30,000 Finger Amputations Yearly: The Most Common Finger-Loss Accidents and How to Avoid Them
by SixWise.com
About 30,000 people, both kids and adults, are rushed to
U.S. emergency rooms each year because they've amputated a
finger. The two most common causes are from things many of
us come into contact with everyday: doors and power tools.

Young children getting fingers caught in doors is the
most common cause of finger amputations in this age
group, which is why child safety products like the one
in this picture are so important.
Researchers from the National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control (NCIPC) in Atlanta said doors and power tools
are responsible for the majority of finger amputations, and
they occur most often to kids and to men over 55. Specifically,
they conducted a study published in the Annals of Emergency
Medicine that found:
In children aged 4 and younger, three out of four
finger amputations resulted from fingers that were caught,
jammed or crushed in an opening or closing door.
In men aged 55 and older, more than half of finger
amputations were caused by power tools (power saws, most
These two age groups were found to be most at risk for these
types of injuries. Other interesting facts the researchers
found were:
The finger most likely to be injured was the index or
middle finger, which were injured most often by being
struck by or against something, or cut or pierced by an
Nearly 70 percent of finger amputations were completely
- Some 55 percent of the injuries occurred in the home.
What to Do
if Your
Finger Gets Cut Off
In the event that your finger is amputated during an
accident, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
offers this advice:
Apply pressure to the injured area immediately.
Gently cleanse the amputated part with water (preferably
Cover it in gauze wrap.
Put it in a watertight bag.
Place the bag on ice.
Do not put the amputated part directly on ice.
You could further damage it.
Take the amputated part with you to the emergency
room immediately.
Of course, doors and power tools are not the only risky objects
in your home. For instance, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) issued an alert last year about paper shredders.
CPSC received 31 reports involving finger
amputations, lacerations or other injuries from paper shredders
from January 2000 through December 2003. In this case, children
between the ages of 14 months and 2 years were most at risk.
And Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead guitarist, had half of
his right middle finger amputated during a wood-chopping axe
accident when he was only 4. Other common activities that
put your fingers at risk include:
Chopping vegetables-if chopping vegetables makes you
(and your fingers) nervous, Amazon.com
has the DigiGuard, a plastic, dishwasher safe cap
that protects your fingers while you chop.
Clearing debris from a lawnmower or snowblower
Working with machinery
Closing windows and doors carelessly
Cutting flowers or shrubbery
When it comes to children, keeping an eye on them and teaching
them not to put their hands into appliances like washers,
dryers or dishwashers and away from door hinges and windows
is a good start. Because getting their fingers accidentally
slammed in doors is the leading cause of finger amputations
in children (and one of the top home accidents overall), any
home where children or grandchildren are present should have
Guards installed on the doors.
How to Avoid Finger Amputation Accidents
- Keeps door from slamming and helps prevent painful
and serious finger injuries
- SIMPLE to install and remove
- Fits most exterior and interior doors
- Soft and flexible
- Available in 2-pack: Install one on each door that
children use in the home
"These door guards are great and you can't beat
the price. I like them better then another kind that
I tried because these are smaller and thus fit on either
side of the door (hinge side or full side of door).
I've had them since my daughter was about 6 months old--and
now that she is 13 mos and loves the "game"
of opening and closing door repeatedly-these have saved
alot of little fingers! I'm ordering more!"
- A new 44 year old mom from NY
More & Order Now
Finger Guards are simple to install, fit just about every
type of door, and will keep kids' (and adults!) doors safe
from getting jammed in the doors. We recommend one for every
door in the home children might use, and that you install
them higher up on the door where children can't reach them.
And as for adults, NCIPC researchers said those who use power
tools should follow all safety instructions and "use
good judgment to avoid exposing their fingers to direct contact
with these potentially hazardous devices."
The bottom line is the best way to avoid finger amputation
is to keep your wits about you when working with machinery,
knives or any appliance with moving or sharp parts. If you
become bored or too at ease while using a potentially dangerous
piece of equipment, such as a lawnmower or power tool, you'll
likely be less careful and that's when accidents tend to happen.
Staying alert and taking your time when using machinery are
the best ways to keep your fingers (and hands and limbs) safe.
Orbit March 7, 2005
Product Safety Alert
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons