- Headache
- Food cravings (especially for sweet and salty foods) and changes
in appetite
- Joint or muscle pain
- Tension, irritability or mood swings
- Uncontrollable crying
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Backache
- Trouble concentrating
- Acne breakouts
- Aggressiveness
- Changes in libido
- Uterine cramps
- Weight gain
- Fluid retention
- Swelling of feet and ankles
- Forgetfullness
What Causes PMS?
There has been no single cause of PMS identified or accepted by the medical
community. But because the changes that happen during PMS coincide with
changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle, the most widespread
theory about PMS is that it's related to changes in female sex hormones
like estrogen and progesterone (though how it's related isn't clear).
Other theories have been suggested including that PMS could:
Be related to hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar levels) or
hypothyroidism (abnormally low levels of thyroid hormones).
Be related to pituitary hormones, prostaglandins and neurotransmitters
in the brain.
- Be due to a diet lacking in B vitamins, calcium or magnesium.
If there were to be a consensus among experts, however, it's likely to
be that PMS is due to a variety of factors, including the physiological
ones listed above, but also because of genetics, environment and lifestyle
factors like nutrition and stress.
high-quality supplement formulated with a range of vitamins and
minerals that can relieve and prevent PMS symptoms may be an essential
for many women who don't eat an optimal diet. See more about the
top-recommended "Ultravite PMS Formula" below.
What About PMDD?
There's a lot of controversy about premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
and whether it's a real "disorder." PMDD includes all of the
symptoms of PMS but to the extreme-where a woman
who has PMS may feel sad, a woman with PMDD may feel suicidal.
It's said to affect anywhere from 3 percent to 9 percent of women.
"It's a real biological condition for which women seek treatment--and
for which effective treatment is available," says Jean Endicott,
PhD, director of the premenstrual evaluation unit at Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center.
However, for each expert who believes in PMDD, there's another who says
it isn't real, and that it could drive women to take a medication when
what they really need is to get at the underlying issues.
As Joan Chrisler, PhD, a psychology professor at Connecticut College
and president of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, said, "We're
conditioned to want a pill. Instead of something you might need more,
like a nap or a divorce, or the ERA."
And according to Paula Caplan, PhD, author of "They Say You're Crazy,"
"There is no evidence [that PMDD exists], though people have to find
such evidence ... It is really appalling that using PMDD for women
who want recognition for discomfort is a very clear message that goes
something like: 'OK, OK, we'll believe you are feeling bad if we get to
call you mentally ill for feeling bad.'"
Seven Ways to Help Reduce PMS Symptoms
Though PMDD symptoms may be so severe as to require medical or psychological
help, the symptoms of PMS can usually be dealt with on your own. Here's
what can help:
Exercise: According to Carol Watkins, MD, "Women who exercise
regularly have fewer PMS symptoms." Regular exercise is typically
considered to be at least three to five times a week.
Eat Better: Nutrient deficiencies and poor nutrition could make
PMS symptoms worse. The top dietary culprits to avoid during PMS include:
- But at the same time you're avoiding the "bad" foods, it's
important to get plenty of the "good" vitamins and minerals
that your body needs.
Most women should consider a high-quality supplement such as the
widely recommended Ultravite,
an all-natural multi-mineral and vitamin supplement
specifically formulated to relieve and prevent the symptoms of PMS.
Get plenty of sleep. We highly recommend you read the "Stress
Keeping You Awake?" article under Recommended Reading below if
you have sleep issues!
Manage stress in your life. How you choose to manage stress is up
to you-you may feel better from taking some time alone with your journal
or going for a long walk outside. Others may prefer to call a close
friend or listen to music.
Another exceptional way to relieve stress that many are not aware
of? Stretching!
Don't smoke.